Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Baptists Sending Rev. and Mrs. A.R. Phillips to Buenos Aires, Feb. 8, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Will Sail on Feb. 16

The various friends of Rev. A.R. Phillips will be interested to note that he and his wife are sailing Feb. 16th from New York for Buenos Aires, Argentina, where Mr. Phillips will be located and engaged in educational work for the Baptist denomination.

Mr. Phillips, who is a native of this country, residing at Dalton, received his training for this special work at Wake Forest College, and at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky.

Under the enlarged work of the Baptists through the $75 million campaign, the educational work in Buenos Aires is being strengthened and several teachers have recently been added to the institution there. Miss Emily Beck of Oklahoma City will sail by the same boat along with Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, and will be matron in the school. The citizens of Stokes will be very much pleased that they are represented in Buenos Aires by one of the citizens of the county, and especially will those citizens be pleased who are interested in the evangelization of so great a country as Argentina.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Feb. 8, 1922

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