Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tom Shephard of Steele's Township Charged With Selling Alcohol, 1922

From the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Tom Shephard of Steele’s township, white, was given a hearing before Squires Mullis and Barrett on Wednesday of last week on charge of keeping alcohol for sale. He was bound over to April 10th term of Court. J. Chesley Sedberry defended him.
It seems that Constable T.B. Andrews and John Jarrell raided his place January 27th, and according to their statement found in the “commissary” a broken five-gallon jug that Shephard had broken to destroy evidence, and from it was pouring whiskey; and in a closet a broken jug that his wife had doctored. About three quarters of a mile from the house, still on Shephard’s land, they found a large still that evidently had been run a night or so previous. Three barrels of beer were found also.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Florence Cole's Address to Faculty and Students, 1914

From the March 26, 1914 issue of The Watauga Democrat, Boone
Miss Florence V. Cole, a member of the Training School, delivered the following short but very timely and true little address before the faculty and student body one day last week:
“From the time that Socrates held his little intellectual court until the present day, there has been a feeling with the Student Body that the Faculty is its natural enemy. This has been particularly true of the small boy, to whom the teacher has been an implacable foe whose greatest joy in life was to deny him the privilege of hunting on an ideal winter day or fishing when the spring breeze called irresistibly.
“Some of these privileges are inalienable and belong to a boy by right of birth. They are the outlet for that tremendous energy characteristic of the small boy.
“The old time school master gave little heed to these rights. He stood on a high pedestal of dignity, stiff of collar and of backbone, and swayed his classes with the ferule. The school marm was even more awesome than this; she has become a matter of tradition. She was always an old maid, invariably scraped her hair tight back from her face, and exhorted her pupils in a shrill and nerve-racking voice.
“The up-to-date teacher wishes to avoid this sort of thing Not only does the exaggerated dignity starch and dry the humanity within him, but it is obviously hurtful to the attitude of the student. It constantly reminds the small boy of his lost rights and he resents having knowledge forced into his head by a dignity of odious as the ferule.
The faculty members of the world are beginning to realize the wonderful method opening to them year by year of making friends of the students and being one with them. They are trying to substitute interest in the school for the loss of those privileges dear to the small boy’s heart. They are trying to make him realize that by meanness he is not outwitting an enemy, but injuring a friend. They are giving him athletics, play-grounds and games of all kinds. They are giving him the Boy Scout movement, that he may bore his bare toes in the soft green turf of the bank, gaze with fascinated eyes upon the shadowy water and wait with expectant thrill, that only a really, truly small boy’s heart can feel, for the nibble of the fish at the other end of the line; and do it in a way calculated not to interfere with his education.
‘The Student Body is beginning to see this in its quick, keen way, and is beginning to respond in the desired manner. We are hopeful that the day will come when the prejudice of the ages shall have been brushed aside and there shall be perfect understanding and friendship between the Faculty and that throbbing, pulsing small-boy heart of the school, the Student Body.”

Monday, March 28, 2016

Roberdel Man Who Couldn't Serve in Civil War Because of Heart and High Blood Pressure, Turns 86 This Year, 1922

From the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Mr. G.M. Rainwaters of Roberdel is another citizen upon whom age sits lightly. He will be 86 July 28th but from his appearance and movements one would not think he was even three score and ten. In the Civil War he was turned down on account of his heart and high blood pressure—and folks who now be uneasy about their blood pressure might take reassurance from the age of this octogenarian.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Improving Public Schools, 1914

From the Watauga Democrat, Boone, Thursday, March 26, 1914 issue
State Department of Education Press Service
A woman rural school supervisor to supplement the work of the county superintendent of public instruction is the latest advance in rural education in the state. Such supervision is doing the most successful work in McDowell county, developing a few demonstration schools to show what kind of work can be done in elementary schools having efficient supervision. Five other counties now have women rural school supervisors assisting the county superintendent in a similar way.
The plan was first projected and worked out by L.C. Brogden, state supervisor of rural elementary schools, in conjunction with the Southern Education Board and the State Department of Education. Its adoption in McDowell was secured and it is working so well there that it is hoped that little difficulty will be experienced in having other counties adopt it.
Instead of scattering her efforts over the entire county, the McDowell supervisor this year is devoting her time to 10 schools, seeking to make them demonstration schools to show how the country schools can be made to train for practical rural living when they have proper teaching and proper supervision. Under her direction, and with the co-operation of the teachers in these schools and the superindendent, approximately 200 boys have been studying practical agriculture, while 100 girls have been doing definite and practical work in sewing. This kind of work has been done before in the high schools, but it is a new thing for the elementary schools.
Besides giving the children an exceptionally efficient elementary training, this plan is having an effect on the community. The people of Ashford, one of the communities in which this plan has worked well, have petitioned to raise the local tax from 20 to 30 cents, in order to add a room to their two-teacher school of the three-teacher type. They also intend to build a permanent home for their male principal, so as to secure his services for the community for the entire year, instead of for only six or seven months.
More than this, the plan is having a striking effect on the rural teachers. Made to realize their deficiency by the skilled supervision which they have had, many of them, now that the rural term is over, are taking practical teacher training courses of six weeks at the Nebo State High School. Here they study methods and practice teaching under the skilled teachers of the high school and under the supervisor, not only receiving instruction in the most advanced primary methods but observing the work in the high school classrooms.
The supervisor uses one of the rooms in the high school building as a model to show the student-teachers how to make the little one-room country school attractive, comfortable and more homelike. The lectures and classroom observations are followed by carefully planned conference in which the student-teachers are questioned on the most vital things observed in the recitation.
It is a part of the plan of the State Department of Education to establish in connection with the best state rural high school or farm-like school in each county similar to short teacher-training courses, the average rural elementary school more practical and efficient.

