
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Upper Tesenta News Items, Jan. 30, 1925

Upper Tesenta Items

We are all glad to know that Mr. John Brown is getting along nicely after his operation. We hope he will be well soon.

Mrs. W.H. Patterson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H.O. Penland at Scaley.

Mrs. Charlie Carpenter and children have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Maude Justice of Otto.

Messrs. Darran Russel and Mack McKinney of Highlands passed through this section Monday.

Mrs. M.A. Brown and granddaughter Nellie was the guest of Mrs. W.H. Patterson last Wednesday.

Misses Mae and Gertrude Patterson were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Brown’s Monday afternoon.

We are sorry to report Mrs. W.M. Ballow on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Keener were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Brown Sunday.

From page 2 of The Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

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