Thursday, April 30, 2020

Editor and Army Officer Argue Politics and the Future, April 30, 1920

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 30, 1920

Editor Versus Army Officer. . . Two Letters in Which Each Says What He Thinks of the Other

For the delectation and divertissement of its readers, The Independent published the following correspondence of recent dates. Capt. Andrew L. Pendleton, Commandant of the Reserve Officer’s Training Corps of the Georgia School of Technology writes to W.O. Sanders, editor of the Independent, from Atlanta under date of April 21.

Says Pendleton

My dear William O:--
There has always been a gentleman’s agreement between us to the effect that we could always tell each other what we thought of one another with out the other getting peeved. Personally I like you a hell of a lot. The man that you are is self-made. You’ve got plenty of ambition, and except for the narrow confines of your environs and the high cost of travel you could be devilish delightful. I know you, know you so dern well that I like you, and this is certainly strange when you come to think about it. Our views are so entirely different that they hover about the two very extremes of human fancy. In fact, if I held your view of various things I would feel more at home in Russia Your Harney cartoon in the April 9th issue amuses me the same as it has no doubt amused your readers in the First N.C. District. You’ll never get to Congress if you are opposed to feeding your followers on “pork.” They love it as much as a Hebrew hates it. It even pleases the multitude more than did the two loaves and five fishes (or vice versa) that Christ manipulated for his followers. Figuratively speaking that was “pork”. And aren’t you sick of government control of utilities? If people like you don’t stop stirring up discontent we’ll have to control the railroads, mines, etc., but it will be with 100 per cent Americans armed with rifles and machine guns. Mark what I say. In 1910 I told you that we would be mixed up in a world war in less than 10 years and you called me a fool. Your idea of taxing idle land is funny. What are you going to do about the North Pole that belongs to us? Wouldn’t I hate to see you turned loose with Free Speech and Free Press! Why not add Free Silver? There are too many dangerous people in this country now for us to give speech and the press any more freedom than they have now.  The vicious and pernicious Hun propaganda would read like Bible stories alongside of some of the stuff that I know you would turn out. The Lord saved the world with one Ark and now the Department of Justice is trying to save the U.S. with another. Do you believe in Free Transportation? What do you know about war/ War Referendum saved Germany and made us the goat. You didn’t know much about War; you missed the best one that we ever had. Just think, without that war Germany would still have the Kaiser. Your friends in Hunland are the “real limburger” now; they have the opportunity of a life time to put your ideas of good government into practice. What’s this about no war without the vote of the people? What are we going to do while the people are voting? I would have to be a voter in Norfolk with an enemy fleet at Hampton Roads. Ten to one you would claim San Francisco as your legal residence. How do you stand on birth control? I would truly welcome what you term Universal Disarmament, but my good sense tells me to let the other fellow do it first.

True indeed is old saying that nothing is so bad that there isn’t some little good in it. And this is true of your shaky old platform; it has one plank that isn’t rotten, “Education.” And in making this admission I am possessed with one fear that were you given the opportunity you would try to legislate education into the noodles of the masses. With your “Independent” you could educate more people than you could by going to Congress. But you don’t even to this; much of the time you feed them the kind of stuff that makes white folks “red.” Sometimes I think that you must have smelled something bad in your cradle and you’ve never gotten over it. Now don’t tell me that you wear a sprig of mistletoe on your coattails for fellows like me.

Just one word more for your platform. I know of one excellent purpose it could serve; your well developed posterior should be spanked forceably and severely with each of its planks.

I know darn well that you believe in Cash Bonuses for ex-service men. Certainly you do because I do not. Wouldn’t you rather see my small pay as an Army officer increased? You might need us of the Regular Army again before your voters finish voting on the next war and before you get Japan to disarm. Think it over.

I could account perhaps for your wild ideas if it were not for the fact that I too have read Hubbard, Brann and the Bible. I would like to read “Bob” Ingersoll too as well as Omar, but there is more in the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians than in all of their discomforting thoughts.

William O. you are a great fellow, and I like you but honest to God I would rather see you in a warmer place than Congress. Wait until we are cursed with a soviet rule in this land of the free before you build your political platform—or reform. Victor Berger is a close neighbor of mine, altho we are separated by iron bars. I hope you‘ll come to Atlanta some time to visit us but not like Victor came. I would certainly like to see you, jolly old Falstaff.

If Congress was in really good shape just now I wouldn’t mind so much seeing you there. Give ‘em a chance “Bill”; they may not need you after all. After a year or two more the investigation of the conduct of the war will be concluded and the conclusion as to whether or not we won the war and should declare peace will be openly arrived at. I am like you, I don’t know what I am in a political way but I want to be something therefore I am going to vote for General Wood for President. Who are you going to vote for? Or hasn’t your party named a prospect yet/ I am 33 years old and I haven’t yet cast a vote—not one. Never before did I see any need of voting. Remember, “Bill” we ae good friends but I do wish that I could cast my vote in the First N.C. District this next election. I’d certainly vote for John H. Small first, Ward second, and nobody third. And since I truly hope that General Wood, a republican, will be our next president my uncle and your friend, Dr. Pendleton, wouldn’t keep the post office anyway. So don’t fling that back at me.

Not that I love you less or Mr. Small more do I say that he is by far the best man that the First District could send to Congress. The only thing that some of you people have against him is the fact that he has been in Congress so long. If you do hold that agin him then you know less about Congress than I give you credit for. Have you any conception of the trials of a Freshman in college? Do you know that most men are valuable on account of their experience rather than their pin-feathered fancies.

Congress is a school. A new Congressman is a Freshman. Mr. Small is a big man in Washington. This I know to be a real fact. He knows the ropes so to speak. His experience—his length of service—makes him a most valuable man. You know this as well as I do so don’t twist it into wormy bait for your own fishing. You might get a few bites but the wise fish will see the hook. I believe however that Ward is harping on this phase of the campaign more than you are. Mr. Small may not always get what he goes after—that would be too much to expect of any one man in this day of political intrigue and trading—but he gets his share and certainly he does know how to go after what he wants. And this I also know to be a fact.

Now “Bill,” read some good books and stay at home for a while longer, where everybody knows you. I would hate to go to Elizabeth City next year and find you out of town and in Washington. I would feel mighty badly.

Here’s wishing you health, happiness and prosperity, and may your shadow never grow less—but for the love of us all don’t leave home.

As ever and sincerely yours,

Says Saunders

My Dear Pendleton:--
The only surprise about your letter of Apr. 21 was that it didn’t come sooner. From a clean, wholesome, democratic fellow you have graduated into a junker and a snob, the fate of most good fellows who go thru Annapolis or West Point and get an officer’s billet. I say I am surprised that you have read The Independent so long without admitting that the stuff was getting under your skin.
Of course you would “hate to God” to see me in Washington, because I am opposed to militarism, opposed to your murderous profession, opposed to all the arrogance, snobbery, trickery and secret diplomacy of your military caste. You think you and your class are the bloody saviors of civilization. You boast about ridding Germany of the Kaiser. What you do is, you have come pretty near fastening Prussian militarism upon the United States and you will vote for Leonard Wood for President of these United States because he’s the nearest thing to a Kaiser you can pick out of the multitude of monstrosities offered as presidential possibilities.

You did tell me 10 years ago that this country would be involved in a world war in 10 years and I didn’t quite believe you then. I didn’t know how well you military fellows had planned the thing. That is your game. You don’t wait for the next war; you are always planning what the next war shall e. You are planning right now what you would do to Japan. And, Japan, knowing all about your plans, is doing some planning on her own account.

