
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Federal Prohibition Men Broke Records in August, Sept. 13, 1922

Prohibition Men Make Record for Month of August

Salisbury, Sept. 13—24 automobiles were seized, approximately 75,000 gallons of alcoholic liquors poured out and 149 illicit distilleries destroyed by federal prohibition officers in North Carolina during the month of August, according to a report issued today by Prohibition Director R.A. Kohloss, with headquarters in this city.

More automobiles were seized in August by officers in North Carolina than during any previous month since prohibition became effective, according to the report. A total of 211 prosecutions were recommended and 107 arrests made.

The total value of property seized and destroyed by prohibition officers during August was $36,452.

From the front page of the High Point Enterprise, Sept. 13, 1922

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