
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

End of the Road for French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville's Newspaper, July 31, 1919

From the editorial page of the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., July 31, 1919

Announcement by M.L. Shipman

With this issue of the paper my holdings in the French Broad Hustler, Inc., pass into the possession of Mr. N.M. Hollowell, secretary of the corporation and second largest stockholder in the company. I regret the apparent necessity for this action, for it seems like parting from my best friend.

I have held a long time hoping that a capable newspaper man, willing to accept permanent employment, might be secured to represent me at the home base in the conduct of the business. Have been fortunate in securing from time to time, but for brief periods, the services of some first-class newspaper men, and for the past three months no paper anywhere has been more favored in this respect than the Hustler. But the present arrangement is not permanent, and I realize that frequent changes in the personnel of the office has become a source of embarrassment. Prior to the call to service on foreign fields, newspaper men were generally available; since that time it has been practically impossible to locate a man worth while who could be interested in the business for any considerable length of time.

The condition recited alone prompts the action I am taking, which comes as a matter of necessity, rather than one of choice. For 12 years I have been spending my Saturday afternoons and evenings here in the preparation of the editorial and other matter for the paper, purely as a labor of love, and would have gladly continued the service if I could have counted on the cooperation of a competent man as a permanent fixture at the home office. But more inviting fields of endeavor open to them have finally upset my calculations and I feel impelled under the circumstances, to retire from the newspaper field in Hendersonville, since no time is allowed me for its development.

My successor needs no introduction to the readers of the Hustler. With the exception of two brief intervals, he has been connected with the paper in some capacity since 1908. Capable, reliable and energetic, he is well fitted for the task which he now voluntarily assumes. With the facilities incident to the production of a first-class newspaper at his command, he will doubtless meet the need for a bigger and better paper for the good of the county of Henderson and the progressive city of Hendersonville.

I bespeak for Mr. Hollowell the same generous support from the enterprising business and professional men of Hendersonville that has been accorded me during the 23 years of my connection with the Hustler. They all love—and will support—a booster, and I have never found any good reason to resort to any other practice since “opening shop” in the old State Bank of Commerce building during the time Mr. Bryan was running for president of the United States for the first time. I have a very high regard for the town and its high-class citizenship and shall continue to find pleasure in watching the rapid growth of the finest little city in North Carolina.

In conclusion, I want to say that this announcement need not be considered as my swan-song. I am not bidding Hendersonville goodbye. It is still my home and I am not ashamed to admit to the fact anywhere on earth. I have had no experience in writing valedictories and do not want any. Should the people of the State become indifferent to my services of a capable official the loss to North Carolina is most likely to result in a distinct gain for Hendersonville. Now, what d’ye think o’ that?

Reflecting on the Old Days in Hendersonville, July 31, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., July 31, 1919

Hustler Leaves But Will Be Remembered

People die and are forgotten—some of them. Newspapers die and are forgotten—some of them. The French Broad Hustler is about to die, for it has been sold. These are its last words, for even its name will be changed, but it will not be forgotten.

This paper was born in the mountains and came to Hendersonville many, many years ago. It came to Henderson quite different from the Hendersonville of today—a quiet, a beautiful village with a row of great trees down its always calm Main street, disturbed not by the discordant honking of many motor cars. A quaint and very small street car, drawn by a pair of sedate brown mules, ran from its owner’s home on Main street to the station. The fare was 5 cents, which you deposited in a box at the front end of the car, where it was under the driver’s eye. “Jim” Rickman was a leading merchant and “Old Jim” Waldrop sold real estate. His office was in a little brown building where they are now excavating for a new bank and the sign over the door read “Smith and Waldrop.” Captain toms was the village capitalist and the old Virginia House stood where now the million dollar bank has its home. Colonel S.V. Pickens was a familiar figure on streets less crowded than today and Dr. Few practiced his profession.

A crushed stone walk, not the easiest to travel, ran the length of Main street and when the town came to improve, long and serious was the discussion of the startling innovation. The school system—well, the school system was somewhat different from what it is today, and the board of trade, father of the present efficient organization, was working hard for the good of the town. The meetings were held in the commissioners’ room in the court house, and sometimes the lights would go out, and sometimes there would be but a very small handful of the faithful present, but always were there present “Jim” Waldrop and the other—W.A. Smith. And it seems that while Time has worked many changes here, has sent some on a journey and is responsible for many queer things, it seems that Time has touched “Bill” Smith most lightly of all. In those days there was the same vehemence, the same optimism, the same determination in this builder of Hendersonville that there is today. Some of these board of trade meetings were mighty interesting.

It was at one of these gatherings that the decision was reached to advertise Hendersonville. The work on the first town booklet was all done in the Hustler office and all of the boys were proud of that work. On the cover of that little booklet were two gates open. This was printed in gold. It suggested, it is needless to say, that the gates to Hendersonville, the gates of opportunity, were wide open. Yes, it was sure some nifty piece of job printing, not at all the same class with the new town booklets of many colors and wonderful pictures.

Well, it would be possible to go on and talk forever about that Hustler office of those days and that most beautiful village of those days. But ever since then, and before then for that matter, the Hustler has always been telling everyone just how fine a town its home town was and just how proud it was to live in such a town. Editorially and locally it has printed many miles of words of the good things to be found here, and of the other things it has printed but very few words, indeed. In this respect it is like Judge Pace—may his shadow never grow less and may he continue to preside as clerk of the Henderson County Superior court until that day comes when a new and much larger county court house will be required, which will be some little time. As to its politics—well, M.L. Shipman has always been editor of The Hustler. In the face of difficulties of which the outside world has had no conception. The Hustler has always kept the faith.

The devil says, and so many unwise suggestions come from the devil, that before the old Hustler dies he would like to see it tell the plain, unvarnished truth about some things. He says he would like to see a wedding written up as it should be—with the bridegroom played up in the headlines and the bride dismissed as an “also present.” But the devil is of an impetuous disposition with a love for flowers, as all who enter the Hustler office may see. For those struggling plants in an interesting variety of tin cans are the devil’s and even has he planted flowers alongside the building and facing an alley! But a devil is a devil, always. There was a devil in the old Hustler office, on Main Street in the building owned by Mrs. Forrest. The power there was a gasoline engine of uncertain temperament at best and the devil experimented with the engine and there was no paper for several days.

But this is about all the Merg will be able to stand. This, therefore, is the last issue of The Hustler with which M.L. Shipman and T.R. Barrows will be connected. They were connected with it years ago, went apart and came together for a few weeks pending this final change. Mr. Shipman is the Commissioner of Labor and Printing. Mr. Barrows will be connected with the paper in dim sort of way for awhile, when, sometime in the fall, probably, he will assume his duties as publicity man for the Asheville board of trade.

Local News From Alamance County, July 31, 1919

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 31, 1919

Local News

Graham is experiencing a shortage in sugar. Reports all along have indicated that sugar would be plentiful. Is somebody hoarding or is the fault with the refineries? An investigation is in order.

Lieut. W. Ross Freshwater was making his home here and was with the Graham Loan & Trust co. when he entered service about two years ago. He volunteered and went to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., where he won his commission as Lieutenant. A few months later he was detailed to go to Knoxville, Tenn., where he was military instructor for a few weeks. Then he went overseas and wears two bars on his sleeve, indicating two 6-month periods of overseas service. He also wears the decoration of “Expert Rifleman.” He got his discharge at Camp Lee, Va., on 19th inst., having landed a few days before. He is spending a few days with friends before going to Rock Hill, S.C., to engage in the wholesale grocery business with the former Colonel of his regiment. Lieut. Freshwater has lots of friends who will wish him all sorts of success.

