Sunday, February 6, 2022

J.H. Allman Admits Stealing Mail Pouch on Train, Feb. 6, 1922

Admits Theft of Valuable Pouch

By the Associated Press

Salisbury, N.C., Feb. 6—J.H. Allman, former railway trainman, was arrested here yesterday afternoon and confessed, railroad detectives say, to the robbery of a mail pouch which he is alleged to have kicked off train No. 43 near Spencer on September 2 last.

J. Frank Miller, head of the Southern’s special officers, and J.H. Krider, who made the arrest in a Salisbury restaurant, had been looking for Allman for several weeks. The pouch was rifled near Spencer and then burned in a gondola freight car. A number of checks taken from the pouch were afterwards cashed. It was said also that the pouch contained a $20,000 government bond.

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Feb. 6, 1922

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