Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Oscar Mills Elected President of Statesville American Legion; Planning Wrestling and Basketball Games, Jan. 11, 1922

Wrestling On Legion Card. . . Hurst Turner Post to Promote Basketball and Other Athletic Activities

A special meeting of the Hurst Turner Post, American Legion, will be held Monday night at 7:30 for the purpose of making out a program for the year. Plans will be made for the organization of a basket ball team, and for some fast wrestling matches during the winter. Local talent will be used.

(first name obscured) Ellis and Ralph Beaver will be used(?), and others will be invited to come on the mat.

Officers who were recently elected were installed at the latest meeting of the legion. They are as follows:

Oscar Mills, commander; W.J. McDade, vice commander; Charles Davidson, finance officer; Glenn Muse, adjutant; and Wallace Hoffman, historian.

From the Statesville Sentinel, Wednesday, January 11, 1922

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