Friday, March 25, 2016

All Sorts of Church News, 1903

Watauga Democrat, March 12, 1903
The Winston Republican learns that Rev. T.J. Bagwell, formerly a well known Methodist divine in this State now located in South McAlister, I.T., has joined the Baptist church. Dr. Bagwell was located at the last session of North Carolina Conference at Wilmington.
Charley Gray, a colored divine of this place, who claims to be sanctified, has eloped with the wife of Robert Spencer, and fled to parts unknown. The woman claimed sanctification also. Gray leaves a wife and two small children.

                                --Asheboro Courier

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Farmers of Roberdel Community Form New Agricultural Club, 1922

Another Agricultural Community Club,” by W.H. Barton, from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
The farmers of the Roberdel community met last Friday night at the school building and organized a community club for studying their problems more thoroughly and systematically from time to time. I have a date for organizing one next Thursday night, making three within the last three weeks. It is gratifying to the writer to see everywhere he goes, an unusual interest in more legumes, more pastures, better fruit, more and better poultry, better gardens, and more food and feed stuffs. It is hoped that this will prove to be general and will continue to increase. If so, the weevil will meet disappointment in Richmond county in 1923 and thereafter if his job is to ruin wherever he goes.
The Roberdel Agricultural club will meet at the Roberdel school Friday night, March the 10th, at 7:30. No dues, no fees. All farmers invited.

Walking in Style in the Easter Parade

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

D.S. Weaver, Ray Ritchie, J.P. Dail, E.H. Frazier, B.F. Parker Honored by Engineers, 1956

From the March 1956 issue of Extension Farm-News

Distinguished Service Award to D.S. Weaver, left, Extension director, is presented by J.O.W. Gravely, Ayden, retiring president of the N.C. section of the American Society  of Agricultural Engineers. Weaver was the first head of the department of agricultural engineering at the college. The award was made during the winter meeting of the society.
Weaver Receives Service Award
D.S. Weaver, director of the State College Agricultural Extension Service, received the Distinguished Service Award of the N.C. Section of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers at the winter meeting held at State College, March 9 and 10.
It was the first such award given by the North Carolina group “in recognition and gratitude for outstanding contribution to the advancement of agricultural engineering in the State of North Carolina.”
New officers of the society, elected at the meeting, are: Ray Ritchie, Extension specialist, State College, president; J.P. Dail, Greensboro, first vice president; E.H. Frazier, Raleigh, second vice president; and Dr. B.F. Parker, assistant professor of agricultural engineering, State College, secretary-treasurer.
An engraved parchment, presented to Weaver by J.O.W. Gravely of Ayden, retiring chairman of the section, cited him as an “outstanding early leader in the field of agricultural engineering in North Carolina and the southeast, who as department head organized the first agricultural engineering department and initiated the first professional curriculum in agricultural engineering at N.C. State College, and who furnished active leadership in the development of rural electrification….”
Around 50 engineers attended the conference.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Watauga County News, Town and Country, 1914

From the March 26, 1914 issue of The Watauga Democrat, Boone
Town and Country
Title Inspector J.C. Fletcher of Franklin is with his family in Boone this week.
Hardin Brown has received his appointment as carrier on R.F.D. No. 1 and will enter upon his duties about the middle of April.
Mr. J.M. Younce, merchant, of Yuma, this county, died at his home on Wednesday of last week after an illness of nearly three months.
On account of poor health, that splendid citizen Mr. J.S. Lewis has decided to sell at public auction his fine horse stock and some other personal effects.
The crowd in Boone on Monday was unusually large, and the town marshal never even made an arrest, not even the slightest disturbance occurring anywhere.
Mr. William R. Miller of New River has purchased the pretty farm of Mr. John Lowrance lying in the gap of the Rich mountain above Silverstone, and Mr. and Mrs. Eggers are now in Virginia seeking a new home.
Mr. Richard Norris of Silverstone was right painfully hurt last Saturday. He was making horse shoes and a red hot shoe flew from the tongs, striking him just above the eye, inflicting an ugly wound.
A few days since Mr. N.L. Mast made another rather heavy investment in Watauga dirt. He bought the C.C. Church and J.A. Aldridge mountain lands at Foscoe, the purchase price of both tracts being $7,900.
The following out-of-the-county attorneys are here this week: Messrs. Jones and Harhaw of Lenoir, Love and Cline of Newland, Baughus of Jefferson, Lowe of Banner Elk, and Judge Councill of Hickory.

First Women to Serve as Poll Workers in Richmond County, 1922

From the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
The Post-Dispatch last issue made the statement that Mrs. H.L. Guthrie was the first woman to act as poll-holder in an election I these parts. This election was held the 21st for the school bond issue for Rockingham.
However, as a matter of fact, Mrs. W.B. Covington of Route 3 has the honor of being the first poll-holder in this part of the state, she having officiated as such at the Harrington School District some two years ago. At this election, Mrs. A.J. Harrington had the honor of being the first woman in Richmond county to cast a ballot.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Iredell Woody's Tribute to His Father, 1914

“A Beautiful Tribute to His Father” from the Watauga Democrat, March 26, 1914 issue
A private letter from Mr. Iredell W. Woody of Ashe County, a graduate of the A.T.S. in the class of ’13, brings the sad news of the death of his father, which occurred on the 5th. The sentiment therein is so beautifully expressed by the heart-broken boy that we cannot refrain from publishing at least a few paragraphs taken therefrom:
“I think I am the saddest and loneliest boy in the world. All my memories of almost every happiness and reality that I ever experienced are linked inseparably with him. All these years he has been my constant friend, teacher, confidant and companion, as well as father. He has been a soul companion.
“I have though some great comforts, too. We were always happy together. I have no memory of his ever having spoken a harsh word to me, or of my ever disobeying him. So linked together have been our lives and spirits that I now feel his presence. And everything shall speak to me of him as he has to me of it; the songs of birds shall proclaim his cheer; the flowers, his love; the growing grasses and ripening harvests, his kind provisions; and the heavens, his home.”