The Bright Jewel band of Graham M.E. Church will meet next Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock.

Graham Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. J.J. Henderson at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 7th.

The Ladies’ Aid Society and Mission Study Class of Graham Christian Church will meet with Mrs. Jas. P. Harden on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 6th, at 3:30 o’clock.

Hon. A.M. Scales of Greensboro passed through Monday with his Sunday school class of 16 boys in three automobiles on their way to Morehead City to spend 10 days.

The young people of Graham gave a dance last Thursday night in the Graham Loan & Trust Co. building. Quite a number of out-of-town young people were present. The music was furnished by Franks’ Orchestra.

Mr. Robert L. Holmes returned Monday from Greensboro where he spent last week taking hospital treatment. The latter part of the week his condition was reported quite serious. He made rapid recovery, however, and is now at business as usual.

Mr. E.L. Henderson is very much improved and able to be out again.

Mrs. Charlie Jones is at Rainey Hospital for treatment.

The store and goods of Mr. W.P. Ireland were burned at Ossipee yesterday morning between midnight and day. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss is heavy as a large stock of goods was carried. There was $600 insurance on the building and $1,500 on the stock.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of Graham M.E. Church will hold their regular meeting next Monday evening at 8 o’clock. Instead of the study period, they will enjoy a social hour with their guests, the lady members of the church.

A large congregation attended the installation services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning, when Rev. E.N. Caldwell was formally installed pastor of the church. The sermon by Dr. Myers and the charge to the congregation by Hon. A.M. Scales, both of Greensboro, and the charge to the pastor by Dr. Shaw of Mebane were fine and enjoyed by the congregation. Mrs. M.C. Terrell of Burlington sang a solo that was very much enjoyed.

The 4th annual reunion of the Coble and allied families will be held on Wednesday, August 13th, at Coble’s church, located five miles north of Julian and 12 miles southeast of Greensboro. The principle address will be made by Hon. Robt. N. Page. A picnic dinner will be served and music will be furnished by a bass band for the occasion.

On Sunday afternoon, Aug. 3, at 3 o’clock the Sons and Daughters of Liberty will present the Graham Troop of Boy Scouts with a Troop Flag. The flag will be presented by Rev. J.R. Edwards and accepted by Mr. Lynn B. Williamson. The address will be delivered by Mr. J. Dolph Long. Everybody is invited to attend.

An organ recital will be given in Presbyterian church Friday evening, Aug. 1st, at 8 o’clock by Mrs. J.E. Watson, assisted by Mrs. W.E. White and Miss Minnie Long.

Building Notes

Mr. W.F.R. Clapp, North Maple Street, is putting the material on the ground to build an addition to his home, which will include a dining room, a bed room and other improvements.

Mr. J.B. Farrell, North Maple Street, is remodeling his home. A new porch, another room and a bath room are among the features to be added.

A big lot of grey brick has been put on the ground to be used in the construction of the Alamance Motor Company’s new garage.

A new front is being built to the store occupied by the Ladies’ Emporium, North Main Street.


Mrs. Lucinda Turner died at her home near Long’s Chapel on July 11th, aged 81 years, 6months and 16 days. She was the mother of John H. and Wm. J. Turner, two of the leading farmers in the McCray community. The remains were buried at McCray.

Mrs. Mattie L. Smith, wife of Mr. G.H. Smith of near Haw River, died at Alamance Hospital on July 24th, aged 42 years.

Mrs. Margaret S. Tillett, wife of Mr. Wilbur F. Tillett, died in Burlington July 27th, aged about 40 years. The remains were carried to Durham for burial. Her maiden name was Stanford and she was a sister of Mrs. Walter E. Walker of Burlington.

Mr. Hanson K. Hall, an aged citizen of Burlington, died Monday evening, aged about 89 years. His widow, two sons and a daughter survive him. Mr. Hall served as a Confederate soldier in the Civil War.

People and Events, French Broad Hustler, July 31, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., July 31, 1919

People and Events by Miss Mattie Stansel, Reporter

Lieut. Blanton Belk returned last week from overseas and will be with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. G.W. Belk for a while.

Edgar A. Livingston, who has been serving in the navy about two years, received his discharge from Norfolk, Va., and returned to his home at Fletcher a few days ago.

Little Edith Stamey was accidentally shot at her home in Brevard recently. She was brought to Patton Memorial Hospital for an operation and is reported as resting comfortably.

Mrs. J.B. Mercer of Wilmington is visiting Mrs. M.R. Allen.

Rev. George W. Belk has recently returned from his western trip.

J.P. Carter visited friends here recently enroute to Richton.

Dr. E.E. Bomar returned last Friday from Mars Hill.

Miss Kathrine Drane of Edenton is visiting Miss Alice Latham.

Miss Florence Blair of High Point was a guest of Misses Rosa and Lois Edwards recently.

Miss Eleanor Sargeant has returned from a visit to Miss Louise Brown at her summer home in Asheville.

Mrs. T.E. Cox, who has been visiting her mother, has returned to Jacksonville, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Jenkins of Louisville, Ky.,  have been guests of Mrs. A.H. Williams at Edgemont.

Miss Marcelle Babb of Spartan Inn, S.C., is a guest of Miss Anna Fay Keith on Seventh Avenue, east.

Miss Daisy Porcher of Asheville has been a recent guest of Miss Charlotte Drayton at Flat Rock.

Alfred Hubert of Charleston is with Mrs. J.M. McCullough at Flat Rock for an indefinite stay.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grimball of Charleston have taken a cottage at Highland Lake for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Berkley Grimball of Charleston are occupying their summer home at Flat Rock.

Miss Hannah Kantrowitz is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kantrowitz.

Miss Dora Patta of Charleston, who spends every somer here, is with Mrs. Bude on Toms’ Hill this season.

Mrs. Grady Justus and children are visiting her sisters, Misses Marie and Leona Lane, at Rugby.

Mrs. Charles Nichols of Asheville is with her sister, Mrs. Pender at Rugby for an indefinite stay.

John Hefner of Spartanburg has been visiting his father, Lee Hefner, at Rugby.

Will Wall of Spartanburg is making a stay of several weeks in this section.

Scot Coburn, who was so seriously hurt several weeks ago, is not expected to live.

Little Mary Louise Fuller is spending the summer with her grand-father C.M. Fuller and family.

Mrs. James Long has returned to Spartanburg after visiting friends in this section.

Mrs. Lawrence Long of Spartanburg is visiting her father, E.M. Youngblood at Fletcher.

Mrs. J.C. Morgan has come from her country home near town to her summer home on Flemming street.

Miss Mattie Kiser of St. George, S.C., is a guest of Mrs. Roy C. Bennett on Hyman Heights.

Harry V. Holmes, who spent his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Whitaker, has returned to Goldsboro.

Miss Sarah Miller is pianist and Miss Louise Browning is choir director in the Millers Browning meetings at Landrum, S.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Whitaker gave a motor party to Chimney Rock recently in honor of their guest, Harry V. Holmes of Goldsboro.

Little George Burroughs, son of Mrs. Donald M. Burroughs, at J.W. Garren’s fell from the porch and cut his head badly on a rock.

