Saturday, October 2, 2021

Brock Barkley to Report Raleigh News for Charlotte, Asheville, Wilmington Newspapers, Oct. 2, 1921

Brock Barkley Takes New Post. . . Local Newspaper Man to Become Raleigh Correspondent for Three Papers

Brock Barkley, who has been on the local staff of The News and who is well-known among the newspaper fraternity of the State, has resigned his position with The News and will leave today for Raleigh to become Raleigh correspondent of The Charlotte Observer, The Asheville Citizen and The Wilmington Star. He succeeds R.E. (Red) Powell as the Raleigh correspondent for The Observer and The Citizen. The Star will be added to the bureau under Mr. Barkley’s management.

Mr. Barkley, who is a native of Charlotte, has already established himself in the newspaper realm of North Carolina as an energetic and capable journalist. He began work on The Charlotte Observer, serving on the local staff there for some time, and then associated himself with Bailey Troy Groome in editing The Review, a weekly paper published here and devoted to rural life in the county. During the late Gubernatorial campaign, Mr. Barkley traveled the State extensively as publicity director for the Morrison supporters and won an enviable reputation as an alert reporter and a splendid news writer.

In Raleigh, his headquarters will be the Yarborough Hotel, where the bureau has been located for some time. He is already well acquainted with newspaper men and public officials from frequent visits and a considerable sojourn at the State capital during the campaign that resulted in two primaries and the final election of Mr. Morrison as Governor.

During his stay at The News, Mr. Barkley has become a favorite with all members of the force and his going to new fields is uniformly regretted by his associates in the office.

From the Charlotte News, Oct. 2, 1921

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