Thursday, February 4, 2021

Items from Route 3, Rockingham, and Roberdel No. 2, Feb. 3, 1921

Route 3 News

Dixon G. Ingram entertained Saturday night, celebrating his 14th birthday. Only a few were present as the weather was unfavorable. Jokes, games and conversation were the diversions of the evening. At 11 o’clock all were invited into the dining room for refreshments. Loathe to leave, all departed, wishing the honoree many more such birthdays, for parties have to break up before Sunday morning.

Mrs. Ellis Harrington will have to have her quilting over.

Mrs. James Lowe spent Sunday before last at town with her mother, Mrs. Gulledge.

The entertainment that was to have been given at the schoolhouse last Friday night by the Jane McKimmon members, was broken up by the snow. Nevertheless, we’ve enjoyed the snow to the fullest extent.

Mr. W.B. Covington has been taking a vacation at home, since the snow came.

The boys of this community had a chicken stew at the schoolhouse Tuesday night last, “all to themselves.” They have had several “stews” but the girls haven’t been lucky enough to get an invite. They are very wise in not inviting us, for when it’s “chicken stew,” we don’t mind eating. They’re that much to the good.

The party given at Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Hutchison, a few days back, was enjoyed by a large crowd, and a fine time was the report given. The younger set of the community were on board, besides friends of the “Hutchisons” from Roberdel and Rockingham.

The majority of the young folks have been troubled with those “hateful old chicken pox” in this community for the last two months, but we think they have flown somewhere else, now, that no one has had them lately.

Rev. Mr. Bridgers of Ellerbe, our pastor, will preach Sunday evening at the Cartledges Creek church.

Mr. R.F. Covington of Polkton, known as “Footie” by his friends round here, spent last week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Covington. He holds a responsible position in a bank there.

Miss Mary Polk spent week before last end in Ellerbe with friends.

Miss Kathryn Covington spent the week-end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Covington.

We don’t think that the ground hog will see his shadow today, Wedneday. At least, we hope not.

Mr. R.B.Hutchinson has not been able to go on his route up to today, Wednesday, on account of a bad cold. His wife and Mr. Frank Hutchison have been his substitutes.

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Richmond County, Thursday afternoon, Feb. 3, 1921


Roberdel No. 2

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLean entertained a number of friends Tuesday night, in honor of Miss Mae Strikey.

The fruit supper at Mr. W.C. Jarrel’s Monday night was much enjoyed by all present.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant entertained the M.E. Philathea class Saturday evening. After several games were played the guests were ushered into the dining room where delicious cake and hot chocolate were served.

Sorry to note that Mr. Travis Russell’s condition is no better.

There was no school after Wednesday of last week on account of the snow. But it opened up again this (Monday) morning and we hope to have good weather from now on.

Mr. J.R. Ephland returned home Saturday night after a week’s visit to his father, who is critically ill at his home at Liberty.

Miss Lucy Wall has returned after several week’s absence.


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