Thursday, April 1, 2021

'Tulip' Shares News from Calvert, N.C., April 1, 1921

Calvert News

Henry Gillespie had the misfortune to have his horse fall on him Monday afternoon breaking his leg above the knee. Dr. Lynch was called him to attend him, and he is at present doing as fine as could be expected.

M.O. McCall and family, who have been living here since January, have returned to their own home at Quebec.

Leo Hogsed and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gillespie Sunday afternoon.

Miss Ollie Perry spent Sunday at Pisgah Forest.

Miss Leila Brooks of Lake Toxaway visited her sister, Mrs. J.M. Zachary, Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Edith Gallowan and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T.P. Galloway Jr.

J.V. Gillespie has been sick with “Flu” for the past week.

Mrs. Lem Brooks, Mrs. Fielding Lewis and Gene Lewis visited Misses Mary and Victoria Galloway Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. M.O. McCall spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J.J. Perry.


From the front page of the Brevard News, April 1, 1921

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