Friday, March 5, 2021

Hospital Destroyed by Blaze But All 12 Patients Rescued, March 4, 1921

A.C.L. Hospital Destroyed by Blaze. . . 12 Patients Were All Rescued—Several Persons Injured

Rocky Mount, March 2—Fire of undetermined origin late this afternoon completely destroyed the Atlantic Coast Line hospital for the first division, including all territory between Richmond and Florence and Wilmington and Norfolk, at South Rocky Mount, entaillng a loss variously estimated around $50,000. Twelve patients were in the building when the flames were discovered enveloping the entire central portion of the roof, but these were (word obscured) by the cool work of the nurses and the prompt assistance of numerous workers from the railway shops nearby.

Several persons received slight burns and scratches will attempting to save interior furnishings of the institution, a negro railway firemen being more or less seriously injured when the X-ray machine, which he was attempting to save, fell upon him. Firemen and volunteer rescue workers managed to save a large portion of the hospital furnishings and equipment, the hospital records and the personal belongings of the nurses. It was impossible to learn exactly what effects were rescued from the flames tonight in the excitement of the fire, as the firemen were still engaged in throwing water upon the smoking ruins.

From the Dunn Dispatch, March 4, 1921

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