Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Celebrating 58th Anniversary of Rev. P.R. Anderson, Aug. 11, 1921

58th Anniversary of Rev. P.R. Anderson

By W.F. Alston

The 58th anniversary of our beloved pastor Rev. P.R. Anderson, who was assigned to this work a few months ago, was celebrated on Monday evening. Members and friends of St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church met to celebrate their pastor’s birthday, which was done in a very befitting manner. As the clock struck 8, the pastor arose and announced the following him, “And are ye yet alive”, which was sung by the congregation. The pastor then read “Paul’s charge in Timothy,” after which a very earnest prayer was delivered by Mr. J.L. Lewis. Another hymn was sung and then the pastor delivered a short address showing his thankfulness for being able to reach his 58th milestone. Prof. Yeatis, principal of the graded school of Ahoskie, made a stirring speech commending the labors of the pastor and speaking of his sterling character and godly bearing. After a song we listed to another address by Brother J.L. Lewis, who had been acquainted with the pastor for more than 20 years. He spoke in glowing terms of his life as a minister, as a Christian and a gentleman. Hymn led by Brother W.F. Alston. Mr. R. Milton, member of the Baptist church, spoke of Dr. Anderson as he knew him and told the church they might consider themselves very lucky to have the service of such a man as their pastor. Mr. And Mrs. W.F. Alston both declared they had only known the pastor for a few months but they had found him to be a great and good man. They also spoke of the ability of his wife and were glad that they had come to serve the church. Mrs. Anderson is an efficient musician.

“We shall meet on that beautiful shore” was lead by Mrs. Anderson and at the conclusion, Mrs. Addie Lawrence, one of the faculty of the graded school, expressed her delight at being present and among many of the good things she said “gray hairs were not always an indication of age, but very often meant over work and burdened with care.” She said that she hoped that Dr. Anderson would see many more birthdays and that all of them would be spent in Ahoskie. A hymn was sung, led by Mrs. W.F. Alston, while the whole congregation rushed forward and made many valuable presents, while some donated money.

A free lunch was served by a committee of ladies. The table was beautifully decorated with sweet peas and lilies of the valley. The affair was closed by singing “Blest be the tie that binds,” led by Brother J.L. Lewis, and everybody grasped the pastor’s and his beloved wife’s hand, wishing them a long and happy life. Benediction by the pastor.

--W.F. Alston, Ahoskie, N.C.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Aug. 11, 1921

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