Thursday, October 14, 2021

Repair Work at The Aethelwald and Franklin Hotels, Oct. 14, 1921


This seems to be hotel repair week. Masons are at work now repairing the tops of the chimneys of the Aethelwald. It is expected that the owner, Mr. T.W. Whitmire of Asheville, will do some interior repairing and give the outside wood work a new coat of paint in preparation for the new manager, Mrs. Wheeler from Bryson City, who is expected to arrive and take charge about the first of November.

Carpenters and painters have been at work on the Franklin Hotel for the past week in thoroughly overhauling and repairing the structures. The repairs and especially its new coat of paint will add materially to this already very attractive tourist resort.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Friday, October 14, 1921.

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