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Let’s Help Out Brother Walter Patterson at Hannah Pickett Mill, 1922

“Wants Patterson Pounded” Letter to the Editor by Dr. W.R. McIntosh, from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Please allow space for me to express my deep sympathy for Bro. Walter Patterson at Hannah Pickett Mill, who on Feb. 25th got his arm broken while cranking a car. I have personally known Walter from childhood and he is a man now, trying to do the will of his Master, and let us who have two good arms reach out a helping hand and help him along. He is now unable to manual labor. It may be three months or more before he can resume his work in the mill, and I, as a personal friend, feel impressed to write a few lines in his behalf, and hope all who read this will be interested. Let us remember the Word says “it is better to give than to receive.” Why not somebody give him a surprise pounding? All who give a pound will feel good over it; now who will lead the way. It will be like casting bread upon the waters; it will return after many days hence.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

News Summary from High Point Review, March 14, 1918

“News of the South” from the High Point Review, March 14, 1918

For the first time in the present generation the aurora borealis was visible in the northern sky from Tampa Fla. One report had it that Dade City, 40 miles north of Tampa, was afire, but this was error. Reports from a number of other cities and towns throughout the United States describe the lights as of unusual brilliancy.

Burton Hurlburt, Royal Flying corps cadet, whose mother lives at Prescott, Ontario, was killed when he tried to make a landing at Fort Worth, Texas. He is the 36th cadet killed at Fort Worth.

Equal suffrage, nation-wide prohibition and radical legislation favoring farmers and laborers are the chief planks of the platform of the national party adopted at Chicago at a convention attended by about 200 delegates, bolters from the Progressives, Prohibitionists, Socialists and Independents.
While a large number of men will be called out during the present year to fill up the army and complete its organizations, it has been learned that war department plans do not call for the creation of any additional divisions in 1918. It is stated that less than one million men—probably not much in excess of 800,000—are to be summoned gradually during the year to complete the existing organizations.

Delay in the announcement as to the next draft is understood to be due to uncertainty as to what will be the method of allotting quotas to the various states.

Control of the house of representatives was regained by the Democrats when they elected their candidates from four districts in Greater New York at special elections called to choose successors to four members of that party who had resigned their seats in congress. It is significant in the national election in Greater New York that out of a total of 78,192 votes the women cast 31,858 votes. They voted early, seemed to have made up their minds what they were going to do before they received their ballots and they asked few “foolish questions.”

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Man Convicted of Manslaughter Pays Fine and Is Freed, 1922

“Capt. Crawford Given Freedom” from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Salisbury, Feb. 23—Capt. R.E. Crawford, Southern railway conductor who last week submitted to a manslaughter verdict in Superior court, went free today upon payment of costs. Crawford was charged with the slaying of Engineer D.S. Hinton in the Y.M.C.A. lunch room at Spencer December 5, and was bring tried for second degree murder. Several speeches had been made to the jury when Judge J. Bis Ray stated that he would charge the jury to find a verdict of manslaughter. Then following a conference with his attorneys, Crawford submitted to a verdict of manslaughter. Today Judge Ray disposed of the case by allowing the defendant to go upon payment of costs, his honor saying in effect that he could not get the consent of his conscience to imprison Crawford for his action under the circumstances as related by the evidence. According to eyewitnesses, Crawford assaulted Hinton when he hear the latter making uncomplimentary remarks about Mrs. Crawford, and injuries inflicted by him caused Hinton’s death in several hours.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Clyde Alexander, Spears Alexander and Philip Lewis Webb, Father, Son and Son-in-Law, Honored, 1951

