Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mayor T.M. Mitchell Proclaims Memorable Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1921

Proclamation by Mayor Mitchell

By T.M. Mitchell, Mayor

The citizens of Brevard are arranging a program for Armistice Day, Nov. 11, to show the returned soldiers how much the people “back home” appreciate their services—their sacrifice—during the World War, and also to give the people of Transylvania County a holiday and a grand good time that will be long remembered.

There will be a parade never equaled in Brevard by the schools of the town and county, and by the various organizations. There will be speaking by orators well known the cunty over. There will be a barbecue—with all the best “trimmings”--ample to feed the multitudes.

The soldiers are especially invited to join in the parade and feel that they are most heartily welcome to every pleasure that the town can possibly afford them. Their gallant services and sacrifices is the inspirating feature of the whole entertainment.

Come one and come all. Lay aside your business for the day, and come to Brevard and witness and take part in the greatest celebration ever held in Transylvania County. Come and have one royal good time—the best time of your life, and help everybody else have a good time.

As Mayor of the city I cordially extend the keys of the city to the good citizens of Transylvania—one and all—and urge all to come to Brevard on Nov. 11th. Don't forget the services at the Court House.

From the front page of the Brevard News, Transylvania County, N.C., Friday, November 11, 1921

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