Saturday, March 14, 2020

Alumni News From UNC-Chapel Hill, March 13, 1920

From The Tar Heel, Chapel Hill, N.C., March 13, 1920

With the Alumni

Dr. Chas. H. White, formerly in the faculty of Harvard University, is now a consulting geological engineer with the offices in the Mills Bldg. at San Francisco. Dr. White served as a captain of ordnance while the war was in progress.

J.V. Pomeroy is engaged in the cotton brokerage business at Charlotte.

Bowman Gray is vice-president and director of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem.
J.L. Gilmer, ’94, and his brother, Powell Gilmer, direct the large Gilmer department stores in Winston-Salem and other North Carolina and Virginia cities. It has been announced that Gilmers Incorporated has become one of the United Retail Stores Corporation of New York and will soon have a very large expansion.

Little Miss Beulah Hawkins of Morganton has presented President Wilson with a pair of red woolen socks, the result of her own knitting. H.E.C. Bryan forwarded the socks to the President for Miss Hawkins and stated to the President: “You may never have worn red woolen socks when you were a boy but I can tell you lots about them. I never wore a thread of ‘store bought’ socks or clothing until after I entered the University of North Carolina.” Mr. Bryant assured President Wilson that there is some virtue in the curative qualities of red woolen. He has received from Mrs. Wilson a note saying that the red woolen socks from North Carolina have cheered, touched and amused the President.

J.W. Umstead Jr. of Tarboro left with President Chase in January a check for $1,000. “The gift of the class of 1909 to the Alumni Loyalty Fund,” he said. This step marks the fulfillment of a pledge made by the class at its reunion last Commencement.

Henry Clark is Secretary and Treasurer of the Scotland Neck Cotton Mills at Scotland Neck, N.C.
Dr. W.B. Epapm, Med. ’09, practices his profession at Townesville.

Dr. J.A. Kerger, formerly of the Government Health Service, has returned to Raleigh from Philadelphia, where he pursued special work at the University of Pennsylvania for several months.

H.K. Klonts is located in Live Oak, Fla., where he is engaged in business.

Dr. V.C. Edwards is research chemist for E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., in their laboratory at Gibbstown, N.J. He has had several promotions since he went with this company.

Rev. J.A. MacLean Jr., a native of Fayetteville, was formally installed on January 25th as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Morganton.

L.J. Poisson, Law ’10, is a member of the law firm of Carr, Poisson and Dickson at Wilmington.

W.A. Schell is connected with the Hathcock Paint Co., 22 W. Adams St., Jacksonville, Fla.

J.C.M. Vann, lawyer of Monroe and chairman of the Union County democratic executive committee, has been selected as the choice of Union County democrats for the Congressional nomination from the seventh N.C. District, to succeed Hon. L.D. Robinson, who will retire.

John M. Reeves, who is connected with the Hunter Mfg. and Com. Co., 58-60 Worth St., New York City, was recently elected a director of the Mills Mfg. Co., cotton manufacturers, Greenville, S.C.
John H Boushall, trust officer of the Raleigh Savings and Trust Co. at Raleigh, has been instrumental in the establishment of the Capital City of the Raleigh Foundation.

O.A. Hamilton, superintendent of schools at Goldsboro, spoke recently before the Goldsboro Woman’s Club on “The Physical Side of the Goldsboro Schools.”

Spencer Nichols is a member of the firm of Chas. Harely, Inc., Park Row Bldg., New York City.

Henry B. Marvin is superintendent of schools at Smithfield.

S.M. Goths Jr. is engaged in the practice of law in his home town, Hillsboro.

N.J. Crutchfield is located at St. Matthews, S.C.

J.W. Freeman, formerly principal of the Temperance (Va.) high school, is now located in Norfolk, Va., at 209 York St., W.

Wilson Warlick practices his profession, law, at Newton.

L.P. McLendon, attorney of Durham, has become trust officer and secretary of the new trust company at Durham, the First National Trust Co.

Alvah Hamilton is in the faculty of the Walter Reed High School at Newport News, Va.

R.W. Wall, Law ’13, is engaged in the practice of law at Newland.

T.R. Weaver is now located in Greensboro at 260 Benbow Arcade.

After several months of serious illness in Durham, Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, director of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, will return to his home in Chapel Hill in a few days. He expects to be able to resume his duties shortly.

Dr. Pratt, late colonel of the 105th Engineers of the 330th Division, became unwell in September. He was taken to Watts Hospital in Durham, where for many weeks he was critically ill. It was not until shortly before Christmas that a definite turn for the better was noted. His expected return to his home has been a source of interest and delight to friends.

Hunter Folks, Pharmacy ’17, of Rockingham, spent a few days here this week with friends.

Watt Eagle, at present with the State Department of Hygiene at Raleigh, was a visitor on the “Hill” last Sunday.

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