Saturday, March 13, 2021

Republicans Dismiss Pres. Wilson as Thoroughly "Socialistic," March 13, 1921

The Old, Old Lament

With true republican instinct, The Manufacturers Record dismisses the administration of Mr. Wilson has having been thoroughly “socialistic.” That has always been the camouflage argument of the republicans against the age-old, invincible and eternal principles of the democratic party.

Because the party has stood adamant for the people against the interests, for the many instead of the few, the republicans run to cover with the cry that it is socialistic. Socialism and democracy are as far apart as the poles, as far apart any day in the week as republicanism and socialism, but because democracy plants itself by the traditional dictum of “equal rights to all, special privileges to none,” the republicans come to the conclusion at once that such means the extermination of the special interests for which it has always had guardianship. The Manufacturers Record has only lately taken hold of the republican faith, but it is going at a pace these days that will enable it soon to make up for lost time.

From the editorial page of The Charlotte News, Sunday, March 13, 1921

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