Thursday, March 27, 2025

Large Crowd Pays Tribute to Mrs. Noble, March 28, 1925

Large Crowd Attends Funeral of Mrs. Noble

A large crowd of relatives and friends from different parts of the county and also out of the county attended the burial at Oakwood cemetery in Raleigh. Edgerton Memorial Methodist church was filled at 9:30 to pay a last tribute to one who was highly esteemed by the entire community. Three former pastors of the deceased were present: Rev. C.K. Proctor of Kinston, Rev. J. G. Johnson of Laurinburg, and Rev. G.B. Perry of Princeton. Rev. Proctor read the14th chapter of John, a favorite passage of scripture of Mrs. Noble, and made a vry touching talk. Rev. Mr. Johnson led in prayer. Rev. O.P. Fitzgerald at the close of the talk, read a beautiful tribute from the colored people of Selma.

The body was taken to Raleigh after the funeral service, reaching there about noon. The pall-bearers were: Dr. H.A. Royster, T.E. Wilkerson and L.B. Wright of Raleigh, Messrs. Charles A. Creech and W.A. Green of Smithfield, and Messrs. W.H. Call, F.M. Waters and Geo. F. Brietz of Selma. A number of Meredith College faculty as a token of sympathy for Miss Anne Noble, who teaches at Meredith, were present at the burial as follows: Dr. land Mrs. C.E. Brewer, Prof. Canaday, Miss Gertrude Royster, Miss Norwood, Miss Barber,Miss Armstrough, Miss Poteat, Miss Lottie Rhodes, Miss Wakeman, Mrs. White, and Prof. J.G. Boomhour.

The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful, showing the esteem in which the deceased was held.

Among those from here who attended the funeral of Mrs. R.J. Noble were: Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Pugh, Dr. and Mrs. L.D. Wharton, Mrs. W.M. Sanders, Mrs. A.H. Rose, Mr. Chas. A. Creech and Mr. W.C. Coates.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Saturday morning, March 28, 1925

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Flappers Are Taking Homemaking Classes, March 27, 1925

Flapper Not So Bad as She Is Painted. . . Woman Editor Sees Good Sign in Number Studying Home Making. . . 4 Million Take Courses

By Miss Beatrice Cobb

Secretary of the North Carolina Press Ass’n, Writing in “Public Service,” Published by the North and South Carolina Public Utility Information Bureau

The doleful refrain of wailing pessimists that the world is going to the demnition bow-wows (going to the damned dogs??) and that our young women are in the vanguard of the procession seems to me an altogether discordant note in this advance day.

No doubt it is well that we have these vinegar-tasters with us. They probably serve more or less as balance wheels, or they curb over-enthusiasm or keep the pendulum from swinging too far in any one direction—at least they must be here for some purpose. But there in a minor note. The world is moving on and upward all the time and as always the hallelujah chorus is growing out the squeaky discords.

There are those who would have us believe that jazzmania has gripped and destroyed woman-hood; that modernity has withered all the sweetness and solidity of our young women and that flaming youth has blighted lovely girlhood.

Not so! All the hub-bub one hears in these latter days is not occasioned by deterioration—it is merely change. So may of our so-called students of sociology fall into that error: anything that is not as it always was augurs disaster. People are just different these days; that is all, as I see it.

Studying Home-Making

One of the most encouraging signs of the times—and it is only on this phase of the question that I shall attempt to comment—is that vast increase in the number of our young women who are today studying homemaking and home economics. Co-incidentally are the increased facilities being offered by the schools and colleges for pursuit of these studies.

Possibly it is not generally noted, but there was a significant registration at Trinity College, now Duke University, at the opening of the present term. It was that of a young woman who wished to take a course in “home-making.”

Further significance is found in figures issued recently by the United States Bureau of Education which show that the “increase of student enrollment in home economics sources is greater than that in any other subject.”

At present there are approximately 8,000 high schools—this doesn’t include colleges—giving courses in domestic economy with an increased attendance of 400,000 girls and 3,000 boys. Including the elementary schools, the Bureau estimates that there are now more than 4 million young people learning how to keep house and cook according to the latest improved methods. Add to these the hundreds of thousands of girls and women who are taking the cooking courses offered by the gas companies of the country and the number is still more impressive.

