
Friday, March 6, 2020

Flu Takes Milton "Gum" West of Elizabeth City, March 5, 1920

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., March 5, 1920

“Gum” West Makes the Last Home Run

In the death of Milton West, Elizabeth City has lost one of its most interesting, most entertaining and most lovable characters. Gum west, as he was best known, was as much a part of Elizabeth City as the post office, the Alkrama Theatre or The Apothecary Shop. He was the town’s most ardent base ball fan and any one who didn’t believe in Gum’s idols had only to start an argument. Argument was Gum’s long suit and therein he excelled. Tho hampered by a grotesque impediment of speech, he never lost his head, never lost his temper and never made an enemy. In his work Gum West was painfully precise, punctilious and efficient. If he worked by the hour he never required a time-piece to record his hours and he could always anticipate the noon whistle to a minute without taking his eyes off his job. He worked for John L. Wells job printer on Water Street for many years and no print shop every had a more faithful employe.

Milton West’s last thought was of his job in the printing office. His mother went to his room about 4:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon and found the boy standing by his bed going thru the motions incident to feeding a printing press. Death was calling him and he mistook the angel’s whisper for the call of the press. When his mother found him he was bending forward as if intent upon a job that called for immediate delivery. His hands were moving to and fro as they had moved millions of times inputting sheets of paper into the flying presses and taking them out again. “Son, lie down,” said the mother. Milton dropped to the bed, his head fell back, his heart ceased its beat, his soul had taken flight away from the noise of the presses, the smell of the ink and the other petty cares of life. Wherever the faithful are gathered after this mundane existence, there Gum West will be found.

Milton West died Saturday afternoon, Feb. 28, at the age of 28 years. He had an attack of Influenza which developed into pneumonia. He was a son of the late Emariah West and is survived by his mother, Mrs. Ada West; by six sisters, Mrs. J.B. Doles and Mrs. T. Zirkle of Dendron, Virginia, Mrs. Frank Upton, Misses Ida and Inez West of Elizabeth City, and Miss Annie West of Norfolk; and by two brothers, Lee West of Norfolk and Sam West, whose where abouts are unknown to his family.

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