Wednesday, January 5, 2022

New Buildings Going Up in Forest City, Jan. 5, 1922

New Buildings

From what we can learn, building operations were brisk in Forest City in 1921 and bid to be even better in the coming year. Several handsome new residences have just recently been completed and two handsome bungalows are now under construction on Broadway by Messrs. W.E. Lynch and John Smith. Work on the two story brick veneer building of Mr. Joe Reinhardt on East Main street is progressing rapidly, and when completed will be one of the handsomest homes in that vicinity.

The Peoples Electric Co. has recently secured the contract to do the electrical work on the Horn residence on West Main street, and report that this is one of the handsomest additions to our growing little city that has gone up for some time.

The Forest City Building and Loan Association is moving into the new office building just completed on Depot street by the Farmers Bank & Trust Co., where they will have elegant and most commodious quarters and be the better equipped to take care of their fast growing business.

Every new building is an asset to the community and every one should get behind the movement to promote the growth of Forest City, the best little town in the state.

From the Forest City Courier, Rutherford County, N.C., January 5, 1922

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