Your class in Russia, France and Great Britain were planning the late world war as far back as 1912. They made secret pacts as far back as that. Russia was going to take Constantinople. That meant war with Germany and a chance for France to grab back Alsace and Lorraine while Russia was keeping Germany busy on the eastern front. Great Britain was drawn into the same scheme. And Germany, Germany with her great spy system, was watching the game and foolish enough to believe that she could anticipate it and beat the Russian Bear, the British Lion and the Froggies to it.

You brag about your great war. I ask you, is the world better or worse to-day as a result of your great war? What have you given us?  You talk about Bolshevism and the Soviets. Who gave us Bolshevism and the Soviets? Whoever heard of a Soviet form of government until war had reduced the people of Russia, Hungary, and Italy to such extremities that they were compelled to adopt communism or starve? You gave us Bolshevism; you reduce the world to chaos and poverty and then bite your manicured nails because some one has a plan opposed to yours.

You are opposed to government ownership of things. That’s damned funny. The government owns you; the biggest thing, the most expensive thing the people have to support to-day is your army and navy, both run by the government. I suppose you think however that you are running the government. I must confess that your class comes perilously near it, and I shudder to think of what is due us when you get your General Wood seated in the White House and encase his carcass in the imperial purple.

You talk about 100 per cent Americans running our railroads and mines with rifles and machine guns. That’s the only way you know how to run things. But you won’t run the railroads and the mines of this country that way. You can’t drive a free born American citizen to work at the point of a bayonet.  When you try it—and it will not be long before you will be trying it—you are going to meet your Waterloo. Mark what I tell you.

I’ll tell you, Captain Pendleton, the people of this country are going to take over the railroads, mines and other public utilities. They are not going to take these away from anybody. But here is what is going to happen: the owners of these things will presently come to the people and confess that they can no longer run these things with profit. They will beg the people to take them over. And when the people take them over a lot of you arrogant snobs who live on the fat of the land and have your boots blacked by your buck privates will have to get to work. That will be heard on you, Andy.

But don’t worry about me going to Congress. I had planned my withdrawal from the Democratic Primary before you threw your conniption fit. I’m glad you like Mr. Small. I like him too, but not for the same reason that you like him. You like Pork; in fact you are, I believe, one of his porkers; he got you educated for your military career at the government’s expense. We poor civilian jays back here in Pasquotank are still paying the bill, or helping to pay it. Make the most of it Andy while the graft is easy, and don’t lay away nights worrying about Bolsheviks kicking you out of your job; if the American people ever recover their senses after the brainstorm of the past four years they’ll find another job for you.

And this with best wishes, from

Your sincere,
W.O. Saunders
Apr. 22, 1920

A.A. Combs Says He'll Run for Legislature to End Prohibition, April 30, 1920

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 30, 1920

Mr. Combs Wants His Whiskey and Says So. . . Will Run for the Legislature if Necessary to get It Back as in Other Days

In a letter to this newspaper under date of April 24, A.A. Combs of Gum Neck, Tyrrell County, says:

”I am 82 years old or will be on August 9 if I shall be blessed and spared to see it, and if there is no other man got the face on him to ask the people of Tyrrell County to give us whiskey as we had it in our daddies’ and grand-daddies’ times, I will be the man to do so. I am as much opposed to public drunkenness as any Prohibitionist living, but I am not opposed to a man getting drunk if he wants to and will stay out of sight with it. I will, if I have to be a candidate to represent this county, use some language the Prohibitionists won’t wish to hear. I hope every county will put out a man of the same type and I assure you I will vote for no man that will not publicly declare himself as such. I as for you to publish this over my name.”

Big Twiford and Little Twiford, Dealers in Real Estate, April 30, 1920

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 30, 1920

Big Twiford and Little Twiford

Readers of this newspaper are familiar with the firm name of Twiford & Twiford, dealers in real estate. Well, here they are—the pair of them. They are as inseparable as the Siamese Twins, Damon & Pythias or Daniels & Cox. In Elizabeth City we call them “Big Twiford and Little Twiford” to distinguish t’other from which. The Big one is Dallas, a heavy weight, hard hitting son of Dare. He used to manage things for the Dare Lumber Co. at Buffalo City. He came to Elizabeth City about two years ago when the Dare Lumber Co. began to look shaky. He says he’s here to stay; he likes Elizabeth City and Elizabeth City likes him. T’other Twiford, Mr. L.B. Twiford, was for several years connected with the J.H. Aydlett Hardware Co. He is one of those long headed fellows and saw Elizabeth City and its opportunities before his partner. The real estate firm of Twiford & Twiford was established in September of 1919 and has been a success from the start. The pair of them probably would succeed in any line in which they placed themselves.

True Americans Not Ones Who Profited a Thousand Times Over During the War, Says Allen McCurdy, April 30, 1920

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 30, 1920

What Is This 100 Per Cent Americanism? The Answer Maybe Be Found in Allen McCurdy’s Entertaining Contribution. . . Why Not Call Them “Thousand Per Centers?”

By Allen McCurdy

An Americanization Committee was recently thrown into confusion and debate by the simple question, “What is 100 per cent Americanism?” No phrase is more universally used. All politicians are strong for “100 per cent Americanism.” It is a curious phrase. When James Otis, Patrick Henry, Daniel Webster, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln spoke of Americanism, it was always in terms of liberty, equal opportunity for all, special privileges for none, the fear of injustice and despotism, the hatred of monopoly and the aspiration for freedom. It is significant that the modern politician describes Americanism, not in terms of the aspirations of the human soul, but in the terms of the banking house, the ledger and profit.

This gives us a clue to what “100 per cent Americanism” really is. Senate Document No. 259 shows us the practical side of “100 per cent Americanism” by revealing to us some “100 per cent Americans. One steel company, according to this document which is based upon returns to the Treasury Department, in the year 1917 after paying its excess profit tax, made 212,584 per cent profits, its net income being $14,549,952 on a capital stock of $5,000., Senate Document No. 259 also reveals that during 1917 net profits were reported by

Dry goods stores as high as 9,826%

Coal companies as high as 7,856%

Meat packers as high as 3,295%

Flour mills as high as 2,628%

Canners (fruit and vegetable) as high as 2,032%

Woolen mills as high as 1,700%

Building contractors as high as 1,390%

This is concrete “100 per cent Americanism.” From the men who made 109 per cent or more in the year of supreme sacrifice (1917), when economy was urged upon the mass of the people and when our soldiers were risking and giving their lives for $30 a month, has probably come the money to finance the political campaigns and pay for the enormous publicity whose chief end seems to be to call all who object to this kind of Americanism as “traitors,” “Bolshevists” and “revolutionists.”

It is highly significant that although Senate Document No. 259 has been within easy reach of the Attorney-General of the United States, not one of these “100 per cent Americans” has been prosecuted for profiteering. Instead, the activities of the Department of Justice have been directed toward the “revolutionary efforts” of the workers to secure enough wages to keep pace with the increased cost of living, the cause of which is suggested in the above figures.

At a public meeting recently, such men hissed the statement of one speaker that “this country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right of dismembering and overthrowing it,” being ignorant, until they were informed, that they had hissed Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address. Lincoln would have called such men to-day what he called them 61 years ago. “They are the vanguard, the miners and sappers of returning despotism. We must repulse them, or they will subjugate us.”

Americanism, in terms of the dollar, is that patriotism which Ben Johnson defined as being “the last refuge of scoundrels.” It must be destroyed and replaced by the Americanism of Jefferson and of Lincoln, which I marked by “its superior devotion to the personal rights of men holding the right of property to be second only and greatly inferior—the man before the dollar.”

