Friday, December 3, 2021

James Roberts Charged With Stock Fraud, Passing Worthless Checks, Dec. 4, 1921

Stock Salesman Is Charged With Fraud

The case against James W. Roberts, white stock salesman, charging him with passing worthless checks and selling worthless bonds, was continued Saturday morning in the recorder’s court until next Saturday morning. A week was given the solicitor to investigate new evidence in the case.

It is alleged that Roberts represented himself as a salesman of a company that had gone out of business. He swindled three men in the employ of the Southern Railroad by selling them bogus stock to the amount of several hundred dollars. Upon finding that the stock was worthless, the three men demanded their money back. Roberts, accordingly, gave them a check for the amount paid in, which also proved to be worthless. He is being held under a heavy bond pending further investigation.

From the Charlotte News, Sunday, Dec. 4, 1921.

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