“Father, Son and Son-In-Law Receive Silver Beaver Award,” from the Statesville Landmark, March 1, 1951. This article has nice photos of Clyde Alexander, Spears Alexander, and Philip Lewis Webb.
For the first time in the history of Scouting, so far as is known here, a father, a son, and a son-in-law hold simultaneously the Silver Beaver Award, highest honor to be conferred upon scoutmasters. The three represent an aggregate of more than 75 years of active scout work.
Clyde Alexander, the ‘daddy’ of Boy Scouting in Statesville and in this general section of the country, organized the first registered Boy Scout troop this town ever had and, by unanimous request of members of the troop, he was their scoutmaster. For five years he was the only Scoutmaster in Iredell county and for nearly 25 years he served in that capacity.
On Tuesday, January 14, 1936, he was presented the Silver Beaver Award by the Piedmont Council Boy Scouts of America at the annual dinner meeting of the Council held in Gastonia that year. A banquet in Statesville honored him at that time as “The Grand Old Man of Scouting.” Six of Mr. Alexander’s original troop were present at that banquet. They were Buford Guy, Elgie Hamlet, John Long, Gordon Wallace, John Cooper Fowler and Hugo Kimball.
It was in 1915 that the first Boy Scout troop was organized here and in the next year the troop rece4ived its credentials with Mr. Alexander as the scoutmaster. Since that time Mr. Alexander has been master of four different troops, has been chairman of the interracial committee and through his help a troop of colored Boy Scouts was organized in Statesville. He has been chairman of the scoutmaster committee, of merit badge examiners, of church relations and deputy commissioner and vice-president of this county in scout work. He has given training courses for scout masters and assistants and through affiliation with the Red Cross has taught first aid and life saving. He was the first one in the 11 counties which comprise the Piedmont Council to be recommended and selected for the high honor of Silver Beaver Award.
Clyde Spears Alexander
Clyde Spears Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Alexander, received the Silver Beaver Award this year, following 25 years of service in scouting. He became a Scout in 1925, when 12 years old. In 1929 he was an assistant patrol leader, in 1930 a patrol leader, in 1931 a senior patrol leader, 1931-33 a junior assistant scoutmaster, 1933-35 an assistant scoutmaster, 1935-47 a scoutmaster, 1948-49 to March 31, 1950 an assistant scoutmaster and is at present a senior advisor. His service has been in troop 2 of Statesville, troop 5 of Statesville, troop 5 of Statesville until 1941. Since then he has served with troop 1 and troop 7 of Spartanburg, S.C. He received his Eagle Scout award in 1933, Bronze Palm in 1947, Gold Palm in 1948, Silver Palm in 1950, Scoutmaster Key in 1947, Brotherhood Lodge or degree of the Order of Arrow in 1950, the Service Award for troop 7 in 1950 and the Silver Beaver in 1951.
Clyde Spears Alexander is express clerk with the Railway Express Agency in Spartanburg, S.C. He is a member of the Fellowship club of the A.R.P. church, a deacon in the church, a teacher of the Sunday School class of the seniors 11 to 14 years old. For one year he was president of the Scouters’ club. He has three sons, Clyde Spears Jr., now a Star Scout and Assistant Patrol leader of troop 7; Edward Click, a member of Cub pack in No. 7 Den; and a third son too young to enroll now but who will later be a Scout after the custom of his family.
Philip Lewis Webb
Philip Lewis Webb, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Alexander, received the Silver Beaver Award at the annual banquet of the Pee Dee Area Council on December 4, 1950. He holds the Eagle Scout Badge, Scoutmaster Key, was a Scoutmaster for five years and at present is advisory of the Explorer Scouts of Troop 12 of Hartsville, S.C. He was one of the Scoutmasters attending the Boy Scout National Jamboree in 1950.
Mr. Webb is assistant superintendent of the International Mineral and Chemical Corporation of Hartsville, S.C. He is a veteran of five years’ service in World War II, is treasurer of the Hartsville Exchange club, member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and an active member of the First Presbyterian church of Hartsville. He is a member of the Hartsville Masonic Lodge and of the Darlington County Shrine Club. His wife is the former Miss Sarah Alexander. They have two daughters.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Squire Mullis and Jesse Fry Compete to Marry Most Couples, Rockingham, 1922

Mullis a Marryier,” from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Squire Mullis says he is out to beat the Jesse Fry record of marrying folks. Magistrate Fry of Carthage has performed 217 marriage ceremonies up to the 25th of February. But Squire Mullis is no slouch when it comes to tying such a knot. He has married four couples in the last week. He makes no charge but casually drops the hint that the “Lord allows him $1.00,” and the groom generally takes the hint.

He had to call a halt on an impatient groom last Saturday; he had gotten about half through the ceremony, when the groom, thinking it over, started to salute the bride; but the dignified magistrate would have none of that until the job was thoroughly done. After the last words, he remarked to the groom, “now go to it.”

How to Grow Squash, 1918

“How to Grow Squash,” from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, as printed in the French Broad Hustler, March 28, 1918

There are two types of squash—the bush varieties, which may be planted 5 and 6 seeds to the hill in hills 4 or 5 feet apart each way, and the running varieties which require more room for their development.

Squash may properly be grown in the garden, as three or four hills will produce all that is required for the average family. They require a rather rich soil, preferably one that is well mixed with rotted manure.

Squash for summer use should be planted as soon as the ground is thoroughly warmed up, which will be about one month after the last killed frost. Such varieties as the Hubbard for fall and winter use may be planted at any time during the spring after the ground is thoroughly warmed up, and will grow the entire season.

They should be gathered in fall, as soon as hard frosts occur. They may be kept in a storage room in the basement or in any cool, dry place. It is necessary t handle them carefully to avoid bruising, or rot is liable to occur.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Episcopal Church Ladies Hold Successful Indoor Carnival at the Fox Home, Raise $100 for Church Organ Fund, 1922

Carnival a Success,” from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
The Indoor Carnival held by the ladies of the Episcopal church last Friday night in the Fox house was quite a success. 150 folks attended. Mrs. Claude Williams held the winning number for the large box of Whitman candy. The various booths and side-shows netted $100 as result of the affair, this going to the church organ fund.
The freaks were amusing—the bearded ladies (Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hinson); tight rope walker (Bud McAulay); fat ladies (Misses Ledbetter and McDonald); Mutt and Jeff (Dr. Fox and John Scales); and the closet with a sign “for men only” and inside a pair of trousers—in fact, the whole affair proved entertaining.
The next thing to be pulled by the Guild will be the annual spelling bee Easter Monday night.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

USMC Truckers, New River Marine Base, Jacksonville, N.C., 1942

Photographs taken in May, 1942, of the motor detachment New River Marine Base in Jacksonville, N.C. The photographer, Alfred T. Palmer, was working for the Farm Security Administration’s Office of War Information. The photos are at the U.S. Library of Congress.; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Iredell County Women Attend Farm & Home School Sessions, 1951

