Wednesday, February 2, 2022

M.S. Davis, 33, Shot and Killed in Dallas, Texas, Feb. 2, 1922

Killed in the Lone Star State. . . Mr. M.S. Davis, Formerly of This County, Shot Near Dallas, Texas

Mr. Memory S. Davis, aged 33, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis of Bostic, Route 2, was shot near Dallas, Texas, Jan. 12, and died in a hospital there on the 21st. The cause of the shooting is unknown here.

Mr. Davis was well and favorably known in this county, his former home, and the news of his death was received with universal sorrow. He left this county and removed to Virginia about six years ago, later going from there to Texas, where the tragedy occurred. Mr. Davis’ wife died two years ago while they were in Virginia. There were five children, who make their home with their grandfather, Mr. George Davis, Route 2, Bostic.

Deceased is survived by his parents, one brother, Mr. M.C. Davis of Gilkey, and eight sisters, Mrs. W.T. Dobbins, Mrs. C.H. Padgett, Mrs. Ida Davis, Mrs. R.L. Wells, Misses Georgia and Margaret Davis, route, Bostic; Mrs. J.L. Hamrick of Henrietta, and Mrs. E.D. Bridges of Chesterfield, Va.

The funeral was held at Walls church Sunday afternoon, services being conducted by Revs. Z.D. and I.D. Harrill. A large crowd was present.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Feb. 2, 1922

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