
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Personal Mention in the Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

Personal Mention

Work on the highway near Buckner has been temporarily suspended during the bad weather. Taking advantage of this, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bryson are spending a few days in Franklin visiting relatives.


Mrs. James W. Shields of Chambersburg, Pa., is in franklin to spend some time with her son, Supervisor R.W. Shields of the Forest Service.


For a few days Bill Shepherd, the popular taxi driver, is liable to get in trouble for breaking the speed limit. It’s a nine-pound boy born January 28th.


Ranger T.W. Alexander is not only an expert in all matters pertaining to the Forestry Service but is equally adept in imparting this information to others. Recently he made a talk to the Science class at the High School on several phases of forest activities. The class was delighted with Mr. Alexander’s talk. The class is unanimous in its desire to have Mr. Alexander make other talks along the same line.


Beginning Monday, the 2nd of February, Miss Weever will meet her pupils at the Masonic Hall. Her schedule will be same as this fall until further notice.


Chief Coffey intends to immediately levy on all city property on which taxes have not been paid.


Mrs. R.H. Munger of Highlands died at a local hospital early Tuesday morning. She was brought to the hospital the night before suffering with meningitis. The best medical aid was unavailing.

From page 2 of The Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

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