“Attendance Good at Farm & Home School Sessions,” from the Statesville Landmark, March 1, 1951.
Attendance was very good at the Farm and Home school sessions for women held in Iredell County Wednesday. Miss Pauline Gordon, Home Management and Home Furnishings specialist, spoke to the group Wednesday morning on “More Livable Homes,” bringing out in her discussion points to consider in managing the home and home decorating ideas.
Following this, a session was held on “Everyday Cooking,” with an emphasis on biscuitmaking. This was conducted by Miss Virginia Wilson, Extension Specialist in Foods and Nutrition, and was held at the Gem Gas Company using their equipment and floor space. In connection with this demonstration, those attending were asked to bring biscuits which they had made to be judged. The Statesville Flour Mill contributed flour to be used as prizes, which were distributed as follows: Mrs. Henry Conrad, first place receiving 25 pounds of flour; Mrs. Marvin Cash, second place receiving 10 pounds of flour and Miss Maggie James, third place receiving five pounds of flour. Also door prizes were given with 25 pound bags going to Mrs. R.C. Millsaps and 10 pounds going to Miss Lilly Bell Ramsey.
Again in the afternoon Miss Gordon appeared on the program for a joint session of men and women on “Good Home Planning” using colored slides to depict scenes for farm homes that were well planned, convenient, comfortable living. One of the things stressed in this discussion was that the planning of the farm home should be done jointly considering every member of the family and home activities.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social News From Mangum and Hoffman, N.C., March 1922

From the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Mangum Items
Mr. Davis Haywood went to Charlotte Monday to have his tonsils removed.
Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Chandler and family spent Sunday with relatives near Mt. Gilead.
Miss Lillie Matheson returned Sunday form Ansonville after a week’s visit there.
Mrs. N.B. Stutts of Mt. Gilead spent the week-end with her son, Mr. John Stutts.
Rev. Mr. Stork of Mt. Gilead was a pleasant visitor to the school Thursday. He conducted chapel exercises, which was enjoyed by the entire student body and faculty.
The Literary Society gave a very interesting program on Wednesday afternoon.  The most important number was a debate: Resolved, that the right of suffrage should be extended to women. The affirmative was represented by Lee Johnson, Fred Jarrell and Archie Ballard, the negative by J.N. Currie, Ernest Dennis and Homer Lisk.
The box supper given at the Mangum Hill School on Friday evening proved to be a success, both from a social and financial standpoint. A “fishing pond” added much to the enjoyment of the evening. The boxes were very attractive looking  and their contents proved to be a delight to the purchasers. Mr. Frank Andrews of Mt. Gilead was auctioneer and showed himself an expert in the art of selling. About $50 was cleared.
One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was a “Washington party” given on Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Andrews, in honor of their house-guests, Misses Mattie Lee Johnston of Clarkton and Harold Russell of New London. The decorations in the reception hall were ferns, long leaf pine and daffodils. In the parlor the color scheme was in the National colors, with a background of ferns. A portrait of the Father of his Country, draped with flags, occupied the most important point, while red and blue hatchets on a background of white further added to the patriotic aspect. The evening was one of rare enjoyment. Games were played, interspersed with music from the Edison. A much enjoyed contest was to form the largest number of words from the letters “George Washington.” The lucky contestants were Miss Mamie Currie and Ralph Misenheimber, who were presented with a U.S. flag. Partners were found by matching rhymes. Another contest was a romance, missing words to be supplied from the abbreviations of States. The winners in this were Miss Lena Harris and Alexander Smith, who were awarded a box of candy. The consolation prize, a Washington hatchet, went to Miss Josie Chandler and Jack Currie. A delicious salad course with cake was served by Mrs. Andrews and Miss Kate Johnson.
Hoffman News
On Wednesday evening of last week the school gave a patriotic program celebrating the birthdays of Lincoln, Washington, and Longfellow. The stage was beautifully decorated with long leaf pine, the national colors and the pictures of these men. The program consisted of patriotic pageant, plays, recitations and songs. A large crowd was present to enjoy the exercises by the children.
Gibson evened up with Hoffman by defeating us here the 21st with a score of 13 to 8. The girls also played and lost to the visitors by two points.
On February 20th Miss Bertie Lathan and Mr. Clay Covington were married in Rockingham.
On last Sunday afternoon Miss Flossie Thompson and Mr. Lonnie Monroe were quietly married in Chesterfield, S.C.

How to Acquire Wealth as a Newspaper Editor, 1922

From the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Work and Win
A country editor, says an Exchange, who started life poor 20 years ago, has retired with a fortune of $50,000. This money was acquired through industry, economy, conscientious efforts to give full value, indomitable perseverance, and the death of an uncle who left the editor $49,990.50.

Monday, March 7, 2016

First-Hand Account of Germans' Attack on Paris, 1918

“Sixty Gothas in Raid on Paris….Passengers Arriving in United States Give Thrilling Accounts of Attack….Famous Buildings Wrecked….Bombs Tore Up Streets During Two-Hour Siege in Inky Darkness—Death Toll 245—Drop Nine Tons of Explosives” from the High Point Review, March 14, 1918

An Atlantic Port—Thrilling eyewitness accounts of one of the tremendous German air raids on Paris were brought by passengers arriving at this port on a French steamship recently. One of the passengers, in a position to know all the facts, declared that more than 200 men, women and children had been killed, that 60 fast Gothas had taken part in the raid and that over nine tons of explosive bombs had been dropped during a two-hour siege.

One American ambulance driver alone, according to a passenger, picked up 70 bodies during the night.

“The Germans picked out the darkest night in a long time to make their raid,” said this informant, whose name cannot be divulged. “

Their squadrons came over Vincennes, and headed for the heart of the city.”

