Tuesday, April 6, 2021

'I Am the Farmer' James McDonnell Proclaims, April 6, 1921

I Am the Farmer by James P. McDonnell

I am the provider for all mankind. Upon me every human being constantly depends.

A world itself is builded upon my boil, my products, my honesty.

Because of my industry, America, my country, leads the world. Her prosperity is maintained by me; her great commerce is the work of my good hands; her balance of trade springs from the furrows of my farm.

My reaper brings food for today; my plow holds promise for tomorrow.

In war I am absolute; in peace I am indispensable—my country’s constant reliance and surest defense.

I am the very soul of America, the hope of a race, the balance wheel of civilization.

When I prosper, men are happy; when I fail, all the world suffers.

I live with nature, walk in the green fields under the golden sunlight, out in the great alone where brain and brawn and toil supply mankind’s primary need. And I try to do my humble part to carry out the great plan of God.

Even the birds are my companions; they greet me with a symphony at the new day’s dawn and chum with me till the evening prayer is said.

If it were not for me the treasuries of the earth would remain securely locked; the granaries would be useless frames; man himself would be doomed speedily to extinction or decay.

Through me is produced the energy that maintains the spark of life.

I rise with the early dawn and retire when the chores of the world are done.

I am your true friend.

I am the farmer.

From The University of North Carolina News Letter, April 6, 1921

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