Thursday, April 20, 2017

Editorial Opinions on Banks, International Affairs, the Economy In North Wilkesboro Paper, 1933

From the editorial page of The Journal-Patriot, North Wilkesboro, N.C., April 3, 1933. J.D. Carter and Julius Hubbard, were publishers, and the paper’s slogan was “Independent in Politics”

Ashe Banks Open

Opening of the Bank of Ashe at Jefferson last week placed Ashe County in the favored class of counties which have all their banks functioning again after the banking holiday. The First National Bank of West Jefferson was one of the first banks in the state to open, being granted license in the first list.

The Journal-Patriot congratulates and banking institutions and the county. Ashe County is within the North Wilkesboro trading territory and her people and the Wilkes people do business with each other with mutual benefit.

Normal banking operations there will be an aid to local business and aside from our purely selfish interest, we are glad for the sake of the fine people who reside in that county.

In Agreement

In the light of our oft repeated expressions regarding payment of the Allied war debts, it is quite natural that we should find ourselves in agreement with Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who last week declared that this nation “might not consider defaulting nations” in the forth-coming conference on the debt problems.

The ability of France to pay is a known fact. Yet she has defaulted, contending for further adjustment in the debts.

Great Britain, while desiring a debt conference, paid the installment when it became due, setting an example which other nations should have followed. The policy advanced by Secretary Hull meets the approval of the public generally, we believe.

A Dangerous Policy Against Jews

The wisdom of the new German government is open to question. However, the rest of the world can only look with alarm at the policy which seemingly is intended to eventually deprive the Jewish people of representation in the government and to relieve them of property rights. Reports are confusing, of course, and perhaps do not tell the whole story. No news which does not meet the approval of the government is permitted to go out over the telegraph wires.

Jewish people are in the main a people without a country. They are scattered throughout the earth and their right to be citizens of Germany is upheld in the opinion of the world.

The greatest of all Jews, whom the Jews themselves rejected, gave to the world a rule which should be applied in the treatment of our fellowman. Germany might well give the Jews the same treatment which they would themselves desire were conditions reversed.

Upturn in Economy Is Reported

An upturn in business is noted in a dispatch from New York, summarizing the nation’s business. This optimistic statement is based on the following points:

Retail sales have increased in various federal reserve districts.

265 national banks, with deposits of more than $350,000,000 were restored to 100 percent banking during the 10-day period preceding March 25.

The federal reserve system showed a gain of $44,444,000 in gold during the week ending Wednesday.
The B.F. Goodrich Company announced a 40 percent increase in production.

The volume of business for heavy construction work for the last week was better by $2,000,000 than the week previous.

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company announced plans to step up its work week to five days of six hours each week.

Frigidaire Corporation recalls 500 men to make up a new eight-hour shift.

These are but fragmentary evidence of the general restoration of confidence in the nation. Further evidence is found in the street talk of the average man who feels that the future of the country is safe and that we are approaching better times.

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