Sunday, December 12, 2021

H.C. Lyttle Searching for Escapee, Dec. 12, 1921

No Trace Is Found of Henry A. Furr

No trace of Henry A. Furr, bootlegger who escaped from McLaughlin’s convict camp last week where he had begun to serve a four-year sentence, had been found Monday. Furr was reported Saturday to have been at his home on the Misenhelmer plantation east of the city Friday, but this report could not be confirmed.

Convicts and the chain gang system of the county are now under the jurisdiction of the county highway commission, which inherited the system from the board of county commissioners by enactment of the law creating the commission. The commission, like the county commissioners, entrusts supervision of the convict camps to a superintendent of the entire system, H.C. Lyttle being superintendent. The matter of recapturing Furr is in his hands, and it is understood he is making every effort to apprehend the missing bootlegger.

From The Charlotte News, Monday, December 12, 1921

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