Joe Wilkie and daughters, Misses Anna and Mary, who have been with relatives at Fletcher, have returned to Summerton, S.C.

Misses Cora Livingston, who teaches at Tuxedo, and her sisters Bessie and Ruth from Fletcher, spent last Saturday with friends in town.

Miss Rose Lewis and brother A. Lewis, who have been to Boston, Mass., New York City, etc., buying goods, have come home.

Mr. and Mrs. H.T. McFall and family of Anderson, S.C., came last week for a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Alph.

Mrs. C.J. Valley’s guests of this week have been Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks and Miss Robert Williams of Greenville, S.C., all relatives of Mrs. Valley.

The week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Sargent at Laurel Park were R.L. Bowen and Frank Hart of Anderson, S.C.

Paul R. Vincent of Belle Rain, Iowa, who spent a week here with friends, has gone to Florida.

F.S. Wetmur had gone to Iowa for 10 days. He was accompanied by his son-in-law, J.S. Stackhouse.

Mrs. Wininger, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. F.S. Wetmur, for some time has gone to South Dakota to visit a daughter.

Mrs. S.W. Jarnagin and two children are at “Bed Briar,” the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W.M. McPheeters.

Miss Elizabeth Sossamon has accepted work in the office of Dr. Erskine Ehringhaus during the busy season.

C.M. Fuller has gone to Lumberton to look after business interests before going to St. Louis to purchase horses, mules, etc.

Miss Carson Horne has returned from a motor trip to Wadesboro where she visited her brother and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Ives, accompanied by Mrs. Wood, arrived at their summer home on Mt. Hebron Drive last week.

Rev. W.N. Flanders is expecting to return to Kernsville, Texas, this week. He will be accompanied by Dr. Walker on Sixth avenue.

Miss Hattie Livingstone has returned to Fletcher after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Flynn. Miss Livingstone is preparing to teach near Fletcher.

Mrs. M.F. Moores and children, MIldred, Lois and Martha, have gone to Asheville to visit the former’s mother. Before returning home, they will spend awhile at Concord and Statesville.

Capt. and Mrs. Charles H. Drayton, with their little son Charles, of Charleston, are with the former’s mother, Mrs. C.H. Drayton at Flat Rock for the summer.

Mrs. A.E. Sample’s only brother, Rev. J.F. Cannon, D.D., who was one of the speakers at the Montreat Missionary Conference, spent a few days here with Mrs. Sample before returning to St. Louis, Mo.

Under the auspices of the Parish Aid Society of Flat Rock, a Bridge party was given at Parsonfields recently for the benefit of Baley hospital at Saluda. The amount realized was $15.

Mrs. Robert Fletcher, who has been visiting the family of J.A. Fletcher for several weeks, has returned to Durham with her father, Mrs. Snyder.

Sam Fitzsimmons of Charleston is visiting his father at Flat Rock.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hart and son, who have been with Mr. Hart’s mother, Mrs. A.E. Hart, motored to their home at High Point last week. They expect to return.

Rev. F.D. Hunt, a Presbyterian evangelist who once lived here, spent several days with friends here last week. Rev. Mr. Hunt was en route of Snowville, Va., to see relatives.

At Highland Lake Inn Wednesday evening, July 30, at 8:30 o’clock, the Parish Aid Society of Flat Rock gave a tableaux followed by dancing in costumes. The proceeds will be used for the baby Hospital at Saluda.

Mrs. S.M. Howard is having a family reunion. Mrs. Mattie Goodspeed and son, Fred, from Clinton, Iowa; Mrs. F.A. Thompson and two children from Stearns, Ky., will stay until September. Miss Josephine Howard of Charlotte comes Sunday for a two-week’s stay. Lawrence Howard with Supt. Howard and family of Asheville were here last week for a brief stay.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Soldier Charles Barnes Died at Asheville Government Hospital, July 30, 1919

From The Wilson Daily News, July 30, 1919

Colored Soldier Dies

The remains of Charles Barnes, son of the late Wes Barnes, were brought to Wilson for interment and the funeral will be held from the home on Daniel street tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock by Rev. Coward, pastor of the Methodist church, colored.

The deceased was drafted and sent to Camp Grant. He spent several months overseas in the service of his country. He was returned and sent to the government hospital at Asheville, where he died Monday morning, the remains reaching Wilson this morning.

Returning Troops Include Famous Marine Regiment, July 30, 1919

From The Wilson Daily News, July 30, 1919

16,000 Devil Dogs Now on Way Home. . . Famous Marine Regiment That Fought at Chateau-Thierry and in Argonne Sail from Brest

Washington, July 28—Announcement was made tonight that the vanguard of the famous second division of regulars, including 16,000 marines, has sailed from Brest for the United States. Included among these are the marines who fought in the Verdun sector, at Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Champaign (Blanc Mont) the Meuse Argonne offensive and who marched to the Rhine with the American army of occupation.

Four transports with nearly 8,000 marines sailed from Brest on Saturday, and are due to arrive in New York between August 3 and 5th. Another transport leaves tomorrow and a sixth on Tuesday, both bearing Marines.

Editorial on Home Celebrations for Returning Soldiers, July 28, 1919

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, July 28, 1919

The North Carolina communities that have given welcome home celebrations for soldiers have included the colored boys of course. But we have yet to hear of an incident that was not to the credit of the people of both races at any of these celebrations. North Carolina colored soldiers have returned from the camps or war and gone to work. They are no causing any trouble. They are behaving like men.


Catawba county people will not forget to make preparations to attend the big county welcome to young and old veterans at Newton on Thursday, August 14. There is every reason to believe that it will exceed in interest any gathering of the kind ever held in the county seat and those who are absent will regret it.

Chicago Calmer After Race Riot, Troops Not Needed, July 30, 1919

From The Wilson Daily News, July 30, 1919

Races Battle All Night In Chicago While 8,000 Troops Polished Their Bayonets and Filled Cartridge Belts Waiting for Orders Which Never Came From City Government. . . Two More Added to Death Toll

Chicago, July 30—Comparative calm prevailed this morning in the race riot district of this city. With the exception of sporadic outbursts in various parts of the city comparative quiet prevails. The officers were compelled to shoot only one and that was when a negro resisted arrest when an attempt to search him was made.

Governor Lesden (Lowden later in story) and other city officials were encouraged by the diminishing evidences of the mob spirit. Although every State militiaman was in the city, none of them were called out, the police believing all the while they were able to cope with the situation.

To date 27 deaths have occurred, while the number of casualties are merely speculative, so numerous are they. The greatest casualties at any one place occurred last night at State Street and 35th, where an automobile crash and street fights occurred.

The authorities report two deaths  last night and both of them negroes, one of these in the Italian quarter on the west side named Ira Henry, aged 40, who was shot and killed when he wounded one of two policemen who were searching him for weapons.

In other instances whites and negroes were either engaged in knife duels or shot at each other from alley ways or secluded places, or ran them down as they emerged from their hiding places.
Some stores were looted in the South side black belt and small fires occurred.

One negro was added to the list of deaths from injuries. Berger Oldman, a white man aged 32 employed by a telephone company, was shot in the abdomen last night and died this morning.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Stay in School, Says Editor of Hickory Daily Record, July 28, 1919

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, July 28, 1919

Attend School

The schools and colleges will open for the fall term within a few weeks and thousands of parents are interested. Probably some of them are considering whether it might not be just as well to permit a boy who holds a vacation job to continue at work. The cost of living is high and maybe the boy likes work better than he does school. That does not seem to be unnatural.

