Friday, December 10, 2021

Capt. T.S. Collie, 80, Has Passed, Dec. 9, 1921

Capt. T.S. Collie Dead. . . Passed Away at Home in Cedar Rock Township Monday Evening—Buried Wednesday

The announcement of the death of Capt. Thomas S. Collie, who passed away at his home in Cedar Rock Township on Monday evening, was received by his many friends in Louisburg with much sorrow. Capt. Collie was in his 80th year and leaves two sons, Mr. J.R. Collie of Raleigh and Mr. T.A. Collie of this county, besides a large host of relatives, who have the sympathy of the entire county in their bereavement.

Capt. Collie was a man of broad mind, big heart, strong ability and a neighbor who will be greatly missed. For 32 years he served the people of Franklin County, 28 of these years he proved to be one of the County’s most levelheaded and conservative Commissioners and the other four represented this district in the North Carolina Senate, where he made a most enviable record. He served through the Civil war with much honor to his bravery and was wounded in the battle of Gettysburg, from which he was confined to the hospital for 18 months, and never fully recovered. He was the last original member of Franklin Rifles, leaving Louisburg at the age of 17 to serve his country.

He was a devoted Christian being a consistent member of Red Bud Baptist church, and filled the place as Superintendent of that Sunday school for a long number of years. He was always quick to take a position on all public matters and took a strong stand for the right. His influence will be greatly missed in the religious, political and social life of the county.

The funeral was held from his home in Cedar Rock township on Wednesday morning at 12 o’clock and was conducted by his pastor, Rev., Mr. Copington, assisted by Dr. W.B. Morton, of Louisburg, during which beautiful eulogies were paid the deceased. The services were then given over to the Cedar Rock masonic Lodge which bestowed all the honors of the fraternity on a faithful member. The Masonic services were conducted by Mr. S.A. Newell, Mast of Louisburg Lodge and assisted by a large number of visiting Masons from many lodges. The interment was made in the beautiful little family cemetery near by and was largely attended, and the floral tribute spoke a most beautiful message of love and devotion. The pallbearers were C.H. Smith, T.H. Sledge, J.J. Lancaster, J.B. Sturdivant, G.C. Buck, B.T. Holden, S.C. Foster, Dr. D.T. Smithwick, J.E. Lancaster, H.W. Burnette, R.D. Bowden, B.F. Gardner.

From The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, Dec. 9, 1921

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