Senate Document No 259 contains unanswerable facts which dictate the necessity for the public ownership of basic industries. For, according to the able analysis of this document by Mr. Basil Manly, published in the April issue of “The Searchlight,” “the American people in the last three years have paid in net profits every dollar’s worth of stock of the coal companies, and to the United States Corporation in the two years of 1916 and 1917 net profits amounting to $888,931,511, which is $20,000,000 more than the total capital stock of the Steel Corporation.” And yet the advocates of private ownership ask us how the people can afford to buy from the profiteers the ownership of these industries. The financial part of this problem is solved. The legal part of it will be solved when the people who believe in government ownership of basic industries come together in one great political party.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Local Affairs From Boone and Watauga County, Published April 29, 1920

From The Watauga Democrat, Dedicated to the Interests of Boone, and Watauga County, Thursday, April 29, 1920

Local Affairs

Mr. G.M. Henson of Sherwood was in to see us Friday. He had just returned from Charlotte, where he had spent two weeks with his son, Lawrence, who is in one of the city hospital recovering from an attack of double pneumonia, following influenza. Mr. Henson said the young man had been extremely low, but was now very much improved, and it now seems that he will be able to return home in the very near future.

Mrs. C.A. Ellis and mother-in-law were week-end visitors to relatives in Johnson City, Tenn.

“Old Charley,” the faithful family horse owned by Mr. R.M. Greene, died of colic last week.
The promise of an abundant fruit crop in Watagua this year, remains good.

Mrs. George Shook of Grandfather is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. W.R. Gragg in Boone.

Mr. Grover Triplett of Lenoir spent Sunday in Boone with his wife and little daughter, returning to his home Monday morning.

Mrs. Jacob Hobson is at Montezuma this week with her mother, who, according to reports, is seriously ill.

A cream receiving station in Boone will be open for business in the very near future.

Government Title Inspector J.C. Fletcher has returned to his work in Lenoir after spending a few days with his family in Boone.

Rev. J.R. Walker is recovering from a typical case of mumps. On account of his illness the Rev. J.M. Downum filled his pulpit at 11 o’clock last Sunday, the night service being deferred.

Messrs. John Lay, Wiley Vannoy, and Mr. and Mrs. Tell Vannoy left Tuesday for the State of Montana. Friend Lay went for a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Jno. Vannoy, the others intending to make their homes there.

Mrs. Geo. McGuire of West Jefferson died at her home Monday and was buried near her former home at Elkland yesterday. Her brother, Mr. Conrad Yates of Boone, attended the funeral.

Mr. Wade H. Wagner, who, with his wife, spent the winter at St. Augustine, Fla., has returned and speaks of locating here for the summer, at least. Mrs. Wagner is expected within the next few days.
Lumber is being delivered on the ground for a considerable addition to the residence of Mr. W.D. farthing one mile west of the village. The work is under contract to Mr. W.G. Hartzog and will be rushed to completion just as soon as possible.

The town should pass an ordinance compelling business houses, offices, etc., to provide receptacles for waste paper and other rubbish, and not allow it to be dumped or swept into the street to blow at will over the premises of others who try to keep them at least decent.

Mr. J.B. Cannon of East Boone has rented his pretty property to Engineer Miller and moved to Blowing Rock where he has taken a position in the store of Lentz Bros. Cannon has been a resident of Boone for the past two years, is a just upright man, and we are sorry to see him leave.

An office for Watauga’s Public Health Nurse, Miss McCartney, is being fitted up in the court house. The furniture and other equipment have been ordered, and it is hoped that the room will be ready for occupancy early next week.

Mr. H. Walter Horton has returned from his Florida winter home, and is again greeting his customers at his place of business, the Highway Motor Garage in Boone. Mrs. Horton and the children returned with him, the trip from Miami, Florida to Boone being made in an Oakland car.

Mrs. Holshouser, mother of Messrs. W.L. and Luns. Holshouser, of Blowing Rock, died at the home of Mr. N.L. Edmisten, near that town last Friday, and interment was made Saturday in the cemetery at the Reform church. Mrs. Holshouser had passed her 93rd birthday, but regardless of her great age she retained her sunny disposition and winning demeanor that endeared her to those who knew her best. She was the grandmother of Mrs. Newton Greene of Boone, who, with her husband children attended the funeral of her aged ancestor.

North Fork of Cove Creek was the scene of a near tragedy last Friday evening. We have not learned the particulars further than that Messrs. Charles and Conley Thomas had an altercation which resulted in the former shooting the latter twice, one ball entering the left side, the other inflicting a flesh wound in the hand. A physician was summoned, and an examination revealed the fact that wound in the side was not so serious as was first thought, the ball striking a rib, glancing, and only making a very painful but not necessarily dangerous flesh wound.

Two Marriages on Route 1

On last Wednesday evening a beautiful wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. Granville Norris on Route 1, when Miss Bessie Phillips of Brownwood was happily married to Mr. Finley Winebarger of Route 1. Mr. Winebarger is one of our prosperous farmers and we wish for the young couple much happiness.


Married on last Sunday, the 18th, at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. Ottis Watson of Virgil to Miss Blanche Brown of Brownwood, Mr. Albert Watson, Justice of Peace, performing the ceremony.

Forest Fires Raging in Watauga County, April 29, 1920

From The Watauga Democrat, Dedicated to the Interests of Boone, and Watauga County, Thursday, April 29, 1920

Forest Fires Raging

The latter part of last week, during the dry, windy days, forest fires swept great areas of Watauga forests. Friday a fire was started on the railroad right of way near Mr. R.R. Colvard’s, supposedly by a spark from a passing engine, and within a very short while had spread largely over the wood lands of the Winklers, but, thanks to the efforts of a band of fire fighters, the loss, aside from the damage done to standing timber and a small amount of fencing destroyed, the loss was light. Mr. Colvard lost pulp wood to the amount of approximately $100.

The same day, a spark of fire from a railroad engine fired a barn on the farm formerly owned by Mr. Joseph Phipps at Foscoe, and the building was soon destroyed.

We hear also that fire went wild from the steam drill on the Boone Trail Highway and the Sands section had a big proposition to hold the flames in check, and save much property from destruction.

Fire Leave Herbert Cook Family Destitute, April 29, 1920

From The Watauga Democrat, Dedicated to the Interests of Boone, and Watauga County, Thursday, April 29, 1920

Dwelling and Barn Destroyed by Fire

On Friday evening last, Mr. Herbert Cook of the Deerfield section lost his home and barn by fire, the entire contents of both being destroyed with the building. We are told that some small children were responsible for the conflagration. The family is left entirely destitute.

Poll Tax May Not Apply to Women, Should They Get the Vote, April 29, 1920

From the News and Observer, as reprinted on the front page of The Watauga Democrat, Dedicated to the Interests of Boone, and Watauga County, Thursday, April 29, 1920

Women Think They Will Not Have to Pay Poll Tax

Advocates of woman suffrage who have been studying the question of whether women will be required to pay poll tax when they become voters say they will not have it to pay and that the matter can be easily understood simply by reading the constitution. The argument of the suffragists is somewhat as follows:

“Under the constitution of 1F68 there was a poll tax required ‘never to exceed $2 and to be applied to education and the support of the poor.’ The poll tax was authorized to be levied, however, only ‘on every male inhabitant of the State over 21 and under 50 years of age.’ There was no authority to levy it on males under 21 nor over 50 nor on females of any age. There is no authority therefore given to any officer to collect poll tax on any one except ‘males between 21 and 50.’ Constitution of North Carolina, Art. V, Secs. 1 and 2. The XIX Amendment, when ratified, will not affect his matter of poll tax, which is purely a State regulation restricted by the State constitution.