A young man who had finished the seventh grade applied for a position in a near-by town the other day. He happened to be a good boy and could have made the plant a valuable boy. There was no opening for him because he did not have enough education.

The employer who told the Record about this urged the necessity of boys attending school be stressed. The Record gladly does this. From a financial standpoint, it pays to go to school. A boy with a good head who completes high school or college, providing he has character, is bound to be a success.

And yet we fancy that there is more pure enjoyment in a sort of understanding of things in life than there is in the possession of great wealth.

One can never learn too much, and the boy or girl who overlooks this opportunity to attend school this fall will toss away golden hours.

Third Division of U.S. Army Coming Home Next Month, July 28, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, July 28, 1919

Third Division to Return in August

By the Associated Press

Coblenz, July 28—The third division of the American army has been ordered home from the occupied area of Germany. It will begin entraining for Brest August 5.

The big guns of the third division which were instrumental in stopping the Germans on the Marne a year ago will be shipped on barges down the Rhine to Rotterdam and thence to the United States.
The movement of the third division to the port of embarkation is expected to require a week.

Expenditures for Schools, Streets, Water Top Hickory's Annual Budget, July 28, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, July 28, 1919. The city’s sinking fund was a small amount of money set aside in case of emergency.

Budget Adopted for Year in Hickory

With an estimated income of $101,152.16 for the current fiscal year, city council has made out a budget for the departments of government. Seven per cent of the income is set aside for bonds and sinking fund, a total of $7,957.61, and the remainder is apportioned among the several departments. Schools receive the largest amount and streets come second. The appropriations by departments is as follows:

Graded Schools--$32,110
Water--$18,612,000 (that’s what was printed but it probably was $18,612)

Local and Personal News from Hickory, July 28, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, July 28, 1919

Local and Personal

Mrs. D.J. Suttlemyre has returned home from the Richard Baker hospital where she underwent a very serious operation, and is very much improved.

The condition of Mr. M.C. Baldwin, proprietor of the Chero-Cola bottling plant, was some better today Mr. Baldwin, who is suffering from malarial fever, has been seriously ill. For two days his fever has not risen in the afternoon, and it is hoped he will be able to sit up in a few days.

Work will begin in a few days on the South School auditorium and four extra class rooms. The contract is expected to be completed by early fall. Moser, Bumgarner & Abee will do the work, their bid being $25,522. The auditorium for this school has been agitated for several years and patrons of this school will be glad to know that it will soon be a reality.

Rev. Lee A. Peeler, pastor of Grace Reformed church, has been granted a vacation by his congregation.

Mrs. C.M. McCorkle has just received a wireless from her husband, Lieutenant C.M. McCorkle, stating that he was about half way across the Atlantic on his way home and expected to land about Wednesday.

The Hickory canteen needs money and supplies. It has a month yet to serve the soldiers and all the help given will be appreciated.

Miss Katherine Clement, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. H.L. Clement, for the past week left this morning for a visit to Asheville, Lake Junaluska and Morganton.

Catawba Lodge, No 54, K. of P. will meet tomorrow night at 8 o’clock for the installation of the new officers and for the transaction of unfinished business carried over from last Thursday night.

Mr. Robert Moss of Durham is spending several days in the city.

Mr. Julius Hallyburnton of Morganton spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. M.T. Setzer. He has just returned from overseas.

Mr. J.D. Williams of Greensboro, a former citizen of Hickory, is spending a week with his brother, Mr. J.C. Williams. Mrs. J.D. Williams and little daughter have gone to Lake Junaluska, where they will spend some time.

Mr. J.B. Ashe has accepted a position at Blowing Rock.

Miss Minnie Berry has returned from a visit to Charlotte.

Mr. P.T. Fennell and son, Edward, are visiting relatives in Savanna, Ga.

Mrs. J.E. Funderburk and little daughter Louise are spending several weeks with Mrs. J.A. Sellers.

Miss Jean Rich has returned to her home in DuBois, Pa., after spending a week with Miss Neva Edmisten.

Miss Nettie Burns has gone to Fayetteville where she will visit before joining a party on a trip to Wilmington.

Misses Essie Peeler and Lucile Deal have returned from a two week’s visit to Concord, Charlotte and Salisbury.

Miss Jennie Long of Charlotte is spending several days with Miss Lula Frye on her way home from Chimney Rock.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Weathersbee of Walliston, S.C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Loy Bolick at their home on Thirteenth avenue.

Mrs. J. Frank Harbin and little daughter, Frankie, of Statesville, were the guests of the week end of Miss Flossie Smith.

Mrs. W.O. Worsley and little daughter, Martha, of Charlotte, are guests of Mrs. Worsley’s mother, Mrs. M.A. Bost.

Miss Winnie Griffin has returned from a visit to Concord. She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Hendrix.

Misses Eunice Smith and Minnie May Casey of Anderson, S.C., re visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hammond.

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reinhart have returned to their home in Winston-Salem, after a week’s visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Reinhart.

Misses Jessie Gray Boggs and Susie Myers of Thomasville will arrived tomorrow morning to be the guests of Miss Katherine Allen.

Mrs. W.H. Edmisten left today for Asheville to visit Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Edmisten. The friends of Mrs. R.H. Edmisten will be glad to know that she is improving after an operation at an Asheville hospital.

It was a day of great pleasure yesterday for Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilfong, who live at the well known “rock house” about five miles south of Hickory. It was the birthday of Mrs. Wilfong and the children came in and brought well filled baskets and a dinner was spread under the famous oak tree in the yard on a table that had been specially prepared for the occasion. The table almost groaned under the load, but not so after those present assembled around it for sometime. Only the immediate family and relatives were present. Those of the children with their families were Mr. and Mrs. S.L. Whitener and children; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfong Tate and child; Mr. and Mrs. John Tate and children of Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hawn and children of Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitener and children; Mr. and Mrs. O.K. White of Asheville; Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlyle Wilfong and son; and Mr. R. Wilfong. Also Mr. and Mrs. Whisenhunt and two sons of Granite Falls; Mrs. R.L. Shuford, Mr. Quince Wilfong, Rev. and Mrs. H.A. Festerman; Rev. W.W. Rowe and son; Mr. Johnson of Granite Falls. Later other friends and relatives came to pay their respects and congratulate Mrs. Wilfong upon the occasion. All wish for Mrs. Wilfong many more birthdays and occasions of this kind.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Women Respond to Writer Who Said Women Should Get the Vote, July 25, 1919

From the front page of the Brevard News, July 25, 1919. Two women respond to Bohancus’ article explaining women shouldn’t get the vote, in this blog July 19, 1919, “Foolishness of Suffragettes and Why Women Shouldn’t Want to Vote.”

Bohancus Still Subject of Argument

Editor Brevard News:

You will please allow a constant reader of your valuable paper a few words on the subject of woman suffrage.

I agree with our congenial but misguided friend that he has the right to hide behind the name Bohancus. Such a name serves well the purpose for which it was adopted.

The writer who assumes this high-sounding name makes quite a number of statements but fails absolutely to produce any well-founded argument against woman suffrage. He tries to scare us with the statement that we must contend with a crowd of drunken women at the polls, if women are allowed to vote. This statement hardly deserves an answer. Our women do not drink themselves drunk. We fail to see how the mere casting of a ballot should be so demoralizing in its influence as to produce such an undesirable condition.

