Thursday, October 7, 2021

Free Shots Can Prevent Typhoid Fever, Diphtheria, Oct. 7, 1921

Typhoid Fever and Diphtheria

By W.J. Wallis

The first a disease that stands, or rather stood, high on the mortality list, ranking fourth on the death list for the United States. Modern research has put into one’s hands a means of preventing it almost altogether, or if not fully, it is so much lighter in its course as to be negligible as compared with a few years ago, I refer now to the vaccine which is used to render the person upon whom it is used immune from typhoid fever. It is a very gratifying thing to note that the people of Transylvania County are interested in this vaccine as evidenced by the increased demand for the vaccine furnished by the State without charge. The writer is in a position to know whereof he speaks as he has been the medium for ordering supplies and would be only too glad to order a great deal more if there was as there should be, a demand for it. As stated in other articles, there is no question to-day of its worth.

Diphtheria in the past has been a dread to fathers and mothers, for some epidemics have left homes childless. But for diphtheria antitoxin the medical profession would be as in the past, powerless to render the desired aid. It can be as a curative as well as a preventive. It has recently been determined that a form of this remedy can be used to prevent it almost absolutely. Literature on the subject can be obtained and sent from schools as a center to the homes. Advertising is a well known method of acquainting the people at large with any commodity. In this case there is no desire on the writer, or for that matter any other physician, for promoting personal, but a hope that the people of our county will be benefited as a whole in every way as a case of prolonged illness is a great drain upon the resources of every family.

From the front page of the Brevard News, Oct. 7, 1921

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