Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Jake Kirkpatrick, 40, Died Suddenly on Job With Southern Railway, May 11, 1921

Negro Dies While Eating His Dinner

Jake Kirkpatrick, negro section hand on the Southern Railway, dropped dead while eating his mid-day meal about 1 o’clock Wednesday. He and fellow workmen were sitting on a flat-car at Vance street and the railway tracks when his death occurred.

The police were notified. The body was turned over to the Z.A. Hovis Undertaking establishment, pending the return to the city of Coroner Frank Hovis. Wheter an inquest would be held could not be learned. Kirkpatrick had resided in Charlotte for several years and had been working for the railroad for a long while. He was about 40 years old.

From The Charlotte News, May 11, 1921

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