More Time for Frolic

These figures appear to me worthy of consideration; especially would I commend them to the pessimist. They mean that the pretty, saucy misses of today are not given altogether to fun and frolic. It is true they have more time to frolic and more time to make themselves pretty. That is the case with the mothers as well. For house-keeping is not the drudgery today that it was when some of us were girls.

Improved methods and appliances have relieved us of many of the old-time burdens. The smoky, dirty old wood and coal stoves have been replaced by clean, convenient gas ranges; the water spigot is right at the elbow; the obnoxious kerosene lamp is replaced by a steady electric glow and the whole kitchen is bright, cheery and easy to operate.

So it is there you will find explanation of the fact that girls and women these day shave more time for play and more thought for beauty. Modernity in the kitchen has greatly reduced the population of Cinderellas. Our girls are studying how to make homes, how to make them bright, cheerful and comfortable and at the same time how to retain for themselves the freshness and beauty of youth.

Kitchen the Keystone

What more encouraging condition! The old saying is every true, despite its triteness, that the home is the basis of our civilization. And I might go one step further and say that the kitchen is the keystone of the whole structure.

A well cooked meal served in a comfortable home is a blessing of the gods, physically, mentally and morally.

If the vast number of our girls now studying home-making means anything to me it means that we are veering away from hotel and restaurant life and that the American home is to mean all in our civilization that it ever meant and more.

From page 6 of The Franklin Press, Friday, March 27, 1925

Wiley Zachary Releasing Florida Swamp Foxes on Trimont Mountain, March 27, 1925

$5,000 Worth of Fun

Mr. Wiley Zachary had $5,000 worth of fun in Florida. This, he avers, is absolutely straight goods. This fun, according to Mr. Zachary, was of many varieties, though fun of the pineapple variety seemed to predominate. Mr. Zachary failed to make clear just what is meant by pineapple fun. Nevertheless, some of the denizens of Main Street are drawing their own conclusions.

Last Saturday, a Press representative saw the lion and lamb lying down in peace together, or was it the dog and the fox? To be sure, it was the dog and fox, or to be more exact, many dogs and many foxes. This free show was on Main Street in front of the Press office. Mr. Wiley Zachary, Harry Higgins and Mrs. Higgins had just arrived form Floridia where they had spent two months fox hunting. The truck was loaded to the gun’ales with dogs, live foxes, fox hides, pineapples, grapefruit, oranges, palmettos, sugar cane, Spanish moss and scent, but not of the magnolia variety. Mr. Zachary, party, and dogs had rid Florida of 24 foxes during the trip and had brought six of these foxes home alive. Great crowds surrounded the truck and blocked traffic on Main Street for some time.

Mr. Zachary was busy as a bee, talking, beaming and smiling. He was no doubt thinking of future rases when he turns his foxes loose on his immense holdings on Trimont Mountain. However, Mr. Zachary is puzzled as to how to train his swamp foxes for the mountains. Having a kindly feeling for these lonesome creatures, Mr. Zachary brought a large amount of Florida fruit which he intends to scatter about on Trimont so that his foxes may feel a little more at home. He also intends to turn them loose near the foot of the mountain so that in the event they tumble off, fatalities will be limited.

From page 5 of The Franklin Press, Friday, March 27, 1925

Hogs Profitable for J.C. Robison of Cartoogechaye, March 27, 1925

Hogs as a Side Line

Mr. J.C. Robison of Cartoogechaye last Friday sold $92 worth of meat in the local market. He has much more meat to sell and still will have enough for his own use until fall. Mr. Robison states that his hogs were raised on skimmed milk, the cream from this milk having been sold to the cream station. A little head work along with the sweat of the brow pays wonderfully.

From page 5 of The Franklin Press, Friday, March 27, 1925

Editor Encourages Poultry Producers to Use Co-Operative, March 27, 1925

Poultry Sales

On March 18th the first co-operative poultry sale of the season was held at Franklin. This sale put into the pockets of the farmers something over $2,500. This is the amount distributed by the legitimate bidder. In addition to two or three independent buyers were on hand paying a little more for the poultry than offered by the regular bidder. Quite a few farmers who are evidently blind to the benefits of co-operative poultry sales sold to the independent bidders.

