
Thursday, February 27, 2025

"Aunt Dinah" Lawson Burned to Death, Feb. 27, 1925

Blaze Gets Woman Over 100 Years Old. . . Dinah Lawson, Supposed to be 125 Years of Age, Burned in Mount Olive—Was Blind

Mount Olive, Feb. 27—A horrible accident occurred here this afternoon about 5 o’clock when Dinah Lawson, aged negro woman residing in the edge of town, was burned to death.

“Aunt Dinah,” as she was known, lived alone in an apartment and was said at the tie of the accident to have been sitting by a heater from which it is supposed that her clothing caught on fire and when found, her clothing was practically burned off of her and her body badly burned from her knees upward and life was extinct.

Pathos is added to the accident by reason of her advanced age. According to her story, and nobody here is old enough to know anything to the contrary, she was 125 years of age, probably the oldest person in North Carolina. She had been totally blind and practically helpless for about a year and was usually attended by a granddaughter who lived near her.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Feb. 28, 1925

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