Thursday, February 11, 2021

Temperance Baker, Gladys Lewis, Mattie Wester, Annie Pearl Southall, Marie Joyner, Daisy Tharrington Redo Their Rooms, Feb. 11, 1921

New officers were elected last week in the clubs at Wilders and Popes. “School Lunches were studied at Wilders and “Selection of Carpets, Wall Paper and Wall Tints” at Popes. The club at Popes had recently installed a lighting plant in the Popes church.

Let’s bear in mind the premiums for improvement of school grounds and installing play ground equipment. To the school making most improvement in its school grounds, 1st $25 worth of shrubs, 2nd $10 worth of shrubs. To each school that installs any play ground equipment for the little folks, additional prizes, amounts to be announced later.

Those lovers of coffee who find that it is injurious, especially all persons suffering from nervousness, high blood pressure, heart and stomach troubles, will find in Kaffee Hag, a coffee from which the harmful caffeine has been extracted, a most delightful flavor and entirely harmless to the system. This “denatured” coffee has been analyzed by the American Medical Association, the Agricultural Experiment Station and Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, former United States Chemist. The results of the analysis show that 98 per cent of the caffeine has been removed.

Papers on the last lesson in Homemaking have been sent in by Misses Zena Tharrington, Zenobia Baker, Estelle Tharrington, Vallie Inscoe, Alma Wester, Nell Joyner, Mabel Strickland, Alice Strickland, Myrtle Tharrington, Irene Strickland, Mollie Wester, Annie Pearl Southall, Marie Joyner, Daisy Tharrington, Mattie Wester, Gladys Lewis and Temperance Baker. Several of these are given below:

Fourth Grade

I want my floor oiled so I will not have to scrub it. I will have light walls and lighter ceiling. My furniture is scratched up so I will paint it. I do not want a feather bed. I want a good felt mattress. I do not want any enlarged pictures hanging on the walls, but I would like to have a few small pictures.

--Temperance Baker

My ceiling is low so I want a wall paper with a stripe running up and down. I will stain the woodwork and floor oak. I want a rug with blue in it and some pretty blue cushions. I will make a closet in the west corner of my room. I will make it of boards and brackets and cover it with blue cloth.

Gladys Lewis

Fifth Grade

My ceiling is quite low. I will use blue wall paper with stripes going up and down. My ceiling will be painted light cream. I want a blue and brown rug. I would like to have white curtains and blue and white runners for my table and dresser and a blue and white bed spread.

Mattie Wester

Sixth Grade

My room is on the north side of the house. It has two small windows and therefore I haven’t much sunlight. I want my floor painted a brown grey and my woodwork a little lighter shade than that. My walls are plastered so I will tint them with Alabastine that will brighten up my room. I will tint the ceiling a little lighter shade than the side walls. I cannot have a valance at the top of my curtians because my windows are so low and small but I will use side draperies of bright material, and a bed spread with a little edge like the window curtains. I will use a brown rug. I have some old furniture. I want that painted white.

Annie Pearl Southall

My room is on the east side of the house. It has two large windows, so it gets the morning sunshine. I want the floors painted real dark brown and the wood work a shade lighter. I will have the walls tinted a light brown and the ceiling a still lighter shade. I will use white curtains with blue gingham draperies and a white bed spread. As the room has no closet in it, I will make one by using a plank, some brackets and gingham. I will put one p lank about one foot from the floor and then another about five feet above that one. Then I will take some of the blue gingham that I used for draperies and tack this to the top plank, leaving an opening in the center to form a door.

I will make my rugs out of rags, died blue and brown.

Marie Joyner

Ninth Grade

I would like to have the walls of my bed room a rich cream. I want the ceiling cream, too, but lighter than the walls.

I will have my woodwork stained oak and my floor a very dark oak—darker than the woodwork. I will use dark rugs with a very small old rose design in them. The window curtains will be of thin cream material, about the shade of the ceiling. I will use old rose side curtains and a cream unbleached bed spread with an old rose border like the side curtains. I wish an old rose and a blue cushion for my rocker and straight chair. I do not want enlarged pictures. I prefer one or two good pictures in neat frames. I would like to have old ivory furniture in this room.

Daisy Tharrington

From the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Feb. 11, 1921

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