Friday, June 11, 2021

Native Sons of Georgia Living in Charlotte Plan Basket Picnic, June 11, 1921

Georgians Will Have Big Picnic. . . Native Sons of Cracker State to Join in Basket Picnic Next Week

Two hundred and fifth members of the Georgia Club of Charlotte will pack Georgia eats in picnic baskets on Thursday or Friday of next week and go out to the country for an old-fashioned Georgia basket supper, according to an announcement made Saturday by members of the club.

It is not definitely decided yet whether next Thursday or Friday will be the day for the picnic but decision as to this detail will probably be made not later than Monday. In the meantime Georgians are getting ready to take along all the approved “eats” that sons of the Cracker state approve for basket picnicking and not less than 250 of them are expected to be ready to mount automobile trucks for a ride to the selected picnic grounds on the day selected.

The trip will be made to the countryside about 4 p.m. and the party will stay out until 5 or 6 p.m. A committee is making arrangements for the affair, which is expected to be the most elaborate the Georgians have staged since the Georgia Club was organized here several months ago.

At least 500 native sons of George have come to Charlotte to make their homes, it is said, and many of them are already enrolled in the Georgia club.

From The Charlotte News, Saturday, June 11, 1921

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