Fought in Dark
“It was about midnight when the popping of the anti-aircraft guns woke me and gave the first alarm. I looked out, but nothing could be seen in the blackness, except the flash of the defending batteries, in every part of the city, and, occasionally, the sizzling trail of a bomb.

“French machines had risen to the attack at the first signal, but they were greatly handicapped by the darkness. The rattle of their machine guns could be plainly heard and there were several clashes, but for the most part the French fliers went winging blindly and at random through the dark.

“For two hours the city was pelted with bombs. Hospitals were hit and convalescent soldiers wounded. Famous public buildings—I am not allowed to tell their names, but they are known all over the world—were badly damaged, and some of the famous boulevards and public squares were torn up as by an earthquake.

Death Toll Put at 245
“From information I gathered the toll of death was nearer 245 than 45, as the official statement says. An American ambulance driver, a friend, worked through the night with other members of the corps, scouring every part of Paris, for the whole city was under fire. He picked up 70 bodies, in addition to scores of wounded.

“The next morning I found that three of the bombs had fallen and exploded on the doorstep of the house where I was stopping, tearing great holes six feet in diameter. I found several unexploded bombs nearby, of the shape of footballs, but considerably larger in size.”

After the attacking squadron had retired, according to the passengers, it was found that one of the enemy planes had been brought down. The people of Paris, the passengers said, were of the opinion that the raid was by way of reprisal for what French fliers had done over German cities.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

'Little Happenings and Personal Notes' from the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, March 2, 1922

“Matters Briefly Mentioned, Little Happenings and Personal Notes,” from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Mrs. W.S. Thomas returns today from a visit since the 13th in Miami, Florida.
Mrs. A.R. McPhail left Friday for Palm Beach, Fla., to spend two weeks with Mrs. J.A. Snyder.
The rejuvenated K. of P’s will have 1st and 2nd degree work in Masonic hall Friday night. Every Pythian urged to attend.
Subject of sermon at Presbyterian church Sunday morning will be “As a Tale That is Told” and at night “Fifty-fifty.”
E.R. White was operated upon for appendicitis at Greensboro Tuesday. His wife was formerly Miss Mabel Dunn; they live in Greensboro.
Mesdames Juno. L. Everett, I.S. London, W.N. Everett Jr., and Ozmer L. Henry left this morning for Charlotte to spend two days with Mrs. J.P. Little.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allred will be pleased to learn of the steady recovery of their little daughter, Lena Elizabeth, who has been serious ill with influenza and bronchial pneumonia.
Miss Mary K. Brown, who formerly taught in the Rockingham school, has been at her home at Albemarle on a vacation. She is secretary of Whittier hall, the largest dormitory in the world, at Columbia University.
Miss Lillian Hasty returned to Chicora College, Columbia, Tuesday after having spent a week at home.
The Page station managers were entertained at dinner at the Pinehurst County Club by H.A. Page Jr. Tuesday evening. Pat Jackson is the manager of the Rockingham branch.
Miss Bertha Covington left last Saturday noon for Charlotte to visit relatives, and went on to Rutherfordton Sunday night where she will be milliner for McDaniel & Miller.
Mrs. E.S. Linton and Miss Mary V. Linton stopped by here Monday for a two weeks’ visit to Mrs. CLorpening and Mrs. C.P. Stewart. They have been in Cuba for the past two weeks.
Rev. A.E. Dallas returned Wednesday from a week’s stay in Virginia. Marshall Woodson of the Columbia Seminary filled the Presbyterian pulpit here last Sunday. He expects to go as a missionary to Africa when his ministerial course is completed.
A prayer service will be held in the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock to which all denominations are invited. It is held, like hundreds of other services, at the request of the Federation of Foreign Missions. Miss Lambe of Fayetteville will speak on Prayer.
E.B. Morse Jr., aged 4 ½, is a happy child now. Some several weeks ago he was carried to Charlotte and the tendons of his feet stretched and his feet put in casts; at the same time his tonsils and adenoids were removed. The casts were kept on until Wednesday when he again went to Charlotte and Dr. Myers found his feet so much improved that the casts were removed. He can now navigate on his own props and is naturally happy at the idea.
C.E. Ader, former superindendent of education for Anson county, is now advertising manager of the Winston-Salem Journal.
An overheated stove ignited the dress of Mrs. J.S. Braswell at Hamlet, the 17th, and before the garments could be torn off she was painfully burned.
Dr. A. McR. Couch recently moved from Gastonia to Wilmington, his address being 219 South Third street. He has gained quite a reputation in treatment of diseases of children.
The North Carolina Sunday School Association will meet in annual convention in Charlotte April 11-12-13.
Frank T. Biggs left here on Wednesday of last week for Poughkeepsie, N.Y., to take a course in expert accounting. He is at 221 Mill street.
Mr. Frank Marion Warner, aged 72, died at his home in Troy February 18th of paralysis. His wife and nine children survive. Among the children are D.F. Warner of Ellerbe and Mrs. J.C. Covington of Covington.
Prof. C.L. Hornaday, assistant professor of modern languages at Trinity College, has been elected president of Davenport college at Lenoir. He is the son of Rev. J.A. Hornaday of Maxton and sister of Miss Hornaday of the Rockingham city school faculty.
E.T. Gibson, superintendent of the East Carolina division of the Seaboard, March 1st became superintendent of the North Carolina division, with headquarters at Hamlet, succeeding C.V. Peyton who goes as superintendent of the Virginia division.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

