Sunday, November 14, 2021

Methodist Assembly Grounds at Lake Junaluska Expanding, Nov. 13, 1921

Mission Building at Lake Junaluska, 1922. To see more Lake Junaluska postcards from the early 1900s, go to the SEJ (Southeastern Jurisdiction) Heritage Center at

Preparations are being made at Lake Junaluska, the Methodist Assembly grounds, to take care of the crowds next summer, according to J.B. Ivey, who returned from there Saturday.

Lake Junaluska Being Improved

Mr. Ivey went up the Lake to close the contract for another 40-room hotel, which will be erected this Fall. This hotel will be an addition to Lakeside Lodge, except that 20 of these rooms will have connecting baths.

Mrs. E.C. McClees, who is the proprietor of the Epworth Lodge, is also building a new 40-room hotel. There are also six new dwellings being erected, and a number of others are in contemplation.

The most important addition that has been recently made at Lake Junaluska is the $125,000 missionary building which occupies the site of Junaluska Inn. The frame of this building is up, ready for the covering. It is a large building of 90 rooms and makes a fine showing from the railway station.

A canvass will be made early in the year to free the assembly grounds of debt, and then the whole development will be offered to the General Conference of the Southern Methodist Church at Hot Springs, Ark., which meets next May. The next meeting of the general conference is expected to be at Lake Junaluska.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, Nov. 13, 1921. To see more Lake Junaluska postcards from the early 1900s, go to the SEJ (Southeastern Jurisdiction) Heritage Center at

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