Sunday, November 7, 2021

Rev. Goode's Auto, Clothes Stolen, Nov. 7, 1921

Minister’s Auto and Clothing Are Stolen

The automobile and many articles of clothing belonging to Rev. W.O. Goode were stolen Thursday night by thieves, the car being stolen from the front of the residence of B.b. Tatum on Schenck Street, while Mr. and Mrs. Goode were dinner guests at the Tatum home.

Mr. Goode, former pastor of the Park Place Methodist Church, was appointed educational secretary of the Western North Carolina Conference at the conference held at High Point and had planned to leave Greensboro this morning for Hickory where his headquarters will be made. He had already shipped his furniture to Hickory and had planned to carry most of the clothing belonging to himself and to Mrs. Goode in his automobile. He ahd loaded this into his car last night preparatory to leaving the city this morning.

While he and Mrs. Goode were at the Tatum home he left the car, containing several suitcases full of clothes, on the street. The thieves made away with both the car and the clothing. The loss beside the car will amount to several hundred dollars.

From the Greensboro News, as reprinted on the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 7, 1921

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