
Friday, February 28, 2025

J.A. Blackwelder Pythian Master of Ceremonies, Feb. 28, 1925

Pythian Homecoming an Enjoyable Occasion

The Pythian Homecoming Friday night at the new club rooms of this order was enjoyed by a large number of members and their invited guests.

The musical selections by a number of the city’s artists were greatly enjoyed. The outstanding number of the entire program was the work of a “squaretette” which formed a humor episode, convulsing to the audience.

Speeches by local Pythians and by visitors were heard.

The program was as follows:

Opening Ode

Invocation—Rev. W.C. Lyerly

Address of Welcome—E.E. Peele, C.C.

Response—O.F. Adams, D.D.G.C.

Greetings from the Grand Lodge—O.Y. Love, G.K.R.S.

Piano Solo—Miss Dorothy Wolff

Solo—Mrs. H.G. Gibson

Duet—Mrs. H.G. Gibson and Sam Goodman

Observations of a Philosopher

Solo—Mrs. J.B. Womble

Male Squaretette—“Here’s to 51”—Tenors: Sam Badman and “Bob” Riddenhammer; basses: Bobby Boonsen and Clay Blackskelter.

Address by D.F. Giles, Grand Chancellor of North Carolina

Closing Remarks by B.W. Blackwelder, Past C.C.

Accompanist—Miss Dorothy Wolff and Mrs. I.I. Davis

Master of Ceremonies—J.A. Blackwelder

From page 2 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Feb. 28, 1925. You can learn about the Knights of Pythias, a nonsectarian fraternity, at “Our order bases its lessons and builds its ritual mainly on the familiar story of the friendship of Damon and Pythias. These historical characters lived about 400 years or more before the beginning of the Christian era. They members of school founded by Pythagoras, the father of Greek philosophy.”

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