Saturday, November 6, 2021

Alister Donaldson, John Brooks Death Notices, Nov. 6, 1921



West End, Nov. 5—Funeral services for Alister M. Donaldson, who died at his home here Wednesday evening at 10:30 o’clock, were held from the residence Friday morning, and the remains were laid to rest in the West End cemetery. Rev. R.G. Mathewson conducting the services.

Mr. Donaldson was born in Scotland Sept. 23, 1849 and was therefore in his 72nd year. He came to this country 50 years ago, and lived in Raleigh for a while, but soon moved to Mecklenburg county where he lived until eight years ago when he moved to Moore county.

Mr. Donaldson was a man of sterling character and high christian principles, greatly beloved by all who knew him. The esteem in which he was held in this community was shown by the many beautiful floral offerings. He united with the Presbyterian church early in life, and for many years he was an elder in the church. He was especially interested in Sunday school work and has almost continually taught in the Sunday school since 18 years old.

Mr. Donaldson was twice married, going back to Scotland to be married the first time. He is survived by his second wife and eight children, and seven grand-children.

His oldest son Thomas died nearly three years ago. The surviving sons and daughters are: John L. and Grier of Charlotte, Robert B., William C., and Jos. A. Donaldson of Moore county, and Misses Margaret, Grace and Cora Belle Donaldson.


John D. Brooks, 61, died at his home in North Charlotte Saturday morning at 8:30 o’clock. He had been ill several months.

Funeral services will be held at the home Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Rev. J.H. Armhurst will officiate, interment being in Oaklawn cemetery.

The deceased is survived by a wife and 11 children.


Mr. A.A. Clark wishes to express his sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for the kindnesses shown and the beautiful floral tributes during his bereavement, owing to the death of his beloved wife, Mrs. Anna Clark.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, Nov. 6, 1921

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