Monday, March 15, 2021

John Franks Sentenced to 13 Months on the Roads, March 15, 1921

Negro Hobo Shoots at Policeman Nipper. . . John Frank of Wilmington Now Serving 13 Months Sentence on County Roads

John Frank, negro, said to be of Wilmington, today began serving a 13-months sentence on the roads for shooting twice at Policeman Nipper when the policeman attempted to arrest him for beating is way on an Atlantic Coast Line freight train Sunday night. The negro was arrested yesterday morning by Policeman Page and Langley at the Fairmount Hotel, Tom McLean’s popular hostelry for dusky denizens of Dunn. He had attempted to disguise himself through “dressing up,” having doffed a greasyoveralls in which he was clad when Nipper chased him.

The negro was in the act of detraining from a side-door sleeper when Nipper espied him and gave chase. Frank pulled his gun and fired, halting the cop long enough to permit him a lead of about 50 yards. He then dodged into a dark alley and evaded the policeman.

One month of his sentience is for hoboing. The extra year was put for good measure and to discountenance the attempted killing of cops.

From the front page of The Dunn Dispatch, March 15, 1921

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