Friday, October 8, 2021

Police Search for Larry Aycock After He Kills Boss Pierce, Oct. 8, 1921

Johnston Man Kills Relative. . . Larry Aycock Hit Boss Pierce in Head With an Axe, Then Disappears

Smithfield, Oct. 8—County officers are today continuing their search for Larry Aycock, 26, prominent farmer, who yesterday afternoon killed his brother-in-law, Boss Pierce, at Pine Level, 14 miles from here, by striking him in the head with an axe. Bloodhounds were used yesterday afternoon in an effort to track Aycock, but without success.

According to reports reaching the sheriff’s office regarding the killing, Aycock with a number of neighbors, gathered at a friend’s house at Pine Level for the purpose of shingling a house. Pierce was said to have been leaning over county some shingles when Aycock struck him in the head with an axe, killing him instantly. After killing Pierce, Aycock is alleged to have threatened the lives of others in the party.

No motive for the killing has been reported to the authorities here.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Saturday, Oct. 8, 1921

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