“Man will not respect the woman who votes” is a note upon which Bohancus delights to dwell. When confronted with the question “Why will men not respect women who vote” he makes this brilliant answer, “For the same reason a rooster flogs an old hen for crowing.” This is a fair sample of his argument. Now Bohancus, I believe you have admitted that women are just as intelligent as men and that they are just as much interested in the public welfare. Having admitted that they know, fully as well as men, how to crow and when to crow, why not cast aside your selfish aristocratic, rooster-like disposition and let ‘em crow? Yes Bohancus, there are some good women who are opposed to equal suffrage. We may always expect to find a few who are reluctant to leave the well beaten path no matter how sound the reason for making a change. Millions of good women are already voting, not many hears hence millions more will be doing likewise.

“Be not the first by which the new is tried,
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.”


Club Woman Writes Again

Editor Brevard News:

It is not the proverbial desire of the woman to have the last word that prompts me to once more tax your patience and that of your probably over weary readers. But there is one part of Bohancus’ latest letter to which it seems right to refer, because his inference is, in a sense, misleading and failure to reply might, in some minds, be accepted as an admission that his argument (if one can call it that) is unanswerable.

In the main, Bohancus’ letter is simply a re-statement of his former one, and a little more added to it. He answers some questions, evades some, and gives us his opinion on certain questions. New, shurely, we must all concede his right to his opinions, even as we cheerfully concede his right to use any pen name that he considers appropriate and melodious.

If, for instance, Bohancus is firmly convinced that his sex in general is possessed of the same degree of reasoning ability, and the same sense of logic that are commonly attributed to roosters, he has an inalienable right to think so. We can not all agree with him, but it is no business of ours if that is his opinion. And if, after explicitly stating that there is no logical connection between poodles and ballots, he does still connect them as he assures us he does, why that also, is no business of any one but himself. He is similarly entitled to hold all the other opinions expressed in his letter. In so far as Bohancus’ personal opinions go, they are his own concern, and why discuss them in public? When, however, a man states his opinion and lays it down as a fact, that is a different matter. When Bohancus says, “Give them the ballot and men lose respect for them,” he is stating something as a fact when in truth it is noting but his individual conviction. There are at present only six states in the Union where women have no vote whatever. In our own southland in six states, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana, women have either primary suffrage, municipal suffrage in charter towns, or vote upon educational questions, issue of school bonds, etc. And the women vote too, as the politicians have learned. According to Bohancus then, there are only six states in the Union where the men respect their wives, mothers, and sisters!

But the main point which calls forth this reply is his reference to those suffragettes, who for lawlessness and bad behavior have been dealt with by the law.

May I remind your readers that the number of women who have been engaged in these wild and silly demonstrations is small, exceedingly small in proportion to the total population of women in America. Allowing, for the sake of argument, that there have been 1,000 of them (tho the number is nothing like as large) and comparing that with the number of women in the United States, we find that less than one woman in 25,000 has been guilty of lawless behavior in the interests of equal suffrage. And in the south I do not know of one single instance of such behavior. The overwhelming majority of suffragists disapprove of violence and disregard of the law, and thru their National Association, they oppose militant methods, both by example and precept. It is no more fair to hold the great body of American women who advocate equal suffrage responsible for the acts of the small number in Washington to whom Bohancus refers, than to withhold respect from the men in North Carolina because the I.W.W. in the West were outrageously lawless. And certainly American women have no more to do with silly and turbulent English suffragettes, than American men have to do with the Bolsheviki in Russia. In closing, may I remark that while most of the women, like Bohancus himself have not consulted the drunken “galoots” as to what they think of equal suffrage, we quote the following from an article by Chief Justice Walter Clark of this state as an authority for the statement that this class of citizens are opposed to it.

“The fight against suffrage for women, has been financed, organized, and kept on foot by the liquor interests. This has been shown by legal and legislative investigation, and by proofs too well known to be detailed here. While we have prohibition in North Carolina, there is a large element who are making profit out of its violation and too many officials who are lax in the enforcement of the law. These well know that if women vote, the prohibition law will be more effective.” And he again says, “It is significant that all the whiskey drinkers and gamblers, the vicious and the immoral element are opposed. And invariably this is true of every office holder who has a rotten record, tho the women pay part of the salary.”

Perhaps Judge Clark’s statements can be disproved, but until they are, most people will accept them as true.
--Club Woman

Business News from North Carolina, July 27, 1919

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 27, 1919

Shelby Textile Works

Shelby, N.C., July 26—Work along textile lines are on the increase here. The Shelby Cotton Mills are building an addition to their already large plant, which will enable them to add 80 looms and 5,000 spindles. All of this machinery has been purchased and will be installed as soon as the additional building is completed.

A new cotton milling company has just been incorporated, which has taken the name of the Double Shoals Manufacturing Company. The capital stock pretty much all of which has been subscribed, is $200,000. The organization of the company will be completed next week.

Big Lumber Mills Going Up

Sanford, N.C., July 26—Warren Williams and E.R. Buchanan, of this place, are erecting sawmills and planning mills at Parkewood in Moore County, where 400 acres of pine lumber lands have been acquired. The plant, to be established at once, will have a daily capacity of 300,000 feet of lumber.

Meeting Demand for Building Material

Charlotte, N.C., July 26—The Carolina Shale Brick Company, incorporating here with $20,000 capital stock, proposes to establish extensive brick and tilemaking yards, it being found necessary to meet the building demands of the hour and the future for more and larger brickmaking plants to get busy. The new company will have its yards in operation in the next 30 days.

Notes of North Carolina Business Development

The Bank of Lexington has increased its capital stock from $50,000 to $100,000.

N.J. Rouse and associates will erect two cotton gins at Hines’ Junction, installing a 70-saw gin in each.

The Peoples’ Bank has been chartered at Sanford, the incorporators being capitalists of Sanford and Cumnock.

The Pitt-Harris Furniture Company, capital stock $50,000, has been incorporated to do business at Rocky Mount.

A company is being organized with $250,000 capital stock to manufacture automobile tire products at Salisbury.

The Turner Mills Company are soon to build an additional cotton mill at their large plant at Monbo, which is to be equipped with 10,000 spindles.

The High Point Hosiery Mills are building another mill at High Point, which will nearly double the capacity of the present plant.

The American Trust Company of Charlotte has increased its capital stock from $1 million to $1.5 million.

Definite plans have been announced for the Roanoke Mills Company’s proposed addition at Roanoke Rapids. Capital will be increased by $500,000 and a building will be erected for equipment with 658 looms.

A 250 by 100-foot cotton-waste mill and a 400 by 100-foot warehouse will be erected by the American Metal and Waste Company, Bessemer City.

Capital has been increased from $100,000 to $200,000 by the Springfield Cotton Mills at Laurinburg.

C.E. Neisler of the Pauline Mills, Kings Mountain, plans to build another cotton factory at that place.

We Should Set Good Example to Rest of Humanity, Editorial, July 27, 1919

From the editorial page of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 27, 1919

We of the United States know better, but news of fatal and long-continued race riots in Washington, daily lynchings in the south and labor troubles on every hand must give Berlin, Vienna, Petrograd and other turbulent foreign capitals the impression that, after all, conditions which depress them are not so much worse than those which exist in the home of the free. If ever this republic should set a good example to the rest of humanity, that time is now, but as a leader to the world it is falling down on its job most lamentably.

