Monday, May 10, 2021

Hazing Case Against R.H. McComb Settled, May 10, 1921

Judgment in Case McComb Changed. . . Junior at State College Required to Pay Costs in Alleged Hazing Case

Raleigh, May 10—R.H. McComb, a junior of the North Carolina State College, entered a plea of nolo contendere to simple assault when he was arraigned in court today on a charge of hazing and judgment was continued on payment of cost in the case. He pleaded not guilty to the charge of hazing of which he was accused.

President Riddick of the State College was advised of the defendant’s plea and informed Solicitor Norris that it was satisfactory. The charge against McComb grew out of an episode of hazing at the college two months ago when the door to the room of at least one student was broken into and a number of students had their hair cut and like punishment inflicted.

The county authorities started an investigation and a number of students were called before the grand jury which returned a bill of indictment.

From the Wilson Daily Times, May 10, 1921

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