Friday, November 12, 2021

Archdeacon F.B. Drane, Missionary to Eskimos in Alaska, Will Speak Nov. 13, 1921

Will Tell Us About the Frozen North

Archdeacon F.B. Drane, just back from Alaska, will speak at Christ Church Sunday.

Sunday morning and night, November 13th, at Christ Church, there will be a treat for the people of Elizabeth City who are interested in mission work. Archdeacon F.B. Drane, who has for several years past been doing active work among the Eskimos of Alaska, will speak at both services.

Archdeacon Drane, having travelled thousands of miles over ice and snow in dealing with the natives, will make most interesting talks, giving not what he has read but what he has experienced up in the frozen North.

A little later Mr. Drane will return to Elizabeth City with pictures taken while in Alaska and these will be shown on the screen.

A cordial welcome is extended to the public to hear Archdeacon Drane at both morning and night at Christ Church.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Nov. 12, 1921. Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867, granted territorial status in 1912, and became the 49th state in 1959.

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