“The provisions as to poll tax were in the constitution of 1868 in which there is no requirement that it shall be paid as a prerequisite to voting. The article in the constitution on suffrage is Art. VI, (a different article from the one authorizing poll tax) and in the amendment to Sec. 4, Art. VI, known as the Grandfather Clause, there is a provision that any one promising to vote must have paid on the first of May previously ‘his poll tax for the previous year, as prescribed by Art. V Sec. 1 of the Constitution.’ It will thus be seen that prepayment of the poll tax is not required of very voter but only “as prescribed by Cons. Art. V, Section 1.” Turning to that article, it will be seen that what is prescribed is that males between 21 and 50 shall pay the poll tax. There is no authority to collect poll tax from anyone else nor to require any one else to pay poll tax. As to suffrage (Art. VI, Sec. 1) provides simply that male persons who are citizens or naturalized and over 21 shall be entitled to vote. The word ‘male’ in this section will be stricken out by the ratification of the XIX amendment.”

Monday, April 27, 2020

From Hail Storms, To a Soldier's Remembering Monroe's Kindness to His Troops, News From Around Monroe, April 27, 1920

From the Monroe Journal, April 27, 1920

Local Intelligence. . . Latest Happenings In and Around Monroe

A severe hail storm visited the Union church community in Sandy Ridge township Thursday afternoon. Mr. T.B. Moore was badly bruised about the head when he was struck by large hail stones.

The affirmation team from Wesley Chapel high school won out in the first two rounds of the triangular debate at Chapel Hill Thursday and Friday. Asheville won the Aycock memorial cup this year.

Mr. George S. Lee Jr. will represent the American Legion at the educational conference which will be held in Greensboro May 4.

Major W.C. Heath and Clerk of Court R.W. Lemmond addressed an enthusiastic gathering of voters at Indian Trail Saturday evening in the interest of Mr. Morrison’s candidacy for governor. They received much applause, and were given hearty assurances of support for their man from many of the Indian Trail citizens.

Drastic changes in the Monroe and Marshville road made by government highway engineers has caused another road flare-up in this county. Wingate citizens were in Monroe yesterday protesting the new locations, and Major W.C. Heath, chairman of the road commission, has induced members of the highway commission to come here Thursday to hear their side of the matter. The proposed changes could not be learned. The county road commission has no voice in the matter, it is said, the highways of this nature being altogether controlled by the state commission.

Saturday afternoon a young man who had suffered a temporary loss of reason was fond in Mr. H.D. Browning’s yard and was given medical attention. When it was discovered that he was a discharged Canadian soldier he was taken in charge by the Red Cross chapter and given every possible attention. For two years the young man, who gave his name as Frank Fletcher, has been in a government hospital in Washington state suffering from shell shock. About a week ago he was given his discharge, his physicians stating that nothing more could be done for him. He went to visit a sister in New Orleans and on his return he was in the Greenwood, S.C., hospital for two days. Arriving in Monroe he felt a reappearance of his trouble and left the train. Reservation was secured for him Sunday night and he left for Richmond where his people live.

Lieutenant Colonel A.H. Gansser of the 125th Infantry, 32nd Division, spent Saturday in Monroe. He was passing through this section and stopped to say a word to Monroe people in appreciation of the way his regiment was treated here while passing through on the 9th of February, 1918. Colonel Gansser was then Major of the regiment and in charge of it. They had left Texas a few days before and were experiencing the hardships of the journey when they arrived in Monroe and spent two pleasant hours and were handsomely entertained by the people of Monroe. They were given a dinner that was long remembered. Colonel Gansser said that after the battle of Chateau Theirry 40 of his men were in the hospital with him and half of them received letters or some kind of remembrances from the people of Monroe. Of the six captains in the regiment in Monroe four were killed in battle. Colonel Gansser received honorable mention from General Pershing and was promoted as a result of his services. He is now State Commander of the Michigan Legion.

Whenever The Journal wants to know anything about the past 50 years or so which requires the services of a good memory it calls on squire Henry McWhirter, who never fails to come across with it. The squire was in town Saturday and was asked about the backwardness of farm work this year as compared with past years in this section. The Spring of 1888, he said, was the worst he ever saw. Farmers in this section began plowing that year on the 20th of April and did not get their cotton in till late in May. Then the wet weather ceased and a long dry spell set in and a stand was not secured till the last of June. But then the plants grew and it was the finest fruited crop on record. But misfortune came on the 27th of September in the shape of a big frost and the cotton was cut down with the effect of a mowing machine. So completely was the crop destroyed that it required from 10 to 15 acres to gather a bale. Squire McWhirter made only a bale and had 12 acres. His brother William made only two bales and brother George made only a bale and a half. A neighbor who was considered a fine cotton farmer made only four bales where he was accustomed to make 18. The only thing that saved the day was the good corn crop of that year.

Major W.C. Heath will address Marshville citizens next Saturday night on the gubernatorial candidates. He will be accompanied by either Mr. A.M. Stack or Mr. R.B. Redwine. Major Heath and Mr. R.W. Lemmond will speak at Wingate tonight.

The “overall club” fad was short-lived in Monroe. Nearly 50 citizens signed an agreement to wear denim until there was a reduction of 25 to 33 1/3 per cent in the cost of clothing, but after wearing them for a few days, most of the signers discarded their overalls.

Miss Lura Heath, director of community service, announces the following meetings: Wesley chapel, Wednesday, April 28; Olive Branch, Thursday, April 19; Waxhaw, Friday, April 30; Union, Lanes Creek Township, Monday, May 3. All meetings begin at 7:45 p.m.

George Overby, William Burnett and P.W. Cook were knocked unconscious and badly bruised about the body and face last night when a large belt broke at the Icemorelee mill, where they were working, striking them with terrific force. Their injuries will doubtless prove to be of a light nature.

Major B.H. Hinde, who was recently appointed a special representative of the treasury department, is in Washington securing a few weeks of training in his future work. He will probably be made a regional director of the war risk bureau, which has charge of soldier insurance, and will have headquarters in one of the cities in the south.

Mr. J.A. Sell of Goose Creek township, who never plants his cotton seed until the 10th of May, says farmers should have no occasion for worry on account of recent heavy rains, which have caused considerable delay in getting spring planting under way. By late planting, Mr. Sell says, he makes a bale of cotton to the acre; whereas, when he used to plant around the 20th of April he seldom made over a half bale to the acre.

Mr. Z.B. Griffin, Marshville chief of police, was assaulted in open court at Marshville yesterday by Mr. J.C. Austin, according to reports received in Monroe. A son of Mr. Austin was being tried by Esq. T.C. Griffin on the charge of driving a car without it a license, it is said, and Mr. Austin became incensed at the testimony offered by Mr. Griffin, who made the arrest. Leaping across a table in the room, Mr. Austin struck Mr. Griffin squarely in the face, knocking him down. Spectators in the court room restrained any further damage.

The men in charge of the revaluation work in this state are very unpopular according to Esq. M.L. Flow, and he cites the following letter to illustration his contention: “Dear Sir—Yours to hand in regard to the revalution of my land. I have misplaced your letter but I think your valuation was about $72 an acre. At that valuation I would have to do like the poor Turk. When he could not live because of the high tax on his orchard, he cut his fruit trees down. So don’t tax my land so high that my fruit trees will have to fall. The cry of the renter is reduce the rent. The cry of our lawmakers is increase the taxes on the land from which both man and beast get their living. This is not the Turkish empire. The people are going to rule some day. I will be willing to value my land at $35 or $40 an acre. Niro fiddled while Rome burned.”

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Photos of Carolina Varsity Baseball Team and Virginia Baseball Team, April 1920

Carolina Varsity Baseball Team (top picture)
Virginia Baseball Team (bottom picture)

Front page of The Tar Heel, April 24, 1920

Image from the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center. To see the rest of the newspaper, click on the link.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Kluttz, Bread Prices, L.T. Green, Preston Cobb, Actress' Divorce, April 22, 1920

From the front page of The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., April 22, 1920

President Wilson Nominates Whitehead Kluttz of North Carolina

Whitehead Kluttz of North Carolina was nominated by President Wilson to membership on the board of mediation and conciliation, succeeding G.W.W. Hanger, who has been made a member of the railroad labor board.


