Saturday, December 11, 2021

Farmers May Buy Explosives From J.P. Herring, County Farm Demonstrator, Dec. 11, 1921

Farmers May Obtain Picric Acid Locally. . . County Agent Herring Says 25 Cars Allotted N.C.

Farmers of New Hanover and adjacent counties will be interested to learn that picric acid is being offered for sale by the United States government at 11 cents per pound, according to announcement made yesterday by J.P. Herring, county farm demonstrator.

Picric acid is an explosive used by agriculturists in blowing up stumps and also in ditching work. North Carolina has been awarded 25 cars of this explosive, and all farmers in this section needing any can procure it by communicating with J.P. Herring, of this city.

The acid is packed in 100 pound boxes, each stick weighing six ounces. Mr. Herring advises that the number eight cap be used with the acid, instead of the number 6 caps that are used with dynamite. He says for every hundred pounds of acid 90 or 100 caps, with two feet of fuse per cap is considered about the right proportion.

Mr. Herring states that caps and fuses can be purchased through hardware dealers in Wilmington at a cost of about $3.11 per hundred, the cost of the fuse being about a cent a foot. Electric caps and four feet of wire can be bought at 9.18 per hundred, he said.

He urges all farmers needing Picric acid to communicate with him a once, for the reason that he fears the supply may soon be exhausted.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, Dec. 11, 1921

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