Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Social News Items from Alamance County, Aug. 4, 1921


All persons having relatives buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery are asked to meet on Friday before the second Sunday in august and help clean off and beautify the graves, and those that can’t come, please make arrangements to have some one in their place. Everyone is invited that can come, even if they have no one buried there. Their help is very much needed and will be greatly appreciated.

R.M. Garner had his Ford badly damaged Sunday evening by a large car. The occupants escaped with slight bruises.

The drouth is alarming in some sections and is becoming serious with us.

Some of Greensboro’s Scout boys have pitched their tents near J.R. Foster’s and are having the best time of their lives.

A party from Oakdale spent last week at Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach, and report a nice time.

Grace Cheek, Adelaid Whittenmore and Gladys Spoon spent Sunday evening with Huel Foster.


Miss Beulah Hooks of Fremont is visiting Miss Conley Albright.

Mesdames R.L. Holmes and M.G. Flanigan spent Tuesday in Durham.

Maj. J.J. Henderson was a business visitor in Greensboro Tuesday afternoon.

Messrs. Wm. Eulis and Ellis Pickard spent Tuesday afternoon in Chapel Hill.

Misses Luta and Kathleen Harden spent the week-end in Saxapahaw with friends.

Col. John S. Cunningham of Durham spent a short while here last Saturday on business.

Mr. A.K. Hardee and little son, Kirk, went to Benson Sunday to see his father. They returned Tuesday. Miss Lillian Turner of Raleigh arrived here Tuesday evening on a visit to her sister, Mrs. H.W. Scott.

Misses Nell and Alberta Thompson of Mebane came up yesterday afternoon on a visit to Miss Mattie Long.

Mr. S.J. Hadley of Newlin township spent last Thursday night in town with his brother, Mr. Z.T. Hadley.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hunter of Raleigh spent the week-end here with the former’s mother, Mrs. C.S. Hunter.

Miss Estelle Brown of Hillsboro, who has been spending a few days here with friends, leaves this evenign for Salisbury.

Mrs. Jas. W. Holt and children, James Jr., Ruth and Blaine, leave tomorrow for Radford, Va., to spend a month at her old home.

Miss Pearl Robertson of Washington, D.C., who is visiting relatives and friends in Alamance, spent yesterday here with Miss Marce Goley.

Misses Blanche and Alma Clapp returned Friday from Asheville, where they spent the past six weeks in summer school at the Asheville Normal.

Mrs. Junius H. Harden and son, Dr. Graham Harden, returned last Saturday morning from Philadelphia, where the former went to consult a specialist.

Rev. F.C. Lester returned Friday last from conducting a protracted meeting at his old home church, Mt. Bethel, in the southern part of Rockingham county.

Mrs. J.J. Barefoot, who has been visiting Mrs. R.L. Holmes, and her two little boys, Jack and Bill, left Tuesday for their home in Raleigh. Master James Corbett accompanied the boys home for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Quakenbush spent from Saturday till Monday in Winston-Salem with the former’s sister, Mrs. S.T. Anderson. Miss Nina Quakenbush, who has been visiting her aunt, returned with them.

Dr. W.R. Goley and son, Willard, left this morning for Jackson Springs. They will return Friday, and Mrs. Goley, who has been there the past three weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Ross, will return with them.

Miss Bessie Gregory of Martinsville, Va., who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. L.G. Nicholson, has returned to her home. She was accompanied by little Miss Leslie Nicholson, who will spend some time with her grandmother, Mrs. J.P. Anglin, at Snydorsville, Va.

Rev. J.S. Cook of Huttonsville, W.Va., arrived here yesterday on a visit to Mrs. Cook and their two little boys, who came some three weeks ago to visit at the home of Mrs. Cook’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Cooper. Mrs. Cook was not very well when she came and is still sick.

Prof. L.L. White of Guilford College, who has been conducting a summer school at Red Springs, arrived yesterday on a visit to Mrs. White and children, who have been spending some time with Mrs. White’s mother, Mrs. T.C. Foust, near here. They expect to spend the remainder of August at Mrs. Foust’s.

Mrs. T.C. Foust went to Lexington last Friday to be present on Saturday with her brother, Capt. Frank C. Robbins, at the celebration of his 88th birthday. She returned Sunday. Her son, Dr. J.I. Foust of Greensboro, and his daughter, Miss Mary, came down and carried her through the country and brought her home.

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Aug. 4, 1921

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