Further Precautions Threatened Against Retailers of Loaf Bread

Charlotte—Every retail dealer in bread will be indicted under the Lovel act, declared the chairman of the fall price committee, Dr. Davidson, unless they cut the 15-cent loaves to 12 cents and the 20-cent loaves to 17 cents.

Dr. Davidson said the fair price committee is satisfied that bread can be bought in the city and from nearby potato(?) at such prices as will leave the retailer a fair profit when he sells loaves at 12 and 17 cents.


L.T. Green of Weldon Loses Hand

Weldon—L.T. Green, a prominent farmer of Weldon, had one of his hands cut off in a cotton gin. His left coat sleeve got caught in the machinery while it was in operation and before it could be stopped, the limb was amputated just above the wrist.


Man Dies Will Being Made Church Member

Richmond, Va. – Kneeling at the altar while being received in the Seventh Street Christian church, Preston H. Cobb, 49, died instantly of heart disease.

Rev. H.D.C. MacLauchlan was in the act of pronouncing him a member of the congregation when Cobb reeled and fell into the aisle.


Will Mary Pickford Get Her Divorce?

Minden, Nevada—A suit to set aside the decree of divorce granted by District Judge Langan to Gladys E. Moore, known as Mary Pickford, from Owen E. Moore, was filed here by Leonard B. Fowler, attorney general of Nevada.

 The suit was filed “in the interest of the state of Nevada.”

Front Page of the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., April 22, 1920

The page is available online at the following link. From there, you can view the rest of the pages of this issue of The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., April 22, 1920

Friday, April 24, 2020

Lack of Labor Will Cause Food Shortage in United States, April 24, 1920

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, April 24, 1920

The Food Supply

There is no question that the country faces a serious situation in regard to its food supply and relief to the American consumers must come from other countries. Farmers are unable to secure reliable labor, the factories drawing thousands of workers to the towns and cities and leaving the owners to worry along as best they can with few or no hands and their families. That is the situation in North Carolina, and in Catawba county many farmers already have declared that they will attempt to provide for their families and not attempt much planting for the markets.

Whether the appeal of Secretary Meredith for assistance will be heeded remains to be seen. There are thousands of college students who can assist in the summer months, but there will be few business men equal to the job of regular farm work. They are not used to it, and are not hard enough.

The main hope of the country is in more machinery and a larger production in other countries so that the United States will not be called upon to supply the whole world. The strain has been pretty heavy on the farmers.

Reservists, Ex-Navy Men Can Take Two-Month Practice Cruise This Summer, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, April 24, 1920

Navy Practice Cruise Open to Ex-Service Men

The navy recruiting station located in the Mint building of Charlotte has received instructions to the effect that the midshipmen of the naval academy at Annapolis will this year make the summer practice cruise, as was the custom before the war.

This cruise will give the middles a wonderful sightseeing trip as the squadron will visit the Panama canal, many ports on the Pacific coast and then to the beautiful Hawaiian islands, after which they will visit the rendezvous of the Atlantic fleet at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Boatswains Mate Ferris from the Charlotte station, who is spending several days in Hickory, says he has the authority to re-enlist ex-Hickory men for this cruise and also the men of the reserve force will be given an opportunity to make the cruise by making application through the commandant of their naval district. The number of reservists to be accepted for the cruise is limited to 1,500. The cruise, which will begin about June 1 and continue until the end of August, will give the reservists an opportunity to complete the active duty required for conformation of rating.

The practice squadron for this cruise will be composed of the following battleships: Connecticut (flagship), Michigan, Kansas, Minnesota, South Carolina and New Hampshire. The fleet will touch at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Panama, ports in Puget Sound, San Pedro, Cal., San Francisco, San Diego and ports in the Hawaiian islands.

News Briefs From Front Page of Hickory Daily Record, April 24, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, April 24, 1920

--Coca Colas went up from 6 to 8 cents at fountains today, as many customers learned. Lthe price was raised because of the increased cost of syrup, it was stated. Bottled drinks—Cocc Cola, Chero Cola and Pepsi Cola—remain at 5 cents.

--Edward B. Pace, serving his second term as commissioner of public works of the city of Raleigh, died at noon today in Raleigh following an illness of several months. Mr. Pace, a machinist by trade, has figured in political and labor circles for several years, having served one term in the House. He leaves a wife and several children.

--Rev. E.J. Sox was called to Columbia, S.C., yesterday by the death of his brother Mr. R.G.M. Sox. Mr. Sox was also a brother of Mr. D.J. Sox of this city and has quite a number of friends here which he made while on a visit to the city several years ago.

--W.D. Post of Asheville and R.L. McCullough of Knoxville, Tenn., have been promoted to superintendents of the Southern railway, respectively of the Columbia S.C. division, and the Murphy division, headquarters, Asheville, N.C.

--Ed. B. Brown, former general secretary of the Asheville Y.M.C.A., and the man who is said to have been responsible for putting the association on the solid basis it now enjoys, is critically ill at his home on Furman avenue, Asheville, and is not expected to recover. Mr. Brown’s condition for some time has been very low, but he has recently taken a turn for the worse. A native of Newton, he came to Raleigh about 15 years ago and was for some time a leading athlete of this section. He was secretary of the local “Y” for 11 years.

Overalls Clubs Raising Price of Overalls, Says Frank Henderson, April 24, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, April 24, 1920

Overalls Clubs Cause High Prices

Mr. Frank A. Henderson, manager of the Hickory Overall Company, does not believe in the overall movement. It would enable manufacturers and retailers to profiteer, he told a Recorder reporter, and would make the price of these garments about double for the man who must wear them. As an instance of what the movement already has done, he cited the cost of heavy denims, which rose from 47 to 54 cents in a few days.

The supply of overall cloth is limited, the demands from the regular trade is all that the factories can supply and an abnormal demand naturally would sent the prices kiting. If one wants to economize, Mr. Henderson said, the old clothes movement has the overall beaten a block.

Mr. Henderson makes a point that many farmers have already made—that those who actually need overalls will be forced to pay more for them as a result of the movement. Many overall organizations have asked for wholesale prices, but in each case their orders have been turned down.

From the Hickory Daily Record

Overalls Clubs Cause High Prices

Mr. Frank A. Henderson, manager of the Hickory Overall Company, does not believe in the overall movement. It would enable manufacturers and retailers to profiteer, he told a Recorder reporter, and would make the price of these garments about double for the man who must wear them. As an instance of what the movement already has done, he cited the cost of heavy denims, which rose from 47 to 54 cents in a few days.

The supply of overall cloth is limited, the demands from the regular trade is all that the factories can supply and an abnormal demand naturally would sent the prices kiting. If one wants to economize, Mr. Henderson said, the old clothes movement has the overall beaten a block.

Mr. Henderson makes a point that many farmers have already made—that those who actually need overalls will be forced to pay more for them as a result of the movement. Many overall organizations have asked for wholesale prices, but in each case their orders have been turned down.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Latest Happenings In and Around Monroe, April 23, 1920

From the Monroe Journal, April 23, 1920

Local Intelligence. . . Latest Happenings In and Around Monroe

Mr. W.Z. Wentz of Vance township suffered a broken leg last week when the pole which he was using to prize up stumps fell on his leg.

Rev. K.W. Hogan will preach at New Salem Church, west of Monroe, Sunday night at 7:30.

Rev. B.B. Shankle will preach at Unionville next Sunday morning at 11 and at Bethlehem at 3 p.m.
A mile stretch of road on the central highway, or the Marshville and Euto road, which was built by Mr. George W. Smith and his sons, is said to be the best of its kind in the entire state.

