Friday, October 15, 2021

W.J. Davis Most Recent Farmer to Report Boll Weevil, Oct. 15, 1921

Boll Weevil in Wilson County

The advance guard of the boll weevil is arriving in this county. We are hearing almost every day of some one finding the pest in this section. Another has been found on the farm of Mr. W.J. Davis near Wilson. That they are on the way and due to arrive next year in force is indicated by the habits of the pest, and the rapidity with which they travel. Being ver light, the winds can carry them a long distance, and as soon as they get in the air again, they are carried farther, and so they go on and on. It is said they have been found on the tops of trains, and in other vehicles of travel.

We are informed that the agricultural department recommends the planting of crimson clover, which planted in cotton after the crop is picked, enables the turning in of the soil crop, and this gives the insects something to feed on, and keeps it under ground. By so doing, the cotton crop has some 40 days start on the weevil.

From the editorial page of the Wilson Daily Times, John D. Gold, Editor, Oct. 15, 1921

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