The Week at Home, July 27, 1919

From the New York Tribune, Sunday, July 27, 1919

The Week At Home

Washington was swept by race riots in which several were killed, both among the blacks and whites, and many more were shot. Rioting started from charges that negroes were assaulting white women. Returned soldiers and sailors attacked the blacks and the blacks swept through the streets in automobiles, firing indiscriminately. Troops were called out. There was fighting in all sections of the city and it was feared it would be necessary to put Washington under martial law.

President Wilson issued a statement saying the report that he was the author of the Shantung section of the treaty was altogether false. Some of the Republican leaders proposed to amend the treaty so as to strike out the Shantung section, while the feeling in favor of reservations on the league of nations covenant was strengthened rather than weakened.

President Wilson returned from his week end at sea, suffering from an attack of acute dysentery, and it was thought possible his western trip might have to be delayed.

Secretary Lansing returned from Paris after nearly eight months abroad as one of the American peace delegation. He denied the reports that he intended to resign from the cabinet.

Ambassador Fletcher told the Rules Committee of the House of Representatives that since 1917 about 50 Americans had been killed or outraged in Mexico without a single arrest of conviction having followed. Senator Fall of New Mexico told the Senate that Carranzistas as well as Villistas had been concerned in the border fighting of the last six months. Mrs. John W. Correll and her son arrived in New York with the story of how Correll had been killed by Mexicans, Jun 16, on his ranch near Tampico.

The House passed the prohibition enforcement bill by a vote of 287 to 100. The bill permits keeping liquor in the home and giving it to guests.

Senator Kenyon of Iowa charged that the packers have started “the most tremendous propaganda ever instituted in the country” in order to defeat government regulation of the packing industry. The Anthracite Consumers’ League warned the Senate that food prices must drop or the price of coal would go up. Quartermaster General Rogers told a Congressional committee that pressure on the War 

Department by the National Canners’ Association was the reason for withholding from the market $23 million worth of canned vegetables no longer needed by the army.

Secretary Baker told the House Military Affairs Committee that a hurried cut in the size of the army would be dangerous, and sought to place on Congress the blame for too rapid demobilization by withholding the necessary appropriations to support an adequate army. Military, naval and commercial aeronautic experts recommend the establishment of an air ministry as a separate division of the Cabinet.

As a witness in his million dollar libel suit against The Chicago Tribune, Henry Ford said he had once planned to have his publicity manager rewrite the Bible in “plain, modern English.” He said he could read, but not fast, and objected to reading aloud because he was bothered by hay fever.

The Zionist organization of America says great numbers of Jews are planning a migration to Palestine as soon as the political status of the country is established. Nathan Straus wants to be the first Mayor of Jerusalem.

The Lusk committee discovered that Bolshevik leaders here planned a “Red Guard” composed of former members of the United State army. Several hundred soldiers were said to have expressed willingness to join the “Red Guard.”

At Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks, 2,200 military prisoners mutinied.

With 250 vessels tied up in the port of New York and 14,000 seamen idle, the steamship owners refused to make any concessions to the seamen’s union. The owners said the strike was breaking and many of the men were returning to work.

A dirigible balloon sailing over the Chicago business district caught fire and fell through the skylight of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank. Ten persons were killed and 25 injured. Most of the dead were employes of the bank.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

First Tri-County Club Encampment for Boys and Girls to Be Held at Chowan College, July, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., July 25, 1919. This would be a forerunner for 4-H Camp.

All Arrangements Completed for Tri-County Club Encampment

All is in readiness for the Tri-County Encampment, which will be held in Murfreesboro, at Chowan College, beginning July 28th and lasting through August 2nd. Many prominent speakers and lecturers have been added to the program. Hon. John H. Small, Congressman from the first Congressional District, has accepted an invitation to deliver an address to the boys and girls either on Wednesday or Thursday.

All residents of the three counties—Bertie, Northampton and Hertford—are invited to attend the Tri-County Encampment.

The County and Home Demonstration Agents in charge of the Tri-County Boys and Girls Encampment extend a cordial invitation to all residents of the three counties to visit the encampment whenever convenient and see the work that will be carried on with the young folks and to enjoy the entertainments that will be given each night by the boys and girls.

Individual Rations

Flour—5 pounds (prepared)
Meal—2 pounds
Irish potatoes—one dozen
Eggs—one dozen
One live chicken
Small package of salt and pepper
One can of any kind of vegetable
One can of any kind of fruit
One cup coffee (ground) or tea
One glass of jam or jelly
One bottle of pickles or olives or pimento

If possible bring one cabbage, one dozen half ripe tomatoes, one pint of butter beans—they will add to your pleasure.

In case you want to make any substitutes for the above there will be no objections.

The first meal will be served on Monday night, July 28, and the last meal Saturday morning, August 2.

Articles for Boys

One drinking cup one tin plate, one fork, one knife, one spoon, one blanket or comforter, two towels, soap, tooth brush and paste, comb, one extra work suit or pair of overalls, tennis shoes and athletic goods you may have.

Articles for Girls

Drinking cup, toilet articles, one sheet, one pillow case, a blanket or counterpane, towels, comb and brush, tooth brush and paste, work apron, tennis or low-heeled shoes, one work dress and any athletic equipment you may have.

The boys will use tents on the campus and the girls will occupy the college dormitory. The boys will do their own cooking on campus, while the girls will use the college kitchen and dining hall.

State To Enforce Sanitary Privy Law, July 25, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., July 25, 1919

State Department of Health Will Enforce Sanitary Privy Law

In a session lasting two days the North Carolina State Board of Health tackled the biggest problem created by legislation enacted by the last General Assembly and worked out plans and detailed specifications for the installation and maintenance of sanitary closets in all urban and semi-urban communities in the State.

This measure providing for the proper disposal of sewage is considered the biggest undertaking yet attempted by the State Health authorities. Communicable disease are spread through three sources: secretions of the mouth and nose; the mosquito; human excretion. In attacking this last named source of disease, which is responsible for the spread of typhoid fever and the various diarrheal diseases, North Carolina is setting a pace that is attracting attention from all sections of the country.

The act of the legislature provides for the installation and maintenance of an approved method of sewage disposal in all homes and places of business located within 300 yards of another, this being considered the fly range and being recognized as the chief agents of typhoid fever and the allied diseases. The members of the board adopted the necessary rules and regulations to carry into effect the provision of the law.

Under the regulations a number of types of disposable systems where water sewerage is not available are provided. The pit privy of approved design is permitted, or any one of a number of systems which are manufactured for the market. The full plans and specifications will appear in the current issue of the Health Bulletin, which will be mailed upon request to the state health officer at Raleigh.

Local News From Hertford County, July 25, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., July 25, 1919

Local News of General Interest

Watermelons have been placed on the local market, at prices ranging from 40 cents to one dollar.

The streets of Ahoskie appear more nearly to be a portion of stock yards. The town is always full of hogs and there is apparently no effort being made to enforce the law against their prevalence on the streets.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Copeland a baby boy.

Mrs. J.B. Shamblee of Route 4 died on Sunday after suffering for many months with cancer. She was buried in the family cemetery Monday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. James A. Long of Aulander. She leaves a husband, several children, and grandchildren.

Miss Mary Newsome is spending some time in Norfolk with her aunt.

Dr. Sawyer of Windsor was in Ahoskie his allotted days this week.

Mr. V. Hartling of Ohio was in town several days this week on business.