Capt. J. Frank Hill, city building inspector, requests The Journal to state that the state law required walls in one story buildings to be 13 inches thick. For each additional story, add four inches.
A disastrous fire occurred last Wednesday night about 12 o’clock when the warehouse, barn and corn crib belonging to Mr. T.C. Lee were completely destroyed. The handsome new home of Mr. Lee was endangered for a time, but a fortunate shift of the wind saved it. When the fire was discovered the warehouse was burning rapidly and the other outhouses caught from that. All the livestock was saved but a gasoline engine, compressed air tank, Ford truck, two buggies, wood sawing outfit, feed cutter, several tons of feedstuffs, 200 bushels of cotton seed, farm implements, several hundred pounds of meat were totally destroyed. It is not known exactly how the fire originated. The loss is estimated at several thousand dollars, with only $500 insurance.

The woman’s missionary society of the Baptist church will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock and the program will be in charge of the Anna Hartwell circle. All members are urged to be present and new members will be heartily welcomed.

In response to an appeal, the woman’s missionary society of Central Methodist church have collected a goodly supply of clothing and household goods and $55 in cash, and will donate the same to the cyclone sufferers.

Last Tuesday Deputy Sheriffs Clifford Fowler and Paul Griffith and Federal Prohibition Agents S.P. Dry and F.C. Tolbert captured a 60-gallon distillery on a farm rented by Winslow Hinson in New Salem township. Wednesday they found a 35-gallon still on a farm rented by Carl Kennington in Buford township. These men will appear in court soon.

Messrs. W.J. Hudson, J.W. Lanney, C.B. Adams, T.C. Smith, J.A. Douglas, F.H. Fairley, J.L. Everette and Randolph McLarty will go to Anniston, Ala., to appear as witnesses in the case of the government against D.H. Riddle, the Savage Cotton Co. and others. Mr. J.C. Sikes is an attorney in the case, which concerns one of the biggest cotton frauds ever penetrated in this country.

Tonight at 8 o’clock Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshire of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina will hold service at St. Paul’s church and administer the rite of Confirmation. He reaches Monroe this afternoon, coming from St. Timothy’s church in New Salem township, where he made his visitation this morning and confirmed several candidates. While here the Bishop will be the guest of Rev. and Mrs. S.L. Rotter at the rectory.

Mr. C.W. Orton of Greensboro has located at Monroe to open an office for the Pinnex Realty Company of Greensboro. The company, which handles real estate on a commission basis, has branch offices in the following towns: Darlington, Lancaster, Chester, Union, all of South Carolina, and Wadesboro in this state. Mr. Orton has not yet been able to obtain an office, but will doubtless do so in a few days.

Ex-Sheriff Lee Joyce of Surry county, who was killed near Walnut Cove Sunday evening in a fight between officers and negroes, is related to Mr. Gilmer Joyce of Monroe. Jim Matthews, a special deputy, was probably fatally wounded, and three negroes were also killed in the affray. According to the news reports, the officers attempted to break up a card game said to have been in progress in a restaurant operated by Nick Hairston, a negro. When the officers entered the restaurant the negroes, it is said, began shooting. Mr. Joyce was killed instantly.

An enthusiastic discussion of a fair for Union County featured the luncheon given at the Chamber of Commerce rooms yesterday afternoon. Those present determined to exert themselves to the utmost to organize a worthy project of this kind, and a committee was appointed, composed of Messrs. T.J.W. Broom, G.L. Nisbet and John Beasley to study local conditions, investigate sites and ascertain the best method of financing the fair. This committee will make its report to the members of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night. Short talks were made at the luncheon yesterday by Messrs. W.B. Love, F.G. Henderson, T.J.W. Broom and others.

Card of Thanks
I wish to thank my many friends and neighbors who were so kind to me when my home was destroyed and my husband killed during the tornado of April 12th. May God’s richest blessings rest on them all is my prayer.
--Mrs. Robert L. Polk, Lando, S.C.

Latest Happenings of the State and Nation, April 23, 1920

From the Monroe Journal, April 23, 1920

Latest Happenings. . . News Events of the Day in the State and Nation

Vice President Marshall will address the North Carolina Bankers’ Association which meets in Rocky Mount June 8.

Lieut. Richard W. Thomas of Raleigh, attached to the U.S. Naval Air Station at Rockaway Point, N.Y., was drowned in Jamaica Bay Monday.

Albemarle witnessed one of the most terrific storms of its history late Wednesday night. No personal injuries have been reported but the property damage was considerable.

The body of a 2-year-old child of Mrs. Ramsey of Belmont, who is believed to have hurled herself in the Catawba river, holding the child in her arms, was taken from the river Wednesday afternoon at Fort Mills, S.C. No trace of the mother’s body has been found. A negro fisherman found the infant’s body.

Lester Pruett, 14-year-old boy employed by the Shuford Mills near Hickory, was electrocuted when he took hold of a wire fence enclosing the transformer at the mill, which had been charged by the current.

Demoted because alleged shortage in her accounts, Mrs. Neva Spencer, postmistress of Lupton, N.C., poisoned her two children, drank a quantity herself and then tried to hurry death by slashing her throat. The youngest child is dead, the mother’s death is expected any moment, but the second child will probably recover.

Thursday night at the University of North Carolina 176 high school debaters competed for the State Championship. The teams will be debarred from the final contest by the process of elimination and a decision will be made tonight.

Nearly $25,000 worth of material used in the manufacture of whiskey was destroyed in Eastern North Carolina from March 1 to April 19 by Federal prohibition agents. In addition to the property destroyed the value of property seized including automobiles and other vehicles was about $28,000. A total of 150 stills were broken up.

Thousands of homeless New Yorkers are expected to live in tents furnished by the United States Army until the present housing dearth is remedied. From 1,500 to 2,000 families will make their homes in Pelhata Bay Park alone, and many other sections will have their tent colonies by May 1st.
The overall and gingham movement supported by many prominent men and women continues to gain converts in New York City. Heads of business concerns, officials and actors have announced their intention of backing the campaign. Monday several hundred bankers of the movement marched through the theatrical districts singing and urging spectators to join.

A tornado of great strength struck Mississippi, Georgia and Southern Tennessee Tuesday, killing 145 people, injuring many and destroying millions of dollars’ worth of property. In several instances entire families were killed and whole towns and villages were demolished. The American Red Cross in response to appeals has sent thousands of dollars to the devastated sections. In Meridian, Miss., $20,000 were raised for the homeless people by subscription in a short time.

With an increase in its population of 139,368 during the last decade, Akron, Ohio, has made the largest gain in number of any city yet reported in the 14th census.

The revolutionary movement in Mexico led by the state of Sonora continues to grow in strength. Two new states, Hidalgo and Tlaxia, supported by their legislatures and state troops, joined the secession movement yesterday.

A mob which grew until it numbered 7,000 made ineffectual attempts Thursday to take a negro from the Marion county jail in Indiana. The negro, William Ray, 19 years old, is the confessed murderer of a 14-year-old white girl. It is feared that other attempts will e made to take the negro and lynch him.
A mob estimated to have numbered 1,000 people on Tuesday surrounded the jail at Mulberry, Kan., seized a negro identified as having attacked a young white girl, and hanged him to a telephone pole. The girl was found tied to two trees and her throat was slashed. She will probably recover.

The French Senate has rendered a verdict of “guilty of commerce and correspondence with the enemy” against Joseph Caillaux, former premier of France and twice minister of finance. This is the first verdict of the sort rendered in any of the allied countries since the war began. It is a case of placing personal ambition above the interests of his country.

Health of Recruits in the Great War, By State, April 23, 1920

From the Monroe Journal, April 23, 1920

By Major B.H. Hinde, Infantry O.R.C.


Some of the Statistics as to the health of the recruits from various is of interest. In Minnesota, Iowa, Kentucky, Arkansas, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas, 75 men passed out of each 100 examined.

