Thursday, October 4, 2018

Liberty Loan Committee to Publish Names of Those Who Do Not Subscribe, 1918

“Jackson County Quota $130,000 for Liberty Loan,” from the Jackson County Journal, Sylva, N.C., Oct. 4, 1918

As we expect to get practically a bond in every home, we possibly will not publish names of subscribers. It might be better to publish the name of each man in the county who does not subscribe, as it will take up less space in the paper and we can then tell who has neglected his duty.

If this plan is taken up, we will not publish the names of the women of the county, as it is known absolutely that every woman in the county will buy a bond if she can raise the money. So that there may be no injustice done, we ask workers to take a note of names of people who are in distressing circumstances on account of sickness or disability, as we do not wish to publish their names.

Yours for the “Fighting Loan,” E.L. McKee, Chairman, Jackson County Liberty Loan Committee

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