Jim Sessoms of Sessoms’ Garage was in Kinston and Greenville this week on business.

Fitz Roberson of Port Norfolk, Va., was the guest of friends in Ahoskie Monday of this week.

Miss Maybelle Barnhill of Robersonville is the guest of Miss Iola Wooten at the Manhatten Hotel.

Miss Bettie Williams Tayloe of the Union section was the guest of Miss Doris Jenkins several days last week.

Audrey Newsome left last Saturday morning for New Bern and Wrightsville Beach for a 10-days house party.

Lloyd Turnley of Washigton, D.C., was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. Roy Parker, for several days this week.

Doc Sessoms, formerly of the U.S. Army, is now with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Sessoms near Powellsville.

Two young boys of Ahoskie were each fined two dollars here Monday as the result of scrap over a crap game.

Misses Mary Glen and Marjorie Smith entertained last Friday night in honor of their house guests from Powellsville.

Cyrus Bazemore is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Willie Newsome. Cyrus made many friends last session while here in school.

Rev. Collins of the Baptist Church is rapidly improving, and is able to walk around. He will probably take charge of his churches in another week.

Mr. D.E. Greene, who spent several weeks here with relatives, has gone to his former home in Ilion, N.Y., where he is engaged in the mercantile business.

Peyton Holloman of Washington, N.C., spent the past week end with relatives here, returning to his home on Sunday. He was enroute from Atlantic City, N.J., where he has been spending his summer vacation.


Vernon Garrett, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Garrett of this place and Miss Sallie Vaughan, daughter of Mrs. Nancie I. Vaughan, also of this city, were married at the home of Rev. J.J. Barker, pastor of the groom, last Sunday morning about 4 o’clock. The young couple left on the 5 o’clock Coast Line train for Norfolk, where they boarded the boat for a two week’s trip to the northern cities.

They were accompanied as far as Norfolk by Mr. V.D. Strickland and Miss Mary Barker.

Upon their return, they will make their home in Ahoskie, where the groom is actively associated in the life insurance business.


Richmond, Va., July 17—This morning at 11 o’clock a wedding of much interest was quietly celebrated in St. Pauls Episcopal church when Miss Gertrude Bass, formerly of North Carolina, but now of Richmond, was united in marriage to Captain Richard Williams, United States Army, and a son of Bishop Williams of Washington. The ceremony was witnessed by only the two immediate families and was performed by Dr. Walter Russell Bowie, assisted by the Rev. Henry Bachelor, who has just returned from overseas service. The groom’s best man was the Rev. Churchill Gibson Jr. of Lexington, a son of the late Bishop Gibson of Richmond. Although a quiet affair, the marriage is of much interest to fashionable society all over Virginia, and Washington. Captain Williams who has recently returned to this country after active service in France, was stationed at Camp Lee with the 80th Division for a number of months.
--Richmond News Leader

Powellsville News

On account of the continuous rain the Community Club could not hold its regular meeting last week. We hope to soon have another meeting.

Singing school is being conducted at the Baptist Church this week for the young people.

We are sorry to note the illness of Mrs. H.C. Waters from an attack of malaria.

Misses Elizabeth Ruffin and Gladys Jordan were the week end guests of Miss Mary Glen Smith of Ahoskie.

Miss Maude Mizelle, of Thomaville, visited her sister, Mrs. J.C. Britton at few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Harrell of Newport News, Va., are visiting relatives in town this week.

Mr. John Keeter and Miss Ruth Sullenger were guests of Miss Hattie Tayloe last Wednesday.

The young boys of this place seem to be taking advantage of the chicken stews that are now the vogue in this section.

Miss Lucie Tayloe is visiting friends in Merry Hill.

Miss J.E. Storey of Norfolk visited her father, J.E. Wynns, last week.

Misses Ruth and Helen Smith, Virginia Rhea, Lucie Tayloe, and Mr. Billie Smith of Merry Hill passed through town Wednesday enroute to Handsome, Va., to spend a few days in the home of Dr. E.L. Crumpler.

Mrs. W.P. Brown of Ahoskie spent the week end with Mrs. Nannie Stokes.

Mr. Earl Smith spent last Wednesday in the home of J.M. Harrell.

Mrs. Jim Cowan and children spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Lou Myers of Ashewville.

Dr. J.B. Ruffin went to Norfolk Monday.

Ahoskie Building Boom, July 24, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., July 25, 1919

Ahoskie Building Boom. . . Contract Has Been Awarded for Construction of a Business Block. . . Many Residents to be Constructed

It is reported that the contract has been let to local contractors for the erection of several brick business houses on Main Street, adjoining the Geo. J. Newbern and Co.’s garage. This choice property, belonging to J.D. Sessoms, will be entirely covered with brick business structures, thus linking up the remainder of that block into a solid brick business structure.

The trustees of the Ahoskie Baptist Church have also let the contract for a handsome two-story residence to be built on the site formerly occupied by the parsonage, near the church building. Material is being placed on the grounds for this building. Mr. Herring of Winton has the contract for the construction of this building, which will contain about nine rooms, and will be constructed at an approximate cost of $7,500.

Work has also been planned for the earl construction of a “Dutch Bungalow” on West Church Street, which will be owned and occupied by R.B. Taylor, of the local peanut factory. Local contractors are also busy at work on residences for Messrs. S.F. Bwers (that’s what was written), who will move his family to Ahoskie during the month of September; and Jesse W. Johnson, whose home in East Ahoskie is almost completed and ready for occupancy.

The new tobacco warehouse is now nearing completion, and but for the heavy rains of the past two weeks would have been ready for occupancy. The roof has been almost completed and the floor is now being laid just as fast as the carpenters can get the roof on.

There are reports of several other residence buildings soon to be erected in Ahoskie, and altogether, the slogan of the Department of Labor—“Build now; Own your own Home”—is being carried out to the letter in this thriving city.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pvt. Julius Lankford of Swepsonville Awarded Distinguished Service Cross, July 24, 1919

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919

Service Cross for Swepsonville Boy

The Commander in chief, in the name of the President, has awarded the Distinguished Service Cross to Private Julius A. Lankford (A.S. No. 1319446) Company A, 120th Infantry, for extraordinary heroism in action near St. Souplet, France, October 17-19, 1918. Being a company runner he displayed marked bravery, repeatedly crossing heavily shelled areas and exposing himself to machine-gun fire to deliver important messages enabling his company to maintain adequate liaison.

Home address: John J. Lankford (Father), Swepsonville, N.C.

Miss Rogers Weds Henry Ellison of Charleston, S.C., July 23, 1919

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919

Colored Couple Had Church Wedding Yesterday Morning

Yesterday morning, July 23rd, at 9 o’clock at the colored Presbyterian church in Graham, Henry S. Ellison of Charleston, S.C., and Maggie Belle Rogers, daughter of W. Alex. and Belle Rogers, were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. P.J. Augustus Coxe, the pastor of the church. 

The church had been appropriately decorated with potted plants and flowers for the occasion.

The music was rendered by Mrs. W.R. Hall, colored. A solo was sung by Omega Rogers, brother of the bride. The bride’s maid were Louise Ellison sister of the groom, Anna Holt, and Irene Rogers, sister of the bride. The male attendants were Abel and Thomas Russell and Ed. Holt. Montrose Russell, a little cousin of the bride, was flower girl.