In North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and Florida, 67 men passed out of each 100.
In Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia, 62 men passed out of each 100.

Only 54 of every 100 men from the remaining states were healthy enough to serve, including Washington, Arizona, California, Colorado, Michigan, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts.

Number of Men Killed, By Nation, in the Great War, April 23, 1920

From the Monroe Journal, April 23, 1920

By Major B.H. Hinde, Infantry O.R.C.

Some may care to know the number of men that were killed altogether in the Great War. Here are the figures:







Serbia and Montenegro—125,000




United States—50,323



This is a grand total of about 7,485,000 lives lost. This includes those who died of wounds also.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Columbus Township Property to be Sold for Taxes, May 3, 1920

From the April 20, 1920 issue of The Polk County News and Tryon Bee.

Columbus Township

By virtue of my office as Tax Collector for the town of Tryon, I will sell for cash at the Town Hall in Tryon on Monday, 10 o’clock, May 3rd, 1920, the following property described, for taxes due thereon, with all costs added, as prescribed by law to wit:

Ballenger Co., 36 acres, $5.93
Mrs. George B. Cobb, 45 acres, $6.64

E.B. Cloud, administrator of H.B. Green estate, $6.64
Thomas Fisher, 57 acres, $8.42

Mrs. Maggie Gettis, 1 lot, $1.59
W.B. Getty, 134 acres, $16.43

G.B. & J.W. Hampton, 200 acres, $34.44
Mrs. Mable Harrison, $6.18

Hunt, Ida Sitton, 107 acres, $18.32
R.G. Hamilton, 580 acres, $130.33

Gaston, Mills, 44 acres, $24.55
W.M. Newman, 66 acres, $8.87

Z.B. Nance, 8 acres, $3.60
Otis Pack, 36 acres, $51.04

Peak, Heinz, 700 acres, $104.96
Thomas P. Price, 267 acres, $66.19

Williams, 41 acres, $21.98
John N. Williams, 50 acres, $31.26

R.B. Williams, 105 acres, $33.80
W.M. Williams, 41 acres, $20.44

Mrs. F.R. Williamson, 20 acres, $35.63
Alford Edgerton, 2 acres, $1.79

Vance Redman, Robert Booker estate, $17.16
Will Simmons, 6 acres, $1.41

John Wilson, 21 acres, $5
J.B. Martin, $2.50

   This the 9th day of April, 1920
   Frank Jackson, Sheriff

Greens Creek Topwnship Property to Be Sold for Taxes, May 3, 1920

From the April 20, 1920 issue of The Polk County News and Tryon Bee.

Greens Creek Township

By virtue of my office as Tax Collector for the town of Tryon, I will sell for cash at the Town Hall in Tryon on Monday, 10 o’clock, May 3rd, 1920, the following property described, for taxes due thereon, with all costs added, as prescribed by law to wit:

Brown Bros, 38 acres, $5.87
W.S. Burnett, 32 acres, $5.39

Mrs. J.K. Smalley, 90 acres, $14.78
Ludora Turney, 32 acres, $5.39

J.H. & J.B. Caldwell, 6 acres, $25.95
Mrs. J.J. Feagan, 30 acres, $7.21

W.F. Green, 47 acres, $12.15
Mrs. Bank Harris, 104 acres, $24.29

S.J. Jackson, 40 acres, $9.60
Martha Jackson, 66 acres, $11.32

Mrs. M.E. Morris, 6 acres, $1.81
W.S. Walker, 37 acres, $5.01

J.E. Jones, lot in Melvinhill, $13.27
Miles Holbert, 49 acres, $7.62

   This the 9th day of April, 1920
   Frank Jackson, Sheriff

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mrs. Vivian Haymont-Gilliard, Former Editor-in-Chief, The Guilfordian, April 21, 1920

Mrs. Vivian Haymont Gilliard, ‘19
A recent photograph of the popular Editor-in-Chief of the Guilfordian for last year.

From The Guilfordian, April 21, 1920:

Saluda Property to be Sold If Taxes Not Paid by May 3, Printed April 20, 1920

From the April 20, 1920 issue of The Polk County News and Tryon Bee.

Saluda Township

By virtue of my office as Tax Collector for the town of Tryon, I will sell for cash at the Town Hall in Tryon on Monday, 10 o’clock, May 3rd, 1920, the following property described, for taxes due thereon, with all costs added, as prescribed by law to wit:

Miss Ada Cannon, 1 lot, $7.80
G.W. Foster, 134 acres, $48.71

H.P. Green, 1 lot, $22.13
H’ville L. & P. Co., 60 acres, $15.60

Homer Ross, 1 lot, $32.40
Mrs. O.P. Jones, 1 lot, $18.21

Jake Johnson, 25 acres, $13
W.E. Laughter, 56 acres, $47.71

John McMurry, 70 acres, $7.10
R.H. Moody, 5 acres, $6.58

John Metcalf, 1 lot, $27.85
C.W. Pearson, Est., $13.62

G.W. Pearson, 343 acres, $57.57
B.C. Pace, 1 lot, $11.37

J. Hannon Pace, 200 acres, $44.82
H.H. Pace, Est., 187 acres, $22.54

Jess F. Pace, 148 acres, $82.54
J.G. Rollins, 60 acres, $14.12

R.M. Sherly, 1 lot, $3.92
W.R. Summy, 1 lot, $39.10

W.A. Smith, 1 lot, $10.41
S.D. Staton, 1 lot, $15.60

Brantley Smith, 6 acres, $7.82
Mrs. M.T. Turner, 1 acre, $1.32

D.W. Rollins, Est., 100 acres, $9.13
Reubin Atkins, 1 lot, 74 cents

John Cash, 1 lot, $11.26
John Irvin, 1 lot, $5.25

D.R. Walker, 1 lot, $12.67
Mrs. N.B. Alexander by discovery, 1 lot, $5.25

R.S. Bradley, by discovery, 1 lot, $5.25
W.E. Martin, by discovery, 1 lot, $5.25

   This the 9th day of April, 1920
   Frank Jackson, Sheriff

Cooper's Gap Township Property to be Sold for Taxes, April 20, 1920

From the April 20, 1920 issue of The Polk County News and Tryon Bee.

Sale of Cooper’s Gap Township Property for Taxes

By virtue of my office as Tax Collector for the town of Tryon, I will sell for cash at the Town Hall in Tryon on Monday, 10 o’clock, May 3rd, 1920, the following property described, for taxes due thereon, with all costs added, as prescribed by law to wit:

J.R. Blanton, 111 acres, $28.25

W.F. Brown, 50 acres, $7.08

H.K. Cors, 20 acres, $4.63

J.W. Gibbs, 100 acres, $12.84

Halford, P.W., 25 acres, $2.28

W.A. Ruff, 71 acres, $15.23

James Ruff, 10 acres, $7.12

D.H. Thompson, 132 acres, $16.03

F.P. Wamac, 60 acres, $23.60

Mrs. Allen Laughter, 79 acres, $7.22

C.G. Marsh, 65 acres, $4.88

H.C. McKillop, 50 acres, $4.88

   This the 9th day of April, 1920
   Frank Jackson, Sheriff

White Oak Township Property To Be Sold for Taxes, Listed April 20, 1920

From the April 20, 1920 issue of The Polk County News and Tryon Bee.

Sale of White Oak Township Property for Taxes

By virtue of my office as Tax Collector for the town of Tryon, I will sell for cash at the Town Hall in Tryon on Monday, 10 o’clock, May 3rd, 1920, the following property described, for taxes due thereon, with all costs added, as prescribed by law to wit:

John T. Cavness, 55 acres, $6.42
Hamrick & Harris, 21 acres, $23.37

N.C. Harris, 578 acres, $40.91
W.M. Pack, 30 acres, $21.39

James Staton, 33 acres, $3.95
W.M. Sentell, Est., 130 acres, $6.97

C.F. West, 1 acre, $6.62
Wade Mead, heirs, 86 acres, $6.30
P.S. Whistnant, 357 acres, (price not given)

Monday, April 20, 2020

Township Property Taxes Not Paid Includes Tryon County Club, Oak Hall Hotel, April 20, 1920

From the April 20, 1920 issue of The Polk County News and Tryon Bee.