These farmers seem to forget that up until about a year ago they were glad to take from every itinerate chicken buyer just what was offered. In fact, they were at the mercy at the mercy of these buyers who usually paid only abut half of what the chickens were worth. A little over a year ago County Agent Arrendale arranged for co-operative poultry selling and immediately those having poultry for sale began receiving the market prices. This at once began to interfere with the large profits which other buyers had been receiving under the old conditions. These buyers then began laying plans to break up co-operative sales. One of these plans was to offer more for poultry on sale days than the legitimate bidder had offered. Strange to say, on every sale day some farmers sell to these independent buyers.

It should be understood now that bidders on carload lots will not continue to send a representative to Franklin to buy poultry unless they can get all of this product offered for sale on that particular day. A great majority of the farmers of the County are wise enough to realize this and refuse to sell to other than the car lot bidder. Others, however, see only the one cent additional on the pound offered by the independent buyers and sell their poultry to these men.

The scheme of these buyers ought not to be hard to fathom. They don’t want any co-operative poultry sales. For years they have been buying the farmers’ poultry for about half the market price and thus have reaped a rich harvest at the expense of widows and orphans and others with poultry to sell. It now appears that they are in a fair way to break up the co-operative sales.

The farmers are the only ones who can put a stop to the independent buyers. One or two more sales such as took place on March the 18th will result in no more co-operative sales.

If the farmers want to sell their chickens in the future for half price, let a few of them sell to independent buyers at the next co-operative poultry sale. If the wise and far-sighted farmers can’t persuade their neighbors to sell at the car, then all farmers can make up their minds to sell their poultry for half price or to go out of the poultry business.

If a farmer wants to test the accuracy of the above statements, let him bring a truck load of poultry to an independent buyer on other than a sale day and see what this buyer offers.

From the editorial page of The Franklin Press, Friday, March 27, 1925; S.A. Harris, Editor

Correction About Chief Coffey, March 27, 1925

In an editorial last week under the caption “Law Enforcement” the Press stated that the town board some months ago passed a resolution requiring the Chief of Police to remain in town at all times excepting in cases of emergency. Chief Coffey states that no such resolution was ever passed. The book of minutes contains no such resolution. The information which our statement of last week was based came to us direct from the Mayor of Franklin. The Mayor now states that he was mistaken and that no such resolution appears to have been acted upon by the town board. The Press is sorry to have been misled on this matter and gladly publishes this correction.

From the editorial page of The Franklin Press, Friday, March 27, 1925; S.A. Harris, Editor

Attend Citizen's Military Training Camp, It's Free, March 27, 1925

C.M.T.C. Aims and Purpose. . . Take Your Vacation Without Cost—Make Application Now for the Citizens Training Camp

The purpose of the Citizen’s Military training camp is to bring together from all sections of the country on a common basis of equality and under the most favorite conditions of outdoor life; to stimulate and promote citizenship, patriotism and Americanism; and, through expert physical direction, athletic coaching and military training, to benefit the young men individually and bring them to realize their obligations to their country,” said Capt. J.L. Connolly last night in discussing the training camps for which applications are now being recruited.

“American citizens only, with good moral character, are selected to attend these camps. Foreign-born applicants must have taken out first papers.

“All expense is borne by the government,” Captain Connolly continued, touching upon a matter of importance to many who desire to attend the summer camps. “This includes transportation to and from camp, food or money allowance for food while traveling, tent, bed and bedding while at camp, uniforms, medical attention, including hospital and nursing, if necessary, and laundry.

“The sons of the rich bunk side by side with the laborer’s son and all have an equal chance of making good and improving themselves. These camps have been approved by Presidents Wilson, Harding and Coolidge and by leading churchmen and educators of the United States.”

Application blanks may be procured from Prof. M.D. Billings, Franklin, N.C., for from Mack Franks, County Captain of Macon County, Bingham Military School, Asheville, N.C.

From page 5 of The Franklin Press, Friday, March 27, 1925