The bride and groom left on the evening train for the latter’s home in Charleston, S.C. The bride is an intelligent and industrious young woman who has taught for several years and has many white friends, a number of whom were present to witness the ceremony and extend good wishes.

Death Notices for Low, Mebane, Cockman, Trolinger, Simpson, Purse in Alamance Gleaner July 24, 1919

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919


Daniel Low died on Thursday, 17th inst., at his home in Boone Station township some three miles North of Elon College. The remains were buried at Frieden’s on Saturday following. Mr. Low was a Confederate veteran and was past 75 years of age. He leaves a widow and two children.


Robert J. Mebane died at his home in Burlington last Thursday, aged 71 years. He was born and reared at old Boone Station in Boone Station township. He had resided in Burlington for many years. His widow and nine children—five sons and four daughters—survive him.


Little five-months-old son of Mr. Alvin Cockman died here Saturday and was buried in Linwood Cemetery Sunday.


Mr. Benjamin F Trolinger died at his home here yesterday afternoon about 4 o’clock, aged 61 years, 6 months and 4 days. While he had not been very strong for a year or more and had been confined to his home but a few days, his death was unexpected. Mr. Trolinger had made his home in Graham for many years and was well known. He was a good citizen. He is survived by his wife and three children. The older son William, is in the U.S. Army where he has been for some 15 years. The second son, Boyd R., lives here, and the daughter Mrs. Hosea D. Lambeth, lives at Elon College. The funeral will be conducted from the Presbyterian church at 4 o’clock this afternoon by Rev. Dr. D.A. Long, and the interment will be in Linwood cemetery.


The sudden death of Mr. H.H. Simpson at his home at Haw River this morning about 9:30 o’clock was a distinct shock to his family and friends. For more than a year his health had not been good, but he had been reasonably active. This morning as he was passing from one room to another he fell and expired immediately. Mr. Simpson was a highly esteemed citizen. He had lived at Haw River since he was a young man and for a number of years was engaged in merchandising. He was about 60 years of age and is survived by his widow and five children—Mrs. E.L. Henderson of Graham, Alfred H. Simpson of Burlington, Mrs. W.J. Allen, James Simpson and Miss Ada Simpson of Haw River. After the funeral service at Haw River the burial will be in Linwood Cemetery at 4 o’clock on tomorrow afternoon.


The passing of Mr. Wm. L. Purse last Sunday morning at the home of his father-in-law, Mr. Jas. P. Smith, was a shock to his friends. After midnight, about 3 o’clock, he was restless on account of slight indigestion, but was relieved by a simple remedy. He did not get up for breakfast on account of loss of sleep, but was uncomplaining. Mrs. Purse was in his room about 11 o’clock and he was cheerful and spoke of getting up. When she returned to his room she found him dead. He died about 11:15. Mr. Purse was a native of Charleston, S.C., and was united in marriage with Miss Mary I Smith about four years ago. About four months ago Mr. and Mrs. Purse came to Graham to make their home. Deceased was about 42 years of age. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Welch, who lives in Charleston, and by four children of a deceased brother. The funeral was conducted from Mr. Smith’s residence Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock by Rev. E.N. Caldwell, assisted by Rev. F.C. Lester, after which the interment was in Linwood Cemetery. Mrs. Purse and the family have the sympathy of their many friends in their sore bereavement. Mr. Purse was a pleasant gentleman and had made many friends during his short stay here. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Knight of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Will I. Holt of Burlington, brothers-in-law and sisters of Mrs. Purse, and Mr. Klutz of Greensboro, long-time friend of the deceased, were here to attend the funeral.

Local News From Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919

Local News

A rainbow appeared Tuesday evening which gave hope that there will again be fair weather. All signs fail in dry weather, it is said, How about the signs in wet weather? They fail, too, don’t they? For the past three weeks, almost without interruption, the weather has been “leaking” at the bung.

Mr. Lacy J. Whitesell, son of Mr. Jacob C. Whitesell of Boon Station township, returned last week from overseas service. He belonged to the medical corps.

Mr. Alvis McCauley was carried to Alamance Hospital Monday and operated on for goiter.

Mr. A.G. Ausley has opened a grocery store in the McCracken store building on North Main Street.

Miss Eva Aldridge of Union Ridge was brought to Rainey Hospital the first of the week for an operation for appendicitis.

Mr. C.M. Vanstory of Greensboro, District Supervisor for revaluation of real estate, was here Tuesday in consultation with County Supervisor Mr. Chas. C. Thompson.

Messrs. Parker and Long have completed the remodeling and decorating of the interior of their law offices, which have been very much improved in both appearance and convenience.

Mr. McBride Holt, who has been confined to his home, is improving.

Master Edwin Reaves has been real sick, but is better.

Mr. E.L. Henderson had a relapse but is improving nicely again.

The Graham Boy Scouts are not an idle lot of boys. A few days ago they went out and helped Dr. W.S. Long Jr. thresh his wheat. Then the Doctor carried them to a café and gave them a nice supper. Now they are planning to go on a camping trip to the western part of the State in a week or two. They have already provided themselves with tents for the occasion.

Col. Don E. Scott has begun the foundation and is putting material on the ground for his new residence on North Main Street.

Material is being hauled to build the garage on W. Harden St. for the Alamance Motor Car co.
An addition to be used as a kitchen is being built at the rear of Hotel Graham.

Tuesday Graham Hardware Co. commenced to move into their new quarters—the large store vacated by Green & McClure Furniture Co. The room has been reshelved and arranged for the hardware business and has more than three times the floor space of the store being vacated, which will permit the carrying of a larger stock and make trading easier for both seller and buyer.


Miss Lucile Holmes is attending a house party in Wilmington.

Miss Irma Joyner of Baltimore is visiting Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson.

Misses Frances Moore and Minnie Long are spending the week at Montreat.

Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Moon and family are spending the week at Wrightsville.

Miss Frances Tarpley of Geenville, S.C., spent last week here visiting relatives.

Misses Nina Woods and Nancy Albright of Wilmington are visiting relatives in Graham.

Miss Marce Goley is in Greensboro attending the N.C. College for Women Summer School.

Miss Alma Crawford, who makes her home with Mrs. Dora Ward, is visiting relatives at Windfall, Wake County.

Mr. E.N. Pearce of Youngsville, N.C., just returned from overseas, spent the latter part of last week here with friends.

Mrs. G.W. Kernodle of Washington, D.C., is spending today with Mrs. J.D. Kernodle. She is also visiting her sister, Mrs. McLean, at Whitsett, and relatives in Burlington.

Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Long Jr., Mr. W.J. Nicks, Misses Minnie B. and Annie Ben Long and Messr. Wm. I. Ward, Hansford Simmons, Jas. H. Rich, Mack Rich and Lawrence Gowens returned from Asheville the latter part of last week.

Mrs. Edwin D. Scott and Edwin Jr., and Mrs. Scott’s sister, Mrs. John Black, and little daughter Barbara of New York, arrived here Friday night. Mrs. Scott had been at her home in Augusta, Ga., during the illness and death of her father, Mr. W.R. Brigham. Mrs. Black is on her way from Augusta to her home.


Mr. Walter G. Webster and Miss Bessie Dora Rogers, both of Burlington, were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon, July 20th, at the home of the officiating Justice of the Peace, T.P. Bradshaw, Esq.

Mr. James M. Hopkins and Miss Clara Glosson of Carrboro were united in marriage in the court house Tuesday by Mr. T.B. Bradshaw, Justice of the Peace.