Monday, December 7, 2020

Kennedy's Work as Deputy Sheriff Praised, Dec. 7, 1920

Mr. W.J. Kennedy, for several years deputy sheriff, is now a private citizen, he having obtained his “muster out” papers yesterday at noon and being succeeded by Mr. G.P. Campbell, who will look after the county’s interest in Hickory township. Mr. Campbell is expected to make a good officer. Mr. Kennedy, it is well to state has made an unusually acceptable officer and there has been no call, night or day, that he has not answered promptly. In the enforcement of the prohibition laws, Mr. Kennedy has been active and many a moonshiner can testify to his zeal on the good cause. An officer who follows him in Hickory township will have to be up and doing to make a record. (From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 7, 1920)

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