Monday, November 8, 2021

Game Warden S.H. Jordan Spells Out the Law, Nov. 8, 1921

Game Warden to Prosecute Hunters

To the Editor of the Record:

Just one year ago, you kindly published at my request the game law for Catawba county. I am now having so many calls by letter and phone from farmers around Hickory to know what the law is, that I will ask you to publish again the following:

It is a crime to hunt any time and any where, without the written permission of the owner of the land upon which you hunt. It is likewise a misdemeanor to hunt rabbits with a gun or quail or squirrel between the first day of February and the 25th day of November of each year, public laws 1917. Any person who will give me the names of violators of this law, I will do the rest.

--S.H. Jordan, C.G.W.

--8th November, 1921

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