Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Scaggs Brothers Building Dam, Installing Electric Plant for Hillsville, Nov. 9, 1921

Hillsville to Have Electric Lights

Scaggs Brothers of Burnsville, N.C., are planning to build an electric plant which will serve Hillsville, Va., and the surrounding territory. This will be (a) marked improvement and will revolutionize lighting.

Scaggs Brothers have bought a J.G. Crockett and George F. Blankenship, for the building of the dam. This dam is to be about 200 feet in length with a 30-foot head, and will be of solid concrete construction. The approximate cost of the entire development is about $20,000. They expect to start work at once, and if their present plans are carried out, light and power for present demands will be available by January 1.

They are experienced hydro-electric engineers and will own and operate the plant themselves. They have met with the hearty support and co-operation of the patrons in the town and community in the promotion of the project.

From the Carroll News, as reprinted on the front page of The Mount Airy News, Nov. 9, 1921

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