High Point Students Sue Johnson and Deane Menscer Share High School Doings, 1951

“Senior High Spots” by Sue Johnson, from the Statesville Landmark, March 1, 1951. Menscer’s first name is spelled Dean in some places in the article and Deane in other places.
I just finished raking the yard. Gee, what a job. There were millions of leaves in that yard. Oh, but what weather! Hasn’t it been wonderful? Flowers are blooming, children out of doors playing, convertible tops down and Easter bonnets atop pretty heads. Yes, Easter is right around the corner. I know you are thinking about what to wear. But don’t worry too much. You can always find something.
The Booster Club met Friday afternoon. What a club! The whole student body belongs to it. And Coach Bill Long really makes them yell. The opinions on this club are that it is the biggest club in Senior High. And it is. The kids yell like the world was coming to an end. Now, if only they would do that at the games.
O, say can you see? Yes, we have a brand new flag. It sure does look good floating in the air. The Assembly gave this flag, of which we are very proud.
Want to see two good games? O.K. Come to the games tomorrow night at Childrens' Home. And then Friday come to Barium Springs for the last game of the season. Basketball is a wonderful sport, with football right beside it. Come on out, folks, and see these games. It will do you good.
The Future Housewives of America met last Tuesday to see a movie, “Suzie Makes a Dress.” The speaker showed us the different kinds of materials and gave a brief talk on selecting materials. The girls found the club meeting very interesting.
Fashion suggestions for Easter: Dark blue is always good for a tight skirt, with a jacket having big pockets to set off with a bright red flower at the neck.
Plain tailored dresses with a light weight topper are stylish. And patent leather shoes with bag to match are always in style.
Nothing is prettier than a soft pink suit with a white orchid and a blue topper, blue bag, white gloves, white linen shoes, and blue hat. Think about it, will you?
This week I have chosen a student to be my guest columnist—Dean Menscer, who is a cheer leader.
Before I turn her over to you, let me tell you about Dean. She’s a black-haired, brown-eyed girl of medium height. Dean has more pep than anyone. She yells her head off at games. She is a Senior and has lived in Statesville all her life. Now let’s turn it over to Dean:
When I arrived at school last Friday morning, the first person I met was Sue Johnson. She asked me if I would like to be her guest columnist for this week. I have always wanted to write a school column, so I jumped at the chance to write it this week. The first thing my locker mate, Georgia Mills, said was, “Mercy, Deane.”
The North State Basketball Tournament was being played at the school gymnasium, so the talk of the girls was “those cute boys that we met last week at the ball games.”
The next big talk is about the Dramatics Club play Thursday night, “What a Life.” It is really going to be a sensation. Don’t you dare miss it. You may buy tickets from any of the Dramatics Club or Blue and Gray staff members.
Some more big talk is about the last basketball game Friday night. Naturally it is going to be with our biggest rivals Barium Springs, so I want to see each and every one of you at the game yelling your heads off for dear old S.H.S.
It has really been an exciting week around Statesville High this week so here are the scraps that I have dug up with my pen and ink.
Marion Yount chauffering girls around in her convertible on Sunday afternoon; Gwynne Strader and Barbara happy because Durwin and Alvah have returned; Sue complimenting Elizabeth Collins on pretty necklace; Martha McClain dating John Bunch during the past weekend; Anne Morgan and Sue Barkley being elected A.R.P. district officers; Margaret Sherrill lending notebook paper to people in Home Ec; Frances Poplin making a hit with Kannapolis boys; Ada Moose dating a real cute boy from Charlotte; Miss Reynolds making Home Ec. II girls be good in class; Joyce Morrow dating “Bo” Bell Saturday night; Johnny Gilleland dating cute new girl Libby Ross; Don Sowers seen with Pat Livingston; Ann Smith talking about French II test; Erleene (Livingston) Senn talking about going to see Willie Easter; Mary Ann Jenkins spending the weekend in Greensboro; Booster’s Club meeting turning out five minutes late; Johnny Stevenson and “Chris” Nash having words; Pete Brumley having early conversation at Patsy Smith’s locker; Wallace Foster talking to Patty Warlick; Phyllis Templeton and Melda Edison helping sell tickets at the basketball game; Tommie Holton talking about hearing from Bill Proctor; Marie Moore and Fred D. spending spare time by talking in halls; Harold Barker and Phil Livingston a little late for school; Mr. Sampsel relating war experiences; Don Ballard taking names of people going to lockers during class; Mrs. White giving her oration on “Markheim;” Helen Hendren dating Norman Greene; Sue Summers dating Harley Gilleland; Sue Johnson getting a letter from a certain Guthrie at State College; Mr. Diamont keeping Mrs. White’s home room since Mr. Thomas is gone; Barrie Cowan walking Joan Reich home from school; Carlton Brett supporting Library; Harold Davis visiting John L. Dabbs over the weekend; Don Stevenson talking about a certain person is also going to Appalachian this fall; Randy Johnson and Jimmy Watson buying ticket to basketball game; Patsy Smith dating Paul Honeycutt from Troutman; Polly Wilson and Florence Lippard laughing over happening in Home Ec; Jackie Peeler looking very much like High Point College cheerleader; Yours Truly getting the new name of “Nosie Rosie” after digging up all these scraps.
                Deane Menscer

Friday, March 4, 2016

Millionaire Undergoes Surgery So He Can Serve in Army, 1918

“Rich Man Seeks Service,” from the High Point Review, March 14, 1918

Denver, Col.—Courtland S. Dines, millionaire broker of Denver, has undergone an operation on the nose and throat that he may qualify for service in the aviation division of the National army.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Linemen of Alleghany District, Blue Ridge Electric, 1955

We're all grateful to the people who get the electricity flowing again when it is interrupted by bad weather or accidents. Here's a photo from Carolina Country showing the 1955 Alleghany district crew, Blue Ridge Electric--the men who back then climbed the utility poles and made the repairs. To read the story about them, written by Cecil Nicholson's daughter, Patricia Edwards of Sparta, go to

The 1955 Alleghany district crew from Blue Ridge Electric, from left to right: Oscar “Cecil” Nicholson, Claude Edwards, Clay Nichols, Jimmy Allen, Floyd Tripplet, Oscar Evans, Paul Edwards, Don Dotson, and one who is unidentified. 

