Sunday, December 5, 2021

After Mrs. McBride Resigns, Wilson County Discontinues Home Demonstration Work, Dec. 5, 1921

Will Discontinue Home Demonstration Work

The board of county commissioners in regular monthly session today voted to discontinue the work of the home demonstration agent in Wilson county. Mrs. J.L. McBride, who has most ably conducted this work for a number of years, has resigned after her recent marriage. The board expressed approval of Mrs. McBride’s work and voted to discontinue the work. Mrs. Herman Smith, district agent for the home demonstration work in the State, was present and addressed the board on the importance of continuing the work.

The following district road managers were elected: Messrs. J.B. Price, W.H. Evans, J.I. Boykin, Guy Thompson. Mr. Boykin was re-elected county auditor. Dr. L.J. Smith was re-elected county health officer. Mr. John C. Herndon was re-elected superintendent of the county stockade. Miss Addie Mayo was elected court stenographer.

The report of the county auditor was received.

From the Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Dec. 5, 1921

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