Sunday, January 9, 2022

Mrs. Willie White McBride, Mrs. P.L. Lassiter Will Be Missed, Jan. 9, 1922

Resolutions Adopted by Woman’s Club

The resolution committee of the Wilson Woman’s Club submitted the following resolutions to the Woman’s Club, the resolutions being then adopted:

Your committee appointed to draft expressions of regret at the loss sustained by the removal from our community of Mrs. Willie White McBride, President, and of Mrs. P.L. Lassiter, Treasurer of the Woman’s Club, beg leave to submit the following:

Mrs. McBride was elected president on her brilliant record of service not only to the club but to the whole community, and during her brief incumbency demonstrated remarkable tact and genuine executive ability, advancing appreciably the interests of the club in all of its departments. Her resignation and change of residence occasioned a severe loss to the organization, and deep regrets to all who knew her.

Mrs. Lassiter, quiet and reserved in manner, a woman of rare qualities of heart and mind, efficient in whatever she undertakes, proved a faithful and punctual officer in the discharge of the duties of Treasurer. Her removal from our midst establishes a personal loss to her friends, and a distinct break in the membership of the club.

We most heartily commend her to the Woman’s Club in her new home town (Winston-Salem) congratulating them that they shall receive in her a most helpful and acceptable associate.

--Mrs. John F. Bruton, Mrs. Willard M. Moss, Mrs. O.W. Kochtitzky, Committee

From the front page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., January 9, 1922

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