I Remember My Grandmother's Apron by Phyllis McManus

Phyllis McManus of Monroe shared memories of her grandmother in the February issue of Carolina Country. To read the story, go to

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

First-Hand Report From Trenches in France in High Point Review, 1918

“Tells of Night Life in the Trench….Correspondent Gives Thrilling Description of First Experience at Front…..Lighted by Starry Balloon…..Night Watchers Trust Nobody but Themselves—Both Sides Watching for Flaring Bombing and Machine Gunning at Intervals” from the High Point Review, March 14, 1918

With the French Armies in the Field—Night life in a first-line trench has its little bag of thrills for the beginner. Polus say night trenches are monotonous, but all Poilus have seen livelier things than trench life.

To an American correspondent, spending the first night on the fringe of No Man’s Land precisely as no doubt hundreds of thousands of Americans will before the end of the war, a nocturnal trench has all the melodramatic elements to keep up interest and drive monotony away.

Darkness seems to settle down quickly over the frowsy, weedy, gray strip in front, which nobody owns and nobody treads in daylight.

A battery of French guns bark sharply in the rear. Firefly flashes wink a mile behind the enemy’s wire. The French gunners are saying “Good night” to a Boche battery, and the dull “boom,” “boom,” “boom”—then the squeal of enemy steel above tells you the Boche is answering.  Unless unforeseen things happen tonight, the gunners will “rest on their arms” until daybreak. On “quiet” sectors like this it often happens.

With darkness down, the night shift is eating supper in their dugouts and rigging out in sheepskin jackets to begin the silent night watch over the parapets. The dugouts—corrugated steel and sand-bag construction at intervals of a few yards back of the first line—are smelly and dark, but filled with life. It’s human life and insect life, the latter making little difference as long as steel and sandbags shed vagrant shells. Men say they can get accustomed to insects, but the bite of a shell is different.

Signs of America
The correspondent found the inevitable American sign in these dugouts tonight. Penciled names in the wooden bunks suggested New York’s East side, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Milwaukee and other purer American names suggested early settlers on the prairies of the middle West. In fact, it was in the trench just outside that a small body of American “Sammies” on November 3 fought desperately against overwhelming German odds in America’s first battle of the big European war.

The night Poilus have taken their places a few yards apart along the parapet. The day Poilus have filed into the dugouts for food and rest.

A machine gun is “rat-tat-tat-ing” its evening tryout. All machine guns are frequently tested at night. A fainter “rat-tat-tat-tat” shows that the Boche is doing it, too. A bright, fiery streak roars up nearby and a small white parachute floats gently down with an incandescent flare lighting up No Man’s Land for a hundred yards around. Someone saw a suspicious move beyond the wire, and officer explained. The officer orders a few rifle grenades fired as a warning to prowling Boches, perhaps trying to learn something or to cut the wire. The Poilus heads, silhouetting over the parapet at intervals against the blackness beyond, “duck down” for an instant while the grenades explode with cavernous roars. These missiles fly into a hundred pieces each and wipe out life for rods around.

More machine guns are tapping their warnings or having their “tryouts” here and there along the line. The Boche again, as if nervous, is doing it, too.

Nobody Is Trusted
A half-hour follows without a single spark of fireworks. But it breaks out again—both sides watching, flaring, bombing, machine-gunning, suspicious things in that uncanny black stretch of No Man’s Land, fringed on each side with night watchers who trust nobody but themselves.

Another period of silence except low voices of men talking in “trench whispers.” They’ve learned to “trench whisper” by constant practice. A Poilu apologetically explained, as he rearranged his nest of black egglike hand grenades on the trench shelf before him, that American soldiers talked too loud at first. But finally they learned to “parler doucement” he added.

The Bouche is active again. A flock of hand grenades roar themselves into silence on the other side as fiery light streaks perform arcs like Roman candles and then float gracefully down under their parachutes into the German wire. A rifle grenade explodes half-way across No Man’s Land and Boche machine guns take up the tune. The Boche having told the French by the display that no German soldiers are prowling in this part of No Man’s Land, there is silence again until time makes things uncertain.

“The Boche has no reason to be nervous yet,” whispered an officer. “Our first patrol goes out at 2 o’clock. Would you like to go along?”

Patrolling is one of the milder games of hide and seek in No Man’s Land at night and it’s something most all American trench solders will learn before the war is over.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Politician Gives Up His Automatic Exemption and Enlists in Marine Corps, 1918

“Political Leader in Ranks…..South Carolina Legislator Waives Exemption and Enlists in the Marine Corps,” from the High Point Review, March 14, 1918

Port Royal, S.C.—Side by side men from various walks of life, Len A. Scott, three times Republican representative from Hardin county, Tennessee, and minority floor leader in the lower house of the last two legislatures, is rapidly learning the fine points of Marine life.

He enlisted in the Marine Corps recently for the duration of the war, waiving exemption on the ground that he was a state legislative officer, and was sent to this station for preliminary training.
Scott is well known in political circles, it being remembered that he was the author of the first resolution introduced in the House of Representatives, pledging support to President Wilson when war with Germany became inevitable.