Sale of Tryon Township Property for Taxes

By virtue of my office as Tax Collector for the town of Tryon, I will sell for cash at the Town Hall in Tryon on Monday, 10 o’clock, May 3rd, 1920, the following property described, for taxes due thereon, with all costs added, as prescribed by law to wit:

E. Brown Lee, 1 lot, $37.94
Balfour Quarry Co., $19.31

J.G. Cocran, 4 acres, $15.46
Berton F. Clark, 30 acres, $14.82

Furman L. Case, 1 lot, $7.36
Miss L.B. Campan, 1 lot, $77.88

Miss Margaret Donuhoo, 1 lot, 77 cents
W.H. Eulas, 5 acres, $15.90

Erskin-Danforth Co., 20 acres, $37.88
Ralph C. Erskin, 1 lot, $117.51

James C. Fisher, 100 acres, $73.52
Fred Fisher, $1,312.77

Louis F. Grant, 2 lots, $14.88
Goodman, 20 acres, $2.76

Mrs. Alex Gordon, $15.78
Robert Gains, 1 lot, $23.14

Columbus, Howard, 10 acres, $13.07
Logan, Jones 8 acres, $6.35

Jacob, Stephens, 59 acres, $32.16
James L. Kuyhendull, 23 acres, $41.65

Jerry Langhter, $39.17
J.A. Mills, 1 lot, $6.38

Thomas C. Mills, 241 acres, $71.24
Mrs. Lucy Moore, 2 acres, $3.16

James G. Newman, 2 lots, $22.72
J.E. Pearson, 1 lot, $52,52

Gaither Panther, 1 lot, $7.07
Dr. M.C. Palmer, 105 acres, $78.18

T.W. Revan, 5 acres, $15.86
W.A. Rollins, 72 acres, $86.78

L.V. Randall, 1 lot, $7.26
Mrs. D.M. Robinson, 15 acres, $2.76

Leonard Scruggs, 3 acres, $18
Mrs. M.D. Smith, 1 lot, $24.82

Miss Annie M. Smith, 1 lot, $87.65
Mrs. A.R. Smith, 50 acres, $12.63

Burrell Turner, 60 acres, $8.27
L.L. Talent, 2 acres, $1.08

Tryon Country Club, 52 acres, $98.16
Mrs. S.R. Wilson, 1 lot, $73.86

Miss Madiline W., 6 acres, $1.66
Mrs. Madiline Wyamin, 1 lot, $62.36

Mrs. Lott Alman, 1 lot, $1.19
W.N. Cherry, 1 lot, $19

Ben Cheek, 1 lot, $11.54
Hattie Fields, 1 lot, $27.37

Harris Scotland, 1 lot, $38.20
Eliga Holbert, 27 acres, $16.28

Duff Jackson, $35.27
John Johnson, 1 lot, $1.30

Rev. J.S. Mills, 1 lot, $22.85
Thomas E. Mills, 2 acres, $8.54

Patterson, 1 lot, $33.71
L.T. Treble, 1 lot, $12.69
Oak Hall Hotel, $649.13

Tryon Folks Whose Property Will Be Sold For Taxes, April 20, 1920

From the April 20, 1920 issue of The Polk County News and Tryon Bee.

Sale of Town Property for Taxes

By virtue of my office as Tax Collector for the town of Tryon, I will sell for cash at the Town Hall in Tryon on Monday, 10 o’clock, May 3rd, 1920, the following property described, for taxes due thereon, with all costs added, as prescribed by law to wit:


Bradley, D.D., 1 lot, $4.60
Bradley, Jason, 1 lot, $3.27

Edwards, J.W., 1 lot, $8
Melton, J.B., 1 lot, $3.94

Neale, Rhoda, 1 lot, $3.27
Newman, Wm., 1 lot, $6.56

Parle, J.R., 1 lot, $3.40
Suber, Miss L.B., 1 lot, $3.27

Erskine-Danforth Co., 1 lot, $8
W.F. Smith, 1 lot, $10


Carson, Pat, 1 lot, $2.60
Edwards, Jno., 1 lot, $3.94

Houpe, Cal, 1 lot, $3.04
Jackson, Carrie, 1 lot, $3.94

Mills, Wm., 1 lot, $2.94
Mills, Barry, 1 lot, $3.10

Mills, Chas., 1 lot, $5.34
Mills, Susie, 1 lot, $1.60

McDowell, Jas., 1 lot, $3.77
Miller, W.O., 1 lot, $1.94

Miller, J.S., 1 lot, $5.45
McDowell, H.C., 1 lot, $4.14

McDowell, Alex, 1 lot, $3.37
Owens, Robt., 1 lot, $4.42

Patterson, Chas., 1 lot, $ $7.41
Parris, Crate, 1 lot, $3.36

Tice, Jno., 1 lot, $2.94
Williams, Georgia, 1 lot, $2
Westfield, Ed, 1 lot, $2.35

   M.G. Blake, Clerk

Town and County Land Being Sold for Back Taxes, April 20, 1920

The Overall Movement, April 1920, Editorial Cartoon

From the U.S. National Archives

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Students at Chapel Hill, Elon College Wearing Overalls, April 16, 1920

From the front page of the Dunn Dispatch, April 16, 1920

Students at Chapel Hill Join Overall Movement

Chapel Hill, April 15—University students are joining the overall movement. The lay class voted unanimously to wear overalls 30 days, and four other classes have called a meeting to take action. Many students are already wearing overalls.


From the front page of the Dunn Dispatch, April 16, 1920

Elon College Dons Blue Denim for All Occasions

Elon College, April 15—Today Elon College students adorned themselves in blue denim overalls for the purpose of promoting the movement which is rapidly spreading over the country to fight the high cost of clothing.

Editor Endorses Overall Movement, April 17, 2910

From the April 17, 1920 issue of the Hickory Daily Times

On Beat High Costs

The overall movement, born as a protest against the high cost of clothing, and accepted as a joke in many places later, has made an impression on the minds of thousands of people and is destined yet to help in the problem of lowering living costs. As a symbol of the simple life, of frugality, work and thrift, thong can beat the overall. It is an expression of honesty, of the simple life that was. It carries one back to the day when all of us owned overalls and were not ashamed to wear them when one Sunday suit showed that one had clothes. Those were good days, too.

If the overall movement can help in bringing the people back to a realization that fine clothes do not make fine fellows, and that thrift and saving are much more to be desired than much gasoline—not to say fine raiment—then we are for it. Our merchants, interested in the welfare of the public, have realized that prices are too high and they know that only by careful and close buying can the people get ahead in these days. And if we were half as careful in our purchases as we were 10 years ago, the whole country would be immensely better off.

We observe a tendency among the ladies to work over last year’s hats. Those who do this probably will be marked, but they can afford it a little later. Some one has suggested—and we can call his name—that the ladies wear cotton hosiery on week days and silk stockings on Sunday to church. This man, though the sun of his meridian is not as bright as it was five years ago, still likes silk stockings—and we don’t mind saying that so do we.

In adopting the overall movement one need not necessarily wear out more rubber tires. We are of the opinion that shoe leather is cheaper than automobiles and gasoline, and, if necessary one can wear sandals if he does not like our barefoot club idea.

We are not anxious to put anybody out of business, of course, but the country has gone wild not so much on any particular thing as riotous living. We need to return to our senses.