
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tar Heels Among 6th Division Regulars Being Discharged at Petersburg, June 18, 1919

From the Wilson Daily Times, Wednesday, June 18, 1919

Tar Heels Among 6th Division Regulars

Petersburg, June 17—Something like 1,500 men of the 6th Division, United States regulars, who have seen overseas service, arrived at Camp Lee today from Camp Mills from which place they come by steamer to City Point. From the latter place they were transported by special train to the Lee Cantonment. These men who include a large number from North Carolina reached Camp Mills from France last Tuesday.

The mustering out of the 317th Field Artillery regiment of which is composed of North and South Carolina men, at Camp Lee was begun this morning.

Approximately 2,000 casuals at the Lee cantonment received this discharges yesterday and today. 

These men, among whom are a large number of North Carolinians